Home » Almost Every Major Bank Has Been Charged With A Crime By Various Governments. Are They Evil?

Almost Every Major Bank Has Been Charged With A Crime By Various Governments. Are They Evil?

Almost Every Major Bank Has Been Charged With A Crime By Various Governments. Are They Evil?

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Banking Corruption: Vital Facts, Information – WantToKnow.info

Banking Corruption Facts and Information Center: Links to an abundance of reliable, verifiable facts and information on banking and financial corruption, …

www.wanttoknow.info/bankingfactsinformationcorruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corruption Currents: From the Edward Snowden of Banking to NSA …

Aug 8, 2013 … Texts and emails sent by Americans into and out of the United States are being searched by the National Security Agency for mentions about …

blogs.wsj.com/ riskandcompliance/ 2013/ 08/ 08/ corruption-currents-from-the-edward-snowden-of-banking-to-nsa-searchi ng-emails-texts/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve

May 22, 2013 … A former insider at the World Bank says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered …

www.thenewamerican.com/ economy/ economics/ item/ 15473-world-bank-insider-blows-whistle-on-corruption-federal-reserve – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank’s Corrupt Companies Blacklist Dominated By Canada

Sep 18, 2013 … Canada has the dubious honour of being home to the largest number of firms on a World Bank blacklist of corrupt companies. But virtually all of …

www.huffingtonpost.ca/ 2013/ 09/ 18/ world-bank-corrupt-companies-canada_n_3948280.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Banks | Global Witness

Banks. Some of the world’s major banks are willing to do business with corrupt regimes. By doing so they facilitate corruption and looting of natural resource …

www.globalwitness.org/campaigns/banks – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corruption & Banks | Independency Project

paradiso-fiscale… References (news, lists, maps) on large scale Corruption at Banks, which, of course, includes just all and any kind of use of Treasure Islands.

www.independencyproject.org/en/corruption-banks.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Activist Post: Whistleblower Reveals World Bank Corruption in New …

Jun 27, 2013 … At the very least, her assertion that there is a network of insiders that will continue blowing the whistle about World Bank corruption bears …

www.activistpost.com/2013/06/whistleblower-reveals-world-bank.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

How To Explain The Epidemic of Allegedly Corrupt Banking … – Forbes

Oct 5, 2013 … Today’s stunning headline in the Financial Times; “Swiss probe UBS and other banks over alleged rigging of forex market” set me to once …

www.forbes.com/ sites/ robertlenzner/ 2013/ 10/ 05/ how-to-explain-the-epidemic-of-allegedly-corrupt-banking-practices/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Banking on businesses to reduce corruption – Prosper – monitor.co.ug

Oct 8, 2013 … To the world, Africa is for resources not finished products; to Africans, the continent is still a producer of raw materials and not an exporter.

www.monitor.co.ug/ Business/ Prosper/ Banking-on-businesses-to-reduce-corruption/ -/ 688616/ 2022836/ -/ wv56xkz/ -/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The moral corruption of the banks is poisoning society | Mail Online

Jun 29, 2012 … Former Archbishop of Canterbury GEORGE CAREY says we are facing a moral crisis that is the direct result of the something-for-nothing …

www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2166693/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

PressTV – EU bank VP probed in Spanish corruption scandal

Oct 9, 2013 … The vice president of the European Investment Bank has been questioned by an investigating judge in Spain about her role in a corruption …

www.presstv.com/ detail/ 2013/ 10/ 09/ 328508/ eu-bank-vp-probed-in-spain-fraud-case/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Vatican may widen bank corruption probe – Jul. 12, 2013 – CNN Money

Jul 12, 2013 … Vatican officials may widen their investigation into suspicious transactions at the Vatican Bank after freezing the funds of a senior cleric arrested …

money.cnn.com/2013/07/12/news/world/vatican-bank-scandal/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Bank Of America Anonymous Leak Alleges ‘Corruption And Fraud’

Mar 14, 2011 … The WikiLeaks-allied hacker group Anonymous has posted a series of emails purported to be from a former Bank of America employee, which …

www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2011/ 03/ 14/ bank-of-america-anonymous-leak-mortgage_n_835220.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Bank and Politician Financial Corruption | Facebook

Bank and Politician Financial Corruption. 484 likes · 43 talking about this. The 99 % VS the 1% – A battle to be fought and won with truth and unity! Now is the …

https://www.facebook.com/BankAndPoliticianFinancialCorruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Is Banking Unusually Corrupt? Becker – The Becker-Posner Blog

Jul 22, 2012 … Financial intermediation was formerly dominated by commercial banks that borrowed short term and lent long term to local and sometimes …

www.becker-posner-blog.com/ 2012/ 07/ is-banking-unusually-corrupt-becker.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dylan Ratigan’s Epic Rant on the International Banking Cartel and …

Oct 14, 2013 … Dylan Ratigan’s Epic Rant on the International Banking Cartel and Political Corruption. uscentrist·13 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe

www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xfFUE18Ggo – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Biggest, Most Corrupt Bank Scheme That’s Not Being Stopped …

May 12, 2013 … “Conspiracy theorists of the world, believers in the hidden hands of the Rothschilds and the Masons and the Illuminati, we skeptics owe you an …

www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGK8uWF5ceY – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Banking scandal: ‘the rot was widespread, the corruption endemic …

Jun 30, 2012 … Vince Cable: Urgent action is being taken by the coalition to tackle the incompetence and greed exposed by the interest-rate rigging affair.

www.theguardian.com/ commentisfree/ 2012/ jun/ 30/ vince-cable-banking-scandal-coalition – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Cleaning Up Corruption in Nigerian Banks – University of Warwick

Oct 2, 2013 … When Sanusi Lamido Sanusi took over as Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria in 2009 he found not only over-exposure to the capital …

www2.warwick.ac.uk/knowledge/business/lamidosanusi/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Barclays rate rigging crisis shows ‘corruption at heart of banking

Jun 28, 2012 … Interest rate rigging by Barclays shows that there is “corruption at the heart of our banking system”, while senior bankers behave “as if they are …

www.telegraph.co.uk/ news/ uknews/ 9361750/ Barclays-rate-rigging-crisis-shows-corruption-at-heart-of-banking-Whi ch-says.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Whistelblower Karen Hudes Spills the Beans about the …

Aug 1, 2013 … Former World Bank attorney and whistleblower Karen Hudes talked about how she uncovered corruption in the World Bank. Karen Hudes who …

financearmageddon.blogspot.com/ 2013/ 08/ world-bank-whistelblower-karen-hudes.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Combating fraud and corruption | Standard Bank Sustainability

(gri SO2 and SO4) During 2012, fraud to the value of R1,1 billion (2011: R1,3 billion) was prevented through Standard Bank’s proactive interventions.

sustainability.standardbank.com/ economic-performance-overview/ secure-banking/ combating-fraud-and-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


The matter of corruption is having importance in Iran’s banking system from … this reasons that banking corruption is not only a criminal phenomenon exclusive.

www.dmk.ir/ Dorsapax/ userfiles/ file/ ECONOMIC%20APPROACHES%20OF%20CORRUPTION_%20IN%20BANKING%20SYSTEM%20.p df – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

LiveLeak.com – History of banks, and the corruption of money (no …

Jul 11, 2013 … History of banks, and the corruption of money (no video, just text). A lot of reading , scroll to the headlines. I enjoyed all of this, but I know …

www.liveleak.com/view?i=259_1373537813 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Central Bank Corruption Insider Trading and Scandals

Aug 19, 2013 … In this discussion paper they consider the effects of central bank corruption on the economy which, they point out, can be a source of distorted …

projects.exeter.ac.uk/RDavies/arian/scandals/centralbanks.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Did Obama Resuscitate a Corrupt Banking System? – Steve …

Mar 18, 2012 … The New York Times editors nail it today in a piece ridiculing the settlement between too-big-to-fail banks and states.

www.theatlantic.com/ politics/ archive/ 2012/ 03/ did-obama-resuscitate-a-corrupt-banking-system/ 254673/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

banking corruption | 2012 The Awakening

Oct 18, 2013 … Posts about banking corruption written by AscendingStarseed.

ascendingstarseed.wordpress.com/tag/bankingcorruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Whistleblower expose Jesuit and Vatican ties to banking corruption

On the most recent episode of Flow of Wisdom Radio, I had an opportunity to interview Mrs. Karen Hudes. Karen served as the Sr. Council for the World Bank for …

www.gcnlive.com/ CMS/ index.php/ component/ k2/ item/ 229-whistleblower-expose-jesuit-and-vatican-ties-to-banking-corruptio n – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Central Banking as an Engine of Corruption – Thomas J. DiLorenzo …

Apr 16, 2010 … America’s first central bank was borne of a corrupt political deal, but that particular act of political corruption pales in comparison to what …

www.mises.org/daily/4270 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Vince Cable: ‘endemic corruption‘ in banking – Telegraph

Jul 1, 2012 … Business Secretary Vince Cable has urged shareholders to get a “stronger grip” on banks, claiming “incompetence, corruption and greed have …

www.telegraph.co.uk/ finance/ newsbysector/ banksandfinance/ 9367899/ Vince-Cable-endemic-corruption-in-banking.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corrupt Bank Officials Get Death Sentence in Vietnam

Nov 17, 2013 … United States bankers may rarely see the inside of a prison cell, but the Vietnamese are taking financial corruption far more seriously.

www.opposingviews.com/ i/ society/ crime/ corrupt-bank-officials-get-death-sentence-vietnam – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Exposure of Banker Corruption – GoldSeek.com

Jul 5, 2012 … Since 1995, news.GoldSeek.com publishes the leading gold news commentaries , gold market updates and reports providing gold investors …

news.goldseek.com/GoldenJackass/1341518400.php – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

JP Morgan bank Chinese corruption scandal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

Aug 18, 2013 … This video from the USA says about itself: JPMorgan Chase Screws Alabama County 14 June 2011 JPMorgan Chase exploded an Alabama …

dearkitty1.wordpress.com/ 2013/ 08/ 18/ jp-morgan-bank-chinese-corruption-scandal/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

How the US Government, Banks, Prison-Industrial Complex, Corrupt …

Jun 22, 2012 … While cocaine production ravages countries in Central America, consumers in the US and Europe are helping developed economies grow rich …

www.truth-out.org/ news/ item/ 9937-how-the-us-government-banks-prison-industrial-complex-corrupt-of ficials-businesses-law-enforcement-racists-and-the-cia-benefit-from-i llegal-drugs – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Bank Chartering and Political Corruption in Antebellum New York …

Free banking was the progeny of the corruption associated with bank chartering and reflected social, political and economic backlashes against corruption …

www.nber.org/papers/w10479 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Fraud and Corruption | World Bank Live

The World Bank recently issued a report detailing the results of its investigations into allegations of fraud and corruption in Bank-financed projects.

live.worldbank.org/fraud-and-corruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Op-Ed: Sell these major banks involved in corruption and scandals

May 31, 2013 … JPMorgan, Bank of America, HSBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank, have been involved in both money laundering and LIBOR scandals.

www.digitaljournal.com/article/351104 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Wolfsberg AML Principles

Eleven of the world’s largest international Private Banks have agreed to set of … In early 2007, the Wolfsberg Group issued its Statement against Corruption, …

www.wolfsberg-principles.com – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Central Banking as an Engine of Corruption – Thomas J. DiLorenzo …

Apr 16, 2010 … America’s first central bank was borne of a corrupt political deal, but that particular act of political corruption pales in comparison to what …

www.mises.org/daily/4270 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Half of Banks Have Punished Employees for Corruption, E&Y Says …

Jul 10, 2013 … Half of financial firms with an anti-corruption policy have punished employees who have breached regulations, according to a report published …

www.bloomberg.com/ news/ 2013-07-10/ half-of-banks-have-punished-employees-for-corruption-e-y-says.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

How to Report Fraud or Corruption | Asian Development Bank

Contact the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) to report concerns or evidence that corruption, fraud, coercion, collusion, abuse, conflict of interest, …

www.adb.org/site/integrity/how-to-report-fraud – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Whistleblower expose Jesuit and Vatican ties to banking corruption

Oct 28, 2013 … Karen served as the Sr. Council for the World Bank for at least two decades. During her tenor at the World Bank she uncovers corruption and …

www.flowofwisdom.com/ 2013/ 10/ 28/ flow-of-wisdom-whistleblower-expose-jesuit-and-vatican-ties-to-bankin g-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Switzerland’s Regulator To Investigate Corrupt Foreign Exchange …

Oct 4, 2013 … Swiss investigators are closing in on bankers that manipulated the foreign exchange markets for profit.

www.ibtimes.com/ switzerlands-regulator-investigate-corrupt-foreign-exchange-deals-its -own-banks-london-1414888 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Irish Banking Revolution Turning Into Worldwid Revolt Against Bank …

November 4, 2013 The Irish people are setting an example to all the people of the world who want to restore their freedom and liberty and …

www.realistnews.net/ Thread-irish-banking-revolution-turning-into-worldwid-revolt-against- bank-corruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Karen Hudes – World Bank Corruption | Politics – Before It’s News

Oct 18, 2013 … In this episode Sienna speaks with Karen Hudes, a whistleblower who reveals the layers of corruption at the core of our financial system. Karen …

www.beforeitsnews.com/ politics/ 2013/ 10/ karen-hudes-world-bank-corruption-2561036.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Corruption Deceit and Greed

Jun 22, 2013 … Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to John Taylor in 1816: “And I sincerely believe , with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous …

www.guardianlv.com/2013/06/world-bank-corruption-deceit-and-greed/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Hong Kong – Corruption In The Banking Sector … – Conventus Law

Oct 10, 2013 … The recent convictions of bank employees show that corruption continues to exist in the banking sector in Hong Kong. To date the enforcement …

www.conventuslaw.com/ china-corruption-in-the-banking-sector-steps-to-mitigate-risk/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The World Bank’s “Black List” – European Partners against Corruption

The World Bank recently released a ‘black list” of companies and persons ineligible to enter into business relations with it due to fraud or.

www.epac-eacn.org/news/latest-news/95-the-world-bank-s-black-list – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Alba chief says ‘intimidated’ before UK corruption trial – Banking

Nov 21, 2013 … The chairman of Bahraini aluminium smelter Alba told a London court on Thursday that lawyers from a top British firm had sought to intimidate …

www.arabianbusiness.com/ alba-chief-says-intimidated-before-uk-corruption-trial-527510.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The War On Corruption – World Bank Fights Back – Freshfields …

In an effort to root out corruption and fraud affecting its extensive projects around the world, the World Bank has blacklisted more than 250 entities in the year to …

www.freshfields.com/ en/ insights/ The_War_On_Corruption_%E2%80%93_World_Bank_Fights_Back/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

How Corrupt is Goldman Sachs? – Wealth Daily

Feb 20, 2013 … The latest example of Goldman‘s profit-mongering deceit is so blatant, so downright perverse, it’s almost comical. Almost. Analyst Briton Ryle …

www.wealthdaily.com/articles/how-corrupt-is-goldmansachs/3994 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

How Many Corrupt Ways Does Goldman Sachs Make Money? Let’s …

Sep 21, 2013 … Way back in 1999, several eras of corruption ago, Goldman serially engaged in manipulation of the IPO markets, including illegal tactics like …

www.goldmansachs666.com/ 2013/ 09/ how-many-corrupt-ways-does-goldman.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

China’s Anti-Corruption Net Sweeps Up Goldman Sachs

Oct 9, 2013 … Goldman Sachs has been put in a supporting role in the growing bribery scandal in China.

www.wallstcheatsheet.com/ stocks/ chinas-anti-corruption-net-sweeps-up-goldmansachs.html/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The People vs. Goldman Sachs | Politics News | Rolling Stone

May 11, 2011 … Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein tesifies before the Senate in … almost completely unconnected to the systematic corruption that led to the …

www.rollingstone.com/ politics/ news/ the-people-vs-goldmansachs-20110511 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Massive government corruption hidden by focus on GoldmanSachs

As the country’s attention is directed to the GoldmanSachs scandal, a much greater story lurks beneath the surface involving massive government corruption  …

www.examiner.com/ article/ massive-government-corruption-hidden-by-focus-on-goldmansachsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs underwrites US$1.6 billion of ‘under the radar …

May 1, 2013 … US investment bank Goldman Sachs appears to have turned a blind eye to glaring corruption risks and conflicts of interest in order to …

www.globalwitness.org/ library/ goldmansachs-underwrites-us16-billion-%E2%80%98under-radar%E2%80%99- bonds-corrupt-sarawak-regime-and-wins – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman link to China corruption probe – FT.com

Oct 8, 2013 … An education company co-founded by Goldman Sachs is at the centre of a corruption probe that has ensnared the head of a leading Chinese …

www.ft.com/cms/s/0/baa9c1c8-3006-11e3-80a4-00144feab7de.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

How Goldman Sachs Helped Corrupt Politicians to Screw the Greek …

How Goldman Sachs Helped Corrupt Politicians to Screw the Greek People. Posted on February 28, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog …

www.washingtonsblog.com/ 2012/ 02/ how-goldmansachs-helped-corrupt-politicians-to-screw-the-greek-peopl e.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION Hillary Clinton’s Lucrative Goldman

Oct 31, 2013 … CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Hillary Clinton’s Lucrative Goldman Sachs Speaking Gigs. I think, at some point, you’ve made enough money.

www.pjmedia.com/instapundit/178479/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs Op-Ed Doesn’t Scratch the Surface of Corruption

Mar 16, 2012 … This week people have been buzzing about Goldman Sachs executive Greg Smith’s high-profile resignation from Goldman and his description …

www.alternet.org/ newsandviews/ article/ 858867/ goldman_sachs_op-ed_doesn’t_scratch_the_surface_of_corruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

11 Reasons Why America Would Be A Better Place Without …

Mar 14, 2012 … Unfortunately, corruption is so endemic on Wall Street that Goldman Sachs really does not seem out of place. The truth is that a lot of the things …

www.theeconomiccollapseblog.com/ archives/ 11-reasons-why-america-would-be-a-better-place-without-goldmansachsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

CORRUPT ACROSS THE GLOBE: How Goldman Sachs Helped …

Feb 10, 2010 … Flashback in light of recent events in Cyprus. —. Scroll down for video. From Der Spiegel. Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government to …

www.dailybail.com/ home/ corrupt-across-the-globe-how-goldmansachs-helped-greece-hid.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Matt Taibbi: Goldman Sachs Could Achieve ‘Corrupt-Enterprise …

May 11, 2011 … They weren’t murderers or anything; they had merely stolen more money than most people can rationally conceive of, from their own customers …

www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2011/ 05/ 11/ matt-taibbi-goldmans-lack_n_860587.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

the corruption of Goldman sachs | Charles Rowley’s Blog

Feb 27, 2011 … Posts about the corruption of Goldman sachs written by charlesrowley.

www.charlesrowley.com/tag/the-corruption-of-goldmansachs/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs ensnared in corruption probe in China …

Oct 9, 2013 … In these days of aggressive FCPA prosecutions, companies that operate in China , either directly or via affiliates, face stepped up risk. That was …

www.fiercefinance.com/ story/ goldmansachs-ensnared-corruption-probe-china/ 2013-10-09 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

John R. Talbott: Finally, a Goldman Sachs Executive Speaks the Truth

Mar 14, 2012 … Now when I am asked for a short bio, I often leave out mention of Goldman Sachs . I find it stereotypes me as supportive of a corrupt system that, …

www.huffingtonpost.com/ john-r-talbott/ finally-a-goldmansachs-e_b_1344775.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Firestorm Over Goldman Sachs – NYTimes.com

Mar 14, 2012 … While some may chastise him for not leaving Goldman Sachs … no lack of barely short-of-illegal corruption, practices well known even at the …

www.nytimes.com/ 2012/ 03/ 15/ opinion/ the-firestorm-over-goldmansachs.html?pagewanted=all – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs Facing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigation …

Aug 10, 2011 … Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the fifth- biggest U.S. bank by assets, is being probed about its compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices …

www.bloomberg.com/ news/ 2011-08-10/ goldmansachs-facing-foreign-corrupt-practices-act-investigation.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

[Video] New York Fed examiner fired for exposing corruption at …

Nothing irritates me more than this kind of BS. I used to work for a mutual funds investment bank and I had to sit through all sorts of training on …

www.ronpaulforums.com/ showthread.php?430387-Video-New-York-Fed-examiner-fired-for-exposing- corruption-at-GoldmanSachsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs more corrupt than ever – Wake Up From Your Slumber

Mar 16, 2012 … Yves Smith of NakedCapitalism.com speaks on RT TV about Goldman‘s predatory culture, which has become even more predatory under the …

www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/ blog/ andie531/ goldmansachs-more-corrupt-ever – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Human Rights Group Lambasts Goldman Sachs Over Russia – Forbes

Feb 13, 2013 … “By striking this deal with Vladimir Putin, Goldman Sachs is abetting one of the world’s most corrupt governments that’s been repeatedly cited by …

www.forbes.com/ sites/ kenrapoza/ 2013/ 02/ 13/ human-rights-group-lambasts-goldmansachs-over-russia/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

“I’m Doing God’s Work”—CEO of World’s Most Evil and Corrupt Bank …

CEO of World’s Most Evil and Corrupt Bank, Goldman Sachs, Arrogantly Boasts … Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Goldman Sachs, …

www.texemarrs.com/042010/doing_gods_work.htm – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Obama & Goldman Sachs: Wall Street Corruption Ad – YouTube

Apr 30, 2010 … Obama and the Democrats think they can fool you into believing theyre tough on Wall Street when in fact most Wall Street money goes to …

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px_qv_ygWeg – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Videos Tagged Goldman Sachs | The Daily Show with Jon Stewart …

(03:39) Tags: Wall Street, Banking, corruption, business, economy, laws, investigations, trials/hearings, government, accountability, Goldman Sachs, housing, …

www.thedailyshow.com/videos/tag/Goldman%20SachsView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Sarawak’s RM4.9b bonds banker Goldman Sachs facilitating …

May 1, 2013 … KUALA LUMPUR, May 1 – Goldman Sachs Inc has been flayed for underwriting RM4.87 billion (US$1.6 billion) in bonds for Sarawak’s energy …

www.themalaysianinsider.com/ malaysia/ article/ sarawaks-rm4.9b-bonds-banker-goldmansachs-facilitating-corruption-sa ys-global-witness/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Heist of the century: university corruption and the financial crisis …

May 21, 2012 … Goldman Sachs paid him $135,000 for one speech. … The problem of academic corruption is now so deeply entrenched that these disciplines, …

www.theguardian.com/ education/ 2012/ may/ 21/ heist-century-university-corruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Daily Kos: Goldman Sachs, Kirsten Gillibrand and Corruption of …

Apr 16, 2010 … The Securities and Exchange Commission’s securities fraud charges against Goldman Sachs should come as no surprise. And it just scratches …

www.dailykos.com/ story/ 2010/ 04/ 16/ 857893/ –GoldmanSachs-Kirsten-Gillibrand-and-Corruption-of-Politics – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs corruption revealed – WantToKnow.info

Apr 13, 2010 … Goldman Sachs corruption revealed in this article from the UK’s guardian.

www.wanttoknow.info/a-GoldmanSachscorruption-revealed – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Capitalism, Goldman, and Corruption | Elliott Morss

Someone named Paulson pays Goldman Sachs $15 million to develop and … an earlier event in which no law was broken that appears to be corruption on a …

www.morssglobalfinance.com/capitalism-goldman-and-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Is Goldman Sachs corrupt, honest, or somewhere in between? – Quora

See: http://www.georgewashington2.blo… Facts: GS took $10 billion in … Calling an individual or organisation corrupt or honest is relative.

www.quora.com/ GoldmanSachs/ Is-GoldmanSachs-corrupt-honest-or-somewhere-in-between – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

If you think JPMorgan in China is bad … | GlobalPost

Sep 6, 2013 … Goldman Sachs put on its payroll Hong Ning, who is related by marriage to China’s anti-corruption chief. As for JPMorgan, the megabank has …

www.globalpost.com/ dispatch/ news/ regions/ asia-pacific/ china/ 130905/ if-you-think-jpmorgan-china-bad – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Amy Pile | LinkedIn

Executive Director – AML Compliance, Anti-Bribery and Corruption – EMEA at Goldman Sachs. Past. Executive Director – Office of Global Security, Investigations …

www.linkedin.com/pub/amy-pile/3a/296/127 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corruption | Zero Hedge

Corruption and deception are rampant throughout the entire federal … takes on the third plenum, courtesy of SocGen, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs. ».

www.zerohedge.com/category/tags/corruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

G-Sax Nation: Obama Picks Goldman Sachs Partner As Ambassador

Apr 5, 2013 … Heyman runs the private wealth fund at Goldman Sachs and his areas of … This obviously raises all sorts of corruption, collusion, and conflict of …

www.godfatherpolitics.com/ 10219/ g-sax-nation-obama-picks-goldmansachs-partner-as-ambassador/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

SEC Probes Goldman Over Libya Deals – Corruption Currents – WSJ

Aug 10, 2011 … Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said in a securities filing regulators are … of the company’s “compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” …

blogs.wsj.com/ corruption-currents/ 2011/ 08/ 10/ sec-probes-goldman-over-libya-deals/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight


Apr 1, 2012 … bribery and corruption (hereinafter referred to as “anti-bribery”) and to … business on the basis of merit, not through bribery or corruption.

www.goldmansachs.com/ investor-relations/ corporate-governance/ corporate-governance-documents/ anti-bribery-program.pdf – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman link to China corruption probe – Bayoubuzz.com

Oct 9, 2013 … (Financial Times) — An education company co-founded by Goldman Sachs is at the centre of a corruption probe that has ensnared the head of …

www.bayoubuzz.com/ top-stories/ item/ 535207-goldman-link-to-china-corruption-probe – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Duff McDonald Takes Stock of Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan and …

Oct 1, 2013 … Took a Blow But Came Back Stronger: Goldman Sachs … Whether or not you believe Mr. Dimon is personally corrupt—and I do not—is one …

www.observer.com/ 2013/ 10/ five-years-after-the-collapse-taking-stock-of-the-key-players-half-a- decade-later/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Jeffrey Sachs: “We have a corrupt politics to the core” | Occasional …

Apr 26, 2013 … Paulson worked together with Goldman Sachs to defraud [on a massive scale] many … The corruption is, as far as I can see, everywhere.

www.occasionalplanet.org/ 2013/ 04/ 26/ jeffrey-sachs-we-have-a-corrupt-politics-to-the-core/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs is corrupt – Rethinking Markets

Jun 22, 2009 … Goldman Sachs is corrupt. Looks like Goldman Sachs is going to be making record bonus payments on the year. Let’s take a stroll, shall we?:.

www.rethinkingmarkets.org/2009/06/22/goldmansachs-is-corrupt.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

New York Federal Reserve Fired Examiner Who Took on Goldman

Oct 11, 2013 … Goldman Sachs logo with bag of gold by watertiger … the inner sanctum of one of America’s most powerful and most corrupt federal agencies.

www.firedoglake.com/ 2013/ 10/ 11/ new-york-federal-reserve-fired-examiner-who-took-on-goldmansachs/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs‘ US$200million Charge For 1MDB Bond Issue …

Jul 8, 2013 … “Goldman Sachs is at serious risk of facilitating corruption by doing business with the Sarawak State Government. If you drew up a list of the …

www.sarawakreport.org/ 2013/ 07/ goldmansachs-us200million-charge-for-1mdb-bond-issue/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Petition | HRC: Corrupt CEOs Are Not Spokespeople for Equality …

The Human Rights Campaign’s Mission Statement: “By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and…

https://www.change.org/ petitions/ hrc-corrupt-ceos-are-not-spokespeople-for-equality-drop-goldmansachs -ceo-lloyd-blankfein – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Gauke, Osborne and Goldman Sachs: The Treasury’s corrupt tax …

May 7, 2013 … You know something is wrong in the Treasury when the minister in charge of tax is revealed to have worked for a firm specialising in tax …

mikesivier.wordpress.com/ 2013/ 05/ 07/ gauke-osborne-and-goldmansachs-the-treasurys-corrupt-tax-avoidance-c onspiracy/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Big Banks Conspiracy is destroying America – Paul B. Farrell …

Aug 7, 2013 … Imagine 100 Goldman Sachs banks running America and the world. … the “ Manipulation” that’s is a pandemic of corruption across America and …

www.marketwatch.com/ story/ big-banks-conspiracy-is-destroying-america-2013-08-07 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Why Goldman Sachs Is Committing Treason – Bgamall – HubPages

Goldman Sachs and Other Investment Banks are Soaking Governments. … I would be surprised if our sleazy corrupt government would ever prosecute these  …

bgamall.hubpages.com/hub/Why-GoldmanSachs-Is-Committing-Treason – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs probed for involvement with Libyan government

Aug 10, 2011 … An investigation is underway into Goldman Sachs‘ dealings with Libya’s … Goldman‘s compliance with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is …

www.thebureauinvestigates.com/ 2011/ 08/ 10/ bureau-recommends-goldmansachs-probed-for-involvement-with-libyan-go vernment/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The World’s Most Evil Corporation Issues A Dire Warning | Dave …

Sep 19, 2013 … Goldman Sachs is the epitome of the word “evil.” If one wants to know what the evil central bankers are up to, one only needs to pay attention to …

www.thecommonsenseshow.com/ 2013/ 09/ 19/ the-worlds-most-evil-corporation-issues-a-dire-warning/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Depop Program Links JPM, Goldman To Tainted Vax – Rense

Apr 29, 2010 … Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase And Goldman Sachs To Vaccination Contaminations And BigPharma Corruption

www.rense.com/general90/dppp.htm – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight