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Naval Contractor Corruption

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Navy intelligence officers accused of overcharging military in second …

Nov 14, 2013 … US government investigators are looking into the actions of three Navy intelligence officials accused of conducting a contracting … This revelation is the second Navy corruption scandal to enter the headlines in recent weeks.

www.rt.com/ usa/ navy-intelligence-overcharging-military-corruption-695/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Another U.S. Navy officer suspended in widening corruption probe …

Nov 21, 2013 … WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Navy said on Thursday it has … corruption probe involving a Singapore-based defense contractor. Captain …

www.reuters.com/ article/ 2013/ 11/ 22/ us-usa-navy-scandal-idUSBRE9AL03Q20131122 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Senior Navy civilians investigated in alleged scheme to defraud …

Nov 12, 2013 … The investigations also call into question the Navy‘s ability to prevent fraud. In April 2011, after yet another contracting scandal, Navy Secretary …

www.washingtonpost.com/ world/ national-security/ senior-navy-civilians-investigated-in-alleged-scheme-to-defraud-milit ary-for-16-million/ 2013/ 11/ 12/ 74383ffa-4bbb-11e3-9890-a1e0997fb0c0_story.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Senior officer, NCIS agent are among those arrested in Navy bribery …

Oct 19, 2013 … The U.S. military has never been immune from contracting scandals, but it is extremely rare for senior uniformed commanders to face corruption …

www.washingtonpost.com/ world/ national-security/ senior-officer-ncis-agent-are-among-those-arrested-in-navy-bribery-sc andal/ 2013/ 10/ 19/ e9a1e9b6-3753-11e3-bda2-e637e3241dc8_story.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

U.S. Navy moles helped Malaysian businessman bilk service …

Nov 7, 2013 … Navy suspends business with another defense contractor … The case is shaping up as the biggest corruption scandal to hit the Navy in years.

www.washingtonpost.com/ world/ national-security/ us-navy-moles-helped-malaysian-businessman-bilk-service-prosecutors-s ay/ 2013/ 11/ 07/ 17ed0960-47d3-11e3-a196-3544a03c2351_story.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Bribery scandal engulfs U.S. Navy; contractor traded inside data for …

Oct 20, 2013 … “In return, Francis provided Misiewicz with paid travel, luxury hotel stays and prostitution services. To communicate with Francis privately, …

www.rawstory.com/ rs/ 2013/ 10/ 20/ bribery-scandal-engulfs-u-s-navycontractor-traded-inside-data-for-ho okers-and-lady-gaga-tickets/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

New Criminal Charges in Widening US Navy Corruption Probe

Nov 6, 2013 … U.S. prosecutors have accused a third senior U.S. Navy official in a … contractor in exchange for classified and internal Navy information.

www.voanews.com/ content/ new-criminal-charges-in-widening-us-navycorruption-probe/ 1785291.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Bribery Scandal in the US Navy: Admirals suspected of corruption

Nov 10, 2013… in the US Navy to be involved in the machinations of a Navy contractor … Bribery Scandal in the US Navy: Admirals suspected of corruption …

www.nationalturk.com/ en/ bribery-scandal-in-the-us-navy-admirals-suspected-of-corruption-break ing-news-44403 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Day – U.S. Navy bribery scandal involves officers, NCIS agent …

Oct 20, 2013 … The U.S. military has never been immune from contracting scandals, but it is extremely rare for senior uniformed commanders to face corruption …

www.theday.com/article/20131020/NWS13/310209892/1070/biz04 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Navy enveloped in bribery, billing debacle involving Asian defense …

Oct 19, 2013 … The military has never been immune from contracting scandals, but it is extremely rare for senior uniformed commanders to deal with corruption …

www.triblive.com/usworld/nation/4913506-74/navy-defense-federal – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight