Washington, DC – In this election year of leaks, hacks and whistle-blowers, indisputable evidence has come forward which proves that Google traded cash and internet experience manipulation for control of United States federal contracts, decisions, DOE “cleantech” cash give-aways, tax loop-holes and stock market advantages worth billions of dollars. The evidence includes recordings, emails and eye-witness testimony.

Even without the new evidence, escalating news stories had already begun exposing Google’s shady hand in U.S. and international government boondoggling. From filling up federal offices with its own employees to the direct exchange of goods with White House staff to running massive attacks on targeted political adversaries; Google’s VC’s and executives are drunk with power, cash and corruption….”


GOOGLE infiltrated the federal and California state governments according to over 500 news articles, investigation reports!


What are Google’s crimes and illicit activities?:

War Profiteering

Google’s investors and executives promoted the deaths of soldiers and civilians in order to control lithium mines in Afghanistan for Google car, phone, device and Goldman Sachs partnered commodity market rigging. (Click for more details..)

Google spies on everyone –

Every single thing that Google does is designed to spy on people, capture their private information, create a psychological profile and use their own information against them for illicit political and profiteering purposes. (Click for more details..)

Google uses Stasi tactics to manipulate the public –

Google uses Stasi propaganda psychological subliminal messaging, mood manipulation and influencing tricks to manipulate the public into voting for things that only Google owners believe in. (Click for more details..)

Sexual Deviancy –

Google’s people are documented engaging in a huge number of sordid sex scandals which indicate the moral structure of Google. (Click for more details..)

Tax Fraud –

Google has been documented evading tax contributions and thereby cutting off funds for American schools, infrastructure repairs, fire houses, medical services and other public needs paid for by those taxes. (Click for more details..)

Bribery –

Google has been documented bribing political officials. (Click for more details..)

Election Rigging-

Google has been documented rigging U.S., India, British and other elections. (Click for more details..)

Murders? –

Numerous news articles have charged that Google executives or venture capitalists had Forrest Hayes, Rajeev Motwani, Gary D. Conley, Karl Slym, David Bird, Andrew Brietbart and a number of other persons killed because they threatened to expose Google’s political manipulations (Click for more details..)

Organizing a Government Coup –

Google is widely documented placing hundreds of it’s staff inside the White House and decision points throughout the U.S. and California state government including the DOE and USPTO. Google created the “Arab Spring” Coup. (Click for more details..)

Attempting to kill off patent protection for U.S. inventors –

Google funded a program to change U.S. patent laws to prevent inventors from collecting the money that Google owes them for stealing their products. Google put it’s lawyer in control of the U.S. Patent Office. (Click for more details..)

Taking advantage of naive young employees –

Google has been sued by numerous employees because Google uses them and takes advantage of them for work hours, sex and promotion. (Click for more details..)

Promoting the loss of American jobs by massively importing overseas labor –

Google funds, hires and promotes cheap non-domestic labor. (Click for more details..)

Google found to be a racist “white boy, elitist frat house” organization –

Google hires almost no blacks and has almost no black upper management. (Click for more details..)

Google is Running a cult-like environment –

Google puts employees through “mindfulness” brain washing and keeps employees on it’s buses, food courts, parties, social media and email in order to control all aspects of their lives and push scientology-like Google-thinking. (Click for more details..)

Google promotes misogyny and the use of women as “sex objects” for billionaires –

Google has almost no women employees and only promotes “girlfriends” of the founders and VC’s. (Click for more details..)

Google founder Larry Page makes a career of stealing ideas and technologies –

Read the New York Times article that blew the story wide open. (Click for more details..)

The European Union, Russia, China, Spain and most non-U.S. controlled countries have filed charges against Google –

Google has now been raided and had a huge number of charges formally filed against it… (Click for more details..)

Google was funded by rogue elements of the CIA that went wildly “off the reservation” –

See these Corbett Report documentaries and associates articles which provide hard evidence that an out-of-control rogue CIA office created mayhem with public media that was hidden from the U.S. Congress and taxpayers… (Click for more details..)

Google created the failed “Arab Spring” for profits –

Arab Spring turned out to be one of the most failed democracy movements in history and led to the deaths and torture of many people. Google staff have now admitted to organizing it and Hillary email leaks confirm that Google sold “revolutions-as-a-service”. (Click for more details..)

Stock market rigging –

Google works with Goldman Sachs to rig news to coincide with illegal stock market “pump and dumps”, “Flash Boy Algorithms”, “Buy bots” and “Skims”. (Click for more details..)

Google and Google VC’s operated the “Cleantech Crash” –

Google put Steven Chu in the Department of Energy to provide kickbacks to Google VC’s in a scam that cost American taxpayers over a trillion dollars in losses. (Click for more details..)

Google owns part of Tesla in an illegal payola scheme –

Tesla was funded by political bribery in exchange or campaign rigging by Google. Tesla is a corrupt organization support by Google’s corruption to exploit Google’s lithium mine holdings with Sachs. Google/Tesla were also given parts of NASA as part of the payola including contracts, airfields for private jets and free jet fuel. (Click for more details..)

Google is part of an illegal Cartel –

A Cartel is an illegal monopolistic blacklisting alliance. The Silicon Valley No Poaching Lawsuit, The AngelGate Scandal and numerous investigations prove that Google runs 2/3 of Silicon Valley via an illegal Cartel while being protected by political officials Google bribes. (Click for more details..)

And that is only part of the hundreds of charges regarding the insane, megalomaniac billionaires who run the Google Cartel… –
(Click for more details..)


BREAKING NEWS: Did GOOGLE attempt a Coup of the U.S. Government by bribing it’s way into control of every major federal agency AND the White House? READ MORE…


MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Leave Evidence, News Links or Tips For The Investigators, related to the charges at this link, via the message box, below, at the very bottom of this page.

A huge number of cases have now been filed, or will be filed, against Google/Alphabet. From the European Union to individuals to companies to organizations to class-actions on behalf of all U.S. citizens; Google has clearly demonstrated that it has no respect for the either the law, or ethics, and that it will stop at nothing to gain power and cash.

Those cases include the following charges and proofs –

What does the evidence, which will be provided in court, prove?

Did Google break the law?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google pay bribes to elected officials?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google pay bribes to associates of elected officials?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google illicitly manipulate White House staff in order to gain unfair business advantage?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google illicitly manipulate Department of Energy staff in order to gain unfair business advantage?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google illicitly manipulate FCC staff in order to gain unfair business advantage?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google illicitly manipulate U.S. Patent Office staff in order to gain unfair business advantage?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google illicitly expend billions of dollars in campaign financing, via services provisions, that it never legally reported?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google owners lie to investigators about not being able to manipulate search results?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google illicitly rig, manipulate, alter or synthetically modify election results in regional and national elections?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google use surreptitious electronics to manipulate Middle East social, economic and trade developments in order to gain an unfair business advantage for Google’s investors?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google use surreptitious electronics to manipulate United States social, economic and trade developments in order to gain an unfair business advantage for Google’s investors?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google use surreptitious electronics to manipulate European Union social, economic and trade developments in order to gain an unfair business advantage for Google’s investors?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google operate a massive illicit tax evasion program which caused taxpayers to lose their expected social services?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Is the description of the Company “PollyHop” in the 2016 House of Cards television program, in episodes 6 & 7, actually a description of Google? : Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google have a planned program to use it’s technology to attack, defame, harass and economically damage it’s business and political competitors?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Is Google an illicit monopoly?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did the owners of Google develop a coordinated plan to manipulate public policy decisions for personal gain and extremist ideologies created by their owners?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google’s founder’s and owners steal technology from others, and never compensate them for those thefts?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google alter the neutral information that was presumed to be equally available to all voters and modify that information, nationally and globally, in an attempt to trick the public into believing that the opinions of Google’s owners were facts?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Does Google have covert codes embedded in web links which assert that “opinions” are “facts”?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google arrange the deaths of Rajeev Motwani, Gary D. Conley, Forrest Hayes, Karl Slym, David Bird and over 18 other persons who had hard knowledge of Google’s illicit actions? TBD

Has Google ever engaged in Mood Manipulation technology effects to attempt to trick the public into believing that something was true, even if it may not be true?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Does Google take advantage of it’s immature employees by subjecting them to cult-like indoctrination and information control? : Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Have entire nations issued national reports, both internally and externally, proving that Google regularly engages in illicit activities?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Is Google one of the largest, if not THE largest, campaign financier(s) of the very politicians who gave Google the biggest government kick-backs at the expense of the public?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Does Google own interest in Elon Musk’s companies and did Google coordinate, and get, kick-backs from those companies at taxpayer expense and in violation of the law?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Does Google own and control public policy manipulation companies, or have management and/or directive control of Jigsaw, New American Foundation, IN-Q-Tel and other groups which seek to covertly alter laws and political actions at the expense of citizens?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

Did Google bribe elected and appointed officials in order to get them to delay tax evasion and law enforcement investigations?: Yes- Proof will be provided in court

To be continued in later updates…


From a recent news clippings and filings:

…Google and it’s investors organized, paid for and executed multi-million dollar attacks on individuals who competed with it or cooperated with law enforcement authorities against it. Google created and locked character assassination programs into the top spots on the internet that it controlled. Google paid politicians to manipulate black-lists and give it state and federal funds, while cutting off those very same funds for those it was attacking. In one case, Google ran one of the greatest scams in technology against a Bay Area entrepreneur in which Google took his technology, made billions of dollars from it and then used the Google-verse to try to destroy him. In the 2016 cases, Plaintiffs will use leaks, Congressional data, employee testimony and technical information from multiple national investigations to prove, beyond a doubt, that Google, and it’s associates engaged in fraud, interference, anti-trust, defamation, bribery and overt intellectual property theft. While The New York Times article entitled: How Larry Page’s Obsessions Became Google’s Business” implies that Google steals ideas, WIKI’s, like , explore an even darker set of realities about Google…”


“In each and every case, 1.) Google staff and associates solicited Plaintiff’s under the guise of “maybe we’ll invest in your idea”, 2.) copied the ideas, 3.) used Google’s vast network resources to then defame Plaintiffs, on HR hiring databases and the public internet around the world, in order to prevent future competition by Plaintiffs and cut off Plaintiff funding 4.) then made billions of dollars off of the exact same product that Plaintiff’s had launched years before Google had even thought of the product, according to Google’s own internal records, emails, employees and government investigations. Google controlled a network of investment funds run by a group of “venture capitalists” who colluded with Google to control valuations, no-poaching cartels, black-lists of entrepreneurs who Google had “borrowed” ideas  from, and regional deal making.”


 “How Screwed is Google? Even though Google had hundreds of billions of dollars of covert technology tools at it’s disposal, the reality of modern technology is that the more you use it, the more you open up vast holes for guys like Guccifer and Snowden to walk through. The proof is in the pudding in Washington DC. The U.S. Government spent trillions of dollars trying to secure it’s data and had men with machine guns, but teenage hackers gutted all of the background check files of the whole United States Government, and the entire Department of Energy, hundreds of times. On top of that, in trying to do sneaky hidden consumer data profiling, Google attached surreptitious data sets to every internet file and link they touched. Even Google can’t now find and delete all of those footprints and they all lead right back to Eric Schmidt’s and Larry Page’s offices…”


A Powerful editorial: “ Google is operating an illegal private corporate international government…”
