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Take Responsibility For Your Actions T-Mobile, Or The Public Will Take Your Company Away



“CONSUMERS ARE SEEKING “REVENGE” AGAINST T-MOBILE As Customer Problems Hit Record, More People Seek ‘CONSUMER PAYBACK Revenge’ Against Evil T-Mobile”(SEE THIS LINK)…



fastcompany.com › 3046288How To Overthrow Your T-Mobioe Boss And Burn Your Company To The Ground

If we acknowledge that the traditional contact between workers and companies has broken , we can begin to free ourselves from the simultaneous demand for more (from us) and the promise of…

quora.com › How-do-I-get-T-Mobile’s-business-shut-down – Quora

It s a lot to get someone’s business shut . You have to have a viable reason. Report to the Better Business Bureau and the State Agencies for your state (look on line or in the telephone book blue pages) If you don’t know what else to do, call your city business offices where licensing is done for businesses for complaints for starters. 10

ft.com › content › ba176c22-71a1-11e5-9b9e-690fdae72044What to do you you discover T-Mobile is corrupt

The most important advice the organisation gives is to try to discover who else shares your concerns and is prepared to speak up. This seems right. There are less confrontational ways of…

sapling.com › 5972274How to Report The Corrupt T-Mobile Company | Sapling



FCC Fines Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T $200 Million for Sharing Customer Location Data

The agency issued penalties to the carriers for selling customer data to third parties without consent.

David Lumb


AT&T, Verizon, and T-mobile mobile phones
James Martin/CNET

The Federal Communications Commission has fined AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint a combined $200 million in penalties for illegally sharing access to customer location data without their consent.

The FCC brought the claim against the US carriers in 2020 and is serving the fined judgment now. The agency stated that the carriers sold access to customers’ location data to aggregators, which in turn sold that information to third parties, and in doing so “attempted to offload its obligations to obtain customer consent onto downstream recipients of location information” which meant that valid customer consent wasn’t obtained in some cases, an FCC press release (PDF) stated Monday.

“These carriers failed to protect the information entrusted to them. Here, we are talking about some of the most sensitive data in their possession: customers’ real-time location information, revealing where they go and who they are,” said FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel.

These cases were brought up during the last administration, Rosenworcel pointed out, and cover incidents from years ago. AT&T was fined $57 million, while Verizon was fined $46 million. Sprint, which merged with T-Mobile in 2020, was fined $12 million; T-Mobile itself was fined $80 million.

Read moreAll the Ways Your Cellphone Carrier Tracks You and How to Stop It

The carriers have pushed back on the agency’s case and the fine amounts, with AT&T decrying that the FCC calculated its fines without a hearing or citing a specific example in which its customers’ data was unlawfully shared. The carriers noted that the agency’s order concerns a customer location-sharing program to support services like roadside assistance and medical alerts that was shut down over five years ago, and it required opt-in customer consent.

Both AT&T and Verizon acknowledged a single related incident of fraud wherein “one bad actor” got unauthorized access to a very small number of customers’ location data, which the carriers responded to by cutting off access and bolstering protections.

“The order penalizes us for trying to maintain valued consumer services offered by companies with absolutely no track record of misconduct and ignores that we took immediate steps to address the failures of one bad apple,” said Alex Byers, AT&T’s director of communications and PR.

T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon plan to appeal the fines.

The FCC noted in its press release that this investigation was kicked off by public reports that US carriers were sharing customer location information without consent to a Missouri sheriff via third-party data vendor Securus, which provides services to correctional facilities.

The Federal Trade Commission enforces laws associated with business practices. If you feel a has done something illegal, you can file an FTC report online at

These are your T-Mobile Anti-Corruption: 101 lessons. After reading and practicing what you learn in this book, you can move on to advanced lessons with the books and organizations listed at the end of this document. We will teach you how to hunt down and destroy any dirty politician or corrupt corporation like T-Mobile without breaking a single law. As long as they have engaged in crimes and illicit unethical activities they are “fair game” and law enforcement will even help you bring your targets down.

You have only one rule: Don’t break the law.

T-Mobile is a big dumb corrupt entity who is slow, cumbersome and running for cover. Even if they have trillions of dollars to spend against you, they will never have your speed, creativity, motivation, the millions of consumers and voters who support your mission backing you up and the good guys in actual law enforcement. You can take down the largest corporation on Earth, the biggest politician in the world or the most powerful covert cartel ever created. You just need persistence and dedication. If they did the crime, they can always be brought down. The corrupt can’t counter-measure two distinct weapons of justice:

1.) Transparency and 2.) The Unexpected.

This WIKI class will teach you how to terminate corrupt T-Mobile officials, from the comfort of your living room, using those two, aforementioned, resources and a bit of patient work on your personal computer. The following techniques usually only work on entities who are actually engaged in illicit corrupt activities. If you don’t like someones face, or are jealous of their girlfriend, these tactics are unlikely to work. If the target is an actual crook, you can ALWAYS eventually nail them.

These links, articles and DIY “how to” tips will get you, and your community, well on the way to the documentation, case building and termination of those who abuse the public. You are going to “take down” the corrupt politicians and the sneaky campaign financing billionaires hiding behind them and pulling their strings. On Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, groups of billionaires huddle together and create “bubble’s of corruption and self-deluding echo chambers of rationalization in order to convince each other that the crimes they commit are “for the greater good” of their fraternity house ego-manias.. They drink their own Kool Aid. You will use the “Three D’s”: You will Discover, Document and Disclose to publicly expose: Secret PAC cash trails; covert family trusts; secret shell companies; stock market payola; hiding of cash with friends and family members; prostitutes; illegal expense use; revolving door bribes; junket and sports ticket bribes; illicit hirings; rigged-game grants and government kick-back contracts; and much, much more…

You will create a “non-survivable scenario” for T-Mobile, all without breaking a single law, and WITH the help from journalists and law enforcement professionals. Everyday, something wild shows up in the news that nobody expected. Bad guys create some of the news, by rigging circumstances, but at least 50% of the events that suddenly appear each day are as big a surprise to them as they are to you. You will learn how to be prepared to react within 2 minutes of a major news item. You will learn how to use an event that momentarily disrupts the corrupt to your advantage. The corrupt have an addicted need to control things. They are always flummoxed when things get “out of their control”. In every city, state and federal agency there are three groups of people. You must be aware of this for your work with the law enforcement people who will be helping you. There are the Good Guys (the dedicated Elliot Ness-types who became cops in order to shut down crooks), the Bad Ones (The corrupt opportunists who are just as dirty as the corrupt politicians you are hunting) and the Worker Bees (these folks punch the clock and are just there to get the paycheck). The Worker Bee types will generally default to help The Good Guys because they don’t like anything that messes up routine or that could get their Department investigated. The odds are in your favor but you must carefully seek out the “Good Guys” in any given law enforcement group. You only need a couple Good Guy cop types to do their job to help run a complete take-down on any corrupt entity of any size. In actuality, as your back-up plan, you do not even need any law enforcement to assist you in preparing your case. You will learn, with this book and the links in this book, how to prepare a complete case file and deliver it to the public, the global media, public interest law organizations and every law enforcement agencies so that they can easily complete the prosecution. By helping all of these over-worked, yet appreciative, groups you can get karma brownie points, ethical satisfaction and, sometimes, CASH REWARDS. While you are doing all of the strategic investigation, you will also have a number of scenario packages ready for the unexpected event that will, eventually, occur, that you can instantly react to, piggy-back on to and use to flood the media with your disclosures, or put the target in an inextricable position. You will learn how to build your case file, assemble a virtual team, produce your evidence and deliver it globally to everyone who might have an interest. Here is the best part; you will be able to do a take-down entirely by yourself using the information in this book…BUT: You are not alone! There are probably thousands, or millions, of other people who have also found that the target is a corrupt and evil entity. They will help you reach your goal. Once you get started, you will find that your team can rapidly grow and become as big and as powerful, in different ways, as the bad guy target themselves. You will find reporters, investigators, public service groups, ex-employees, and voters who will be delighted to assist you. You will always be watching for “Moles” who are fake helpers placed in front of you by your target in order to distract, delay and surveill you. You will conduct your whole investigation as an independent but you will share everything with the public so that you bypass the Moles and get the support out there for anybody else who is working on the same goal. Ready? Set? Go!



You will expose the dirty and illicit deeds of the target using the same technologies, tactics and methods used by the FBI, CIA, FSB and other high-end operators. All of these actions are 100% legal if you use them in proper legal fashion.
You will:
– Expose their Hookers in widely released news and social media releases
– Expose their Rent Boys in widely released news and social media releases
– Expose all of the bad dates and sex extortion they engaged in, in widely released news and social
media releases
– Expose their hidden family trust fund payola accounts, in widely released news and social media
– Expose their shell corporations they use to hide from the IRS
– Expose their mistresses
– Expose their addictions
– Expose their under-the-table payments
– Expose their illegal workers
– Expose their expensive cars, jewelry and homes that can’t afford on a legal salary
– Expose their Cayman Island, Belize and Swiss hidden bank accounts
– Expose their personal email accounts they illegally used to hide government fraud
– Expose their illicit hidden email servers
– Expose their secret black-lists and start-up valuation rigging like in the Angel Gate Scandal- Expose their Uber and Lyft GPS docs proving that they lied about where they went
– Expose their campaign financing records
– Expose their social media statements proving they are, or fund, ANTIFA or political disruption
– Expose their money laundering
– Expose their connections to Pede groups and activities
– Expose their hotel records and videos of illicit hotel meetings
– Expose their PayPal, Bitcoin and credit card payments for illicit services and products
– Distribute creative Memes exposing their crimes
– File reports with their employers disclosing their crimes and tell the media you told their employers
– File many copies of criminal reports on them with all law enforcement entities
– Expose the members of their family that hide money for them or use their names to launder money
– Photo and video document all of their meetings and actions
– Aggregate all of the video investigations about them on many different web video sites
– Write and distribute books, articles and white-papers about their crimes
– Promote new laws that makes what that criminal uses as a loop-hole, illegal
– Re-release all of the above every six months in order to keep the crimes in people’s minds
– Use “The Striesand Effect” to it’s maximum technical potential and research how the “Effect” works
– Grow your network of voters and taxpayers who are helping you and make your supporter network
bigger every day
– Expose the manner in which Google, Facebook and Twitter fight against exposing their criminal
– Use Google, Facebook and Twitter’s own illicit tools against them and expose them with “Hypocrisy Exposure” when they censor
– Confront them in every single public presentation they attend and expose them in public
– Create coordinated groups of volunteers to expose the troll farms and click farms of the corrupt
– Expose and publicly document all of their illicit real estate holdings, mansions and property scams
– Release of the details of their crooked secret partnership contracts
– Place a First Amendment informational exhibit outside of their offices, homes and each door they go
through each day
– Write them weekly and tell them that they are exposed. Send them certified letters proving that you
told them that you know
– Document and publicly expose all of their trips and expenditures
– Document the identities of the service trucks that come to their homes and offices
– Photo document all of their workers, interns and secretaries
– Contact their staff and ask them to report the illicit deeds of their employer. Provide media and police
contact information.
– Help their staff and the public organize class-action abuse law suits against the perpetrators
– File RICO Racketeering lawsuits against the corrupt
– File FEC charges, ie: Google provided over $1B of search engine rigging for Obama’s elections but
never reported that to the FEC
– Expose their stock market manipulations and valuation rigging in Wall Street Pump-And-Dump
– Expose the insider trading where Senators own the stock that they just provided government perks for
– Expose politicians that make tens of millions more dollars, from mystery funds, than their salary
should allow
– Use pictures of expensive toys that politicians acquired from taxpayer funds via crony payola- When they are hacked (which you legally can’t do) expose the hacked material globally as far as
possible (which you legally can do)
– Read and analyze all publicly posted hacked emails and point out the crimes it exposes
– Meme any criminal remarks that the target makes
– And thousands of additional fully legal public investigation methods…

More than 40 school districts across America are suing social media giants T-Mobile, Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok for ‘creating a youth mental health crisis’

The school districts allege that the companies have ‘knowingly’ caused harm to children. They are demanding damages for the larger provision of mental health services.


Venture Capital funded the mental rape and murders of our kids by creating the Silicon Valley spying and big data abuse of the world and encouraging child data marketing. Now they are paying with mass layoffs in their holdings and fraud arrests in all of their startups. Karma is a bitch VC assholes.

Carlsbad, Oceanside, National City, and Ramona are now plaintiffs in a lawsuit just filed against all the major players. It alleges Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snap, and Youtube have caused a mental health crisis among youth.

“A 15-year-old was cyberbullied online. She couldn’t take it, and she hung herself at the school,” James Frantz said.

The deeply concerned Frantz Law Group is taking on the tech giants — and says these companies target kids and are knowingly harmful, manipulative, and addictive.

“It will be controlling their behavior, how they run their company and algorithms, and proving they’re not intentionally deceptive. Right now, there’s no one to control that,” he said.

Frantz says they’re eager to get their experts in the courtroom to talk about depression and addiction.

“Brain scans show an area lighting up when exposed to this. Similar to gambling.”

The lawsuit isn’t trying to eliminate social media but rather make them more responsible. A win for this team would mean transparency surrounding algorithms, money for educational materials that warn students about the possible dangers, and resources to address student mental health. T-Mobile and ATT are the guns that fire the bullets of Facebook and Google at these kids FOR PROFIT!


Thursday, September 30, 2021. Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) introduced new legislation to make social media companies liable for bodily or mental harm their products cause to children. Senator Hawley’s bill would close the Section 230 loophole protecting these companies and allow parents to sue and obtain damages from social media …

T-Mobile helped Facebook and Instagram use ‘aggressive tactics’ targeting children: Unredacted lawsuit claims they knew about child sexual exploitation and exploited extreme content to drive more engagement and profit off child suicides

T-Mobile kowingly used ‘aggressive tactics’ that involved getting children hooked on social media ‘in the name of growth,’ according to a lawsuit against Meta claiming children have suffered at the hands of Facebook and Instagram

A Meta software engineer claimed that ‘it is not a secret’ how Facebook and Instagram used meticulous algorithms to promote repetitive and compulsive use among minors, regardless if the content was harmful – and was ‘been pretty unapologetic about it.’

The redacted revelations were disclosed in a lawsuit against Meta, which has been unsealed and seen by DailyMail.com.

Despite CEO March Zuckerberg publicly saying claims his company prioritizes profit over safety and well-being is just ‘not true,’ the files show child sexual exploitation on both platforms and allege ‘Meta’s engagement-based algorithm exploited extreme content to drive more engagement,’ the document reads.

The document states that 20 percent of nine to 13-year-older users on Facebook and Instagram have had a sexual experience with an adult on the sites.

This is despite Meta’s ‘zero-tolerance policies prohibiting abuse like child exploitation.’



This is only 10% of the details of illicit, corrupt and socially abusive actions by T-Mobile that our group has received. We will keep posting on this WIKI until T-Mobile settles!

https://krebsonsecurity.com › 2023 › 02 › hackers-claim-they-breached-t-mobile-more-than-100-times-in-2022

Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022



T-Mobile has known, for decades, that it’s network and devices had no privacy security. T-Mobile has known, for decades, that it’s network, it’s devices and it’s partnerships with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. cause most child suicides and permanent child mental health damage and expose our children to pedo harvesting!

Public school districts around the globe, like those in Seattle are urged to file novel lawsuits against T-Mobile and their the tech giant partners behind TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat, seeking to hold them accountable for the mental health crisis among youth.

Seattle Public Schools has filed an example lawsuit (One case is Seattle School District No. 1 v. Meta Platforms Inc., 23-cv-00032, US District Court, Western District of Washington (Seattle);  in U.S. District Court. The 91-page complaint says the social media companies have created a public nuisance by targeting their products to children and T-Mobile powers, markets to, connects to, networks to and promotes crazy brands like Kanye West, to these kids.

It blames them for worsening mental health and behavioral disorders including anxiety, depression, disordered eating and cyberbullying; making it more difficult to educate students; and forcing schools to take steps such as hiring additional mental health professionals, developing lesson plans about the effects of social media, and providing additional training to teachers.

“Defendants have successfully exploited the vulnerable brains of youth, hooking tens of millions of students across the country into positive feedback loops of excessive use and abuse of Defendants’ social media platforms,” the complaint said. “Worse, the content Defendants curate and direct to youth is too often harmful and exploitative ….” Get the message out to EVERY school district to file their lawsuits as soon as possible!

T-Mobile And AT&T are the “HYPODERMIC SYRINGE” social drug delivery vehicles and Meta Platforms, Inc., Facebook Holdings, LLC, Facebook Operations, LLC, Meta Payments Inc., Facebook Technologies, LLC, Instagram, LLC, Siculus, Inc., Snap Inc., TikTok Inc., ByteDance Inc., Alphabet Inc., Google LLC, XXVI Holdings Inc. and YouTube, LLC are the “DIGITAL HEROIN” that they all, cooperatively, pump into our kids and low IQ citizens. Expert Witnesses ranging from Edward Snowden to Frances Haugen to Dr. Robert Epstein, PHD to former heads of the KGB and CIA, are among thousands of highly credentialed experts who can testify to the veracity of these assertions.


T-Mobile helped Facebook and Instagram use ‘aggressive tactics’ targeting children: Unredacted lawsuit claims they knew about child sexual exploitation and exploited extreme content to drive more engagement and profit off child suicides

T-Mobile kowingly used ‘aggressive tactics’ that involved getting children hooked on social media ‘in the name of growth,’ according to a lawsuit against Meta claiming children have suffered at the hands of Facebook and Instagram

A Meta software engineer claimed that ‘it is not a secret’ how Facebook and Instagram used meticulous algorithms to promote repetitive and compulsive use among minors, regardless if the content was harmful – and was ‘been pretty unapologetic about it.’

The redacted revelations were disclosed in a lawsuit against Meta, which has been unsealed and seen by DailyMail.com.

Despite CEO March Zuckerberg publicly saying claims his company prioritizes profit over safety and well-being is just ‘not true,’ the files show child sexual exploitation on both platforms and allege ‘Meta’s engagement-based algorithm exploited extreme content to drive more engagement,’ the document reads.

The document states that 20 percent of nine to 13-year-older users on Facebook and Instagram have had a sexual experience with an adult on the sites.

This is despite Meta’s ‘zero-tolerance policies prohibiting abuse like child exploitation.’

DailyMail.com has obtained an unredacted version of a lawsuit against Meta, filed by parents who claim children have suffered at the hands of its platforms

DailyMail.com has obtained an unredacted version of a lawsuit against Meta, filed by parents who claim children have suffered at the hands of its platforms

DailyMail.com has contacted Meta, which did not comment on specific questions.

A spokesperson for the court-appointed lead plaintiffs’ counsel told DailyMail.com: ”These never-before-seen documents show that social media companies treat the crisis in youth mental health as a public relations issue rather than an urgent societal problem brought on by their products.

‘This includes burying internal research documenting these harms, blocking safety measures because they decrease ‘engagement,’ and defunding teams focused on protecting youth mental health.’

The lawsuit, filed in California on February 14, cites that over a third of 13- to 17-year-old kids report using one of the Defendants’ apps ‘almost constantly’ and admit this is ‘too much,’ claim parents involved with the lawsuit.

The complaints, later consolidated into several class actions, claimed that Meta’s social media platforms were designed to be dangerously addictive, driving children and teenagers to consume content that increases the risk of sleep disorders, eating disorders, depression and suicide.

The case also states that teens and children are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of social media.

The unredacted version was released on March 10.

It states that Thorn, an international anti-human trafficking organization, published a report in 2021 detailing problems of sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram and ‘provided these insights to Meta.’

Thorn’s report shows ‘neither blocking nor reporting [offenders] protects minors from continued harassment’ and 55 percent of participants in the report who blocked or reported someone said they were recontacted online.

And younger boys are particularly at risk of predators.

The unsealed complaint also claims that 80 percent of ‘violating adults/minor connections’ on Facebook resulted from the platform’s ‘People You May Know’ feature.

. The files claim the company was aware of child sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram and alleges 'Meta's engagement-based algorithm exploited extreme content to drive more engagement'

. The files claim the company was aware of child sexual exploitation on Facebook and Instagram and alleges ‘Meta’s engagement-based algorithm exploited extreme content to drive more engagement’

‘An internal study conducted in or around June of 2020 concluded that 500,000 underage Instagram accounts ‘receive IIC’—which stands for ‘inappropriate interactions with children’—on a daily basis,’ reads a redacted statement on pages 135 and 136 of the document.

‘Yet, at the time, ‘Child Safety [was] explicitly called out as a nongoal . . . . So if we do something here, cool. But if we can do nothing at all, that’s fine, too.’

Meta has since improved its ability to decrease inappropriate interactions between adults and young people.

The firm has built technology that allows it to find accounts that have shown potentially suspicious behavior and stop those accounts from interacting with young people’s accounts.

And Meta claims it does not show young people’s accounts to these adults when they’re scrolling through the list of people who have liked a post or when looking at an account’s Followers or Following list.

However, these changes were made after 2020.

The complaint also states that Meta had considered making teenage users’ profiles ‘private by default’ as early as July 2020 but decided against the move after pitting ‘safety, privacy, and policy wins’ against ‘growth impact.’

READ MORE: Mark Zuckerberg was ‘personally’ warned about Instagram and Facebook’s potential for addiction and harm on children but ignored it, damning court filings claim

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg was warned about his platforms’ harmful effects on children and teens and decided to ‘turn a blind eye,’ new court filings show.

On page 135 of the lawsuit, a portion that was redacted, claims that Meta was aware that allowing adults to contact children on Instagram ‘pisses Apple off to the extent of threatening to remove us from the App Store’ the company had not timeline for ‘when we’ll stop adults from messaging minors in IG Direct.’

‘That remained true even after Meta received reports that a 12-year-old minor solicited on its platform ‘was [the] daughter of [an] Apple Security Exec,’ the statement continued.

Meta, however, moved to make teenage user accounts private by default in November 2022.

A Meta spokesperson told DailyMail.com: ‘The claim we defunded work to support peoples’ well-being is false.’

The redacted version of the complaint reads: ‘Instead of ‘taking [this] seriously’ and ‘launching new tools’ to protect kids, Meta did the opposite.

‘By late 2019, Meta’s ‘mental health team stopped doing things,’ ‘it was defunded’ and ‘completely stopped. And, as noted, Meta allowed safety tools it knew were broken to be held out as fixes.’

A Meta spokesperson told DailyMail.com that because this is a top priority for the company, ‘we actually increased funding, as shown by the over 30 tools we offer to support teens and families. Today, there are hundreds of employees working across the company to build features to this effect,’ the said.

Other ‘shocking’ information in the unsealed complaint reports the existence of Meta’s ‘rabbit hole project.’

A Meta spokesperson told DailyMail.com the rabbit hole project does not exist.

‘Someone feeling bad sees content that makes them feel bad, they engage with it, and then their IG is flooded w[ith] it,’ the unredacted version reads.

‘Meta recognizes that Instagram users at risk of suicide or self-injury are more likely to ‘encounter more harmful suicide and self-injury content (through explore, related, follower suggestions.’

The document cites Molly Russel, a London teen who died by suicide in 2017.

‘Meta had conducted internal research which warned that there was a risk of ‘similar incidents like Molly Russell’ because algorithmic product features were ‘[l]eading users to distressing

T-Mobile’s ‘drug pusher’ marketing to kids has resulted in ‘Six in 10 teen girls feeling ‘persistently sad or hopeless’, CDC report finds – up 60% in a decade amid rise of T-Mobile in-your-pocket social media that parents never get to review!!!!

  • Nearly six in ten high school girls reported depression, about twice that of boys
  • Girls were about twice as likely to consider suicide in the past year than boys 
  • The survey adds to years of data showing a worsening teen mental health crisis 


The portion of teenage girls contending with severe depression has reached its highest point in a decade according to a new national survey of high school students.

The federal Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that in 2021, 57 percent of teen girls felt persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, while that figure was even higher – about 70 percent – among teens who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, or another non-heterosexual identity.

Alongside a climb in suicidality among teen girls, rates of violence, particularly sexual violence are also on the rise. Levels of depression among teen girls were also considerably higher than those among teen boys.

The YRBS is conducted every two years by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and monitors several types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults: sexual behavior, substance use, instances of violence, and mental health.

The fallout from school closures, lockdowns, and other restrictions during the Covid pandemic shone a light on a growing teen mental health crisis, which researchers say existed long before the first coronavirus cases were confirmed.

The portion of young women experiencing persistent depression is at its highest level in about 10 years

The portion of young women experiencing persistent depression is at its highest level in about 10 years

Girls were about twice as likely as boys to report having seriously considered suicide with 24 percent of them making a plan to carry it out

Girls were about twice as likely as boys to report having seriously considered suicide with 24 percent of them making a plan to carry it out

While roughly a third of girls considered suicide, about 13 percent actually attempted it, compared to seven percent in males

While roughly a third of girls considered suicide, about 13 percent actually attempted it, compared to seven percent in males

The survey data, collected in fall 2021, reflected answers from more than 17,200 US high school students.

Dr Debra Houry, CDC’s Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Director for Program and Science said: ‘America’s teen girls are engulfed by a wave of sadness, violence, and trauma.

‘These data are hard to hear and should result in action.’

The study did not look specifically at the causes of persistent sadness in teen girls, though CDC officials suggested they included higher rates of violence, especially sexual violence, played a role.

Kathleen Ethier, director of the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health told reporters: ‘Our teenage girls are suffering through an overwhelming wave of violence and trauma, and it’s affecting their mental health.’

Dr Ethier added that ‘social isolation’ brought on by the pandemic as well as the widespread use of social media, which has been linked to increased rates of suicidality and low self-esteem, also share some of the blame.

Sexual violence has risen among girls, with one in five saying they had experienced it within the past year, the CDC said, up 20 percent since 2017.

CDC officials told reporters that while the study did not single out causes for the growing rates of depression among teen girls, rising rates of sexual crimes commited against them plays a major role

CDC officials told reporters that while the study did not single out causes for the growing rates of depression among teen girls, rising rates of sexual crimes commited against them plays a major role

More than one in 10, or 14 percent, said they had been forced into having sex, up from 11 percent of teen girls who said they’d been sexually assaulted in 2019.

Girls were also more prone to considering suicide than boys (30 percent versus 14 percent) not just in 2021, but also consistently over the past decade.

The rate of persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness among teen boys was also about half that of teen girls at 29 percent.

Meanwhile, girls were about twice as likely as boys to be cyber bullied. But bullying in school has declined overall.

This is very positive news, as the study points out that ‘Adolescents who are bullied, whether at school or electronically, are more likely to have multiple sexual partners, to have sex without a condom, to use substances, and to experience depression.’

CDC officials told reporters that school-based mental health programs are crucial to helping teens dealing with depression and the aftereffects of trauma.

Dr Howry said: ‘Schools are on the frontlines of the mental health crisis and they must be equipped with the proven tools that help students thrive.’

T-MOBILE CAUGHT LYING TO USERS: https://www.gsmarena.com/newscomm-46157.php

T-Mobile data breach class action lawsuit investigation

Feb 3, 2023  TMobile has faced several data breaches in the past, including an August 2021 breach which resulted in a $350 million class action settlement. Consumers …

T-Mobile named in lawsuits over data breach | Fierce Wireless

2 days ago  In two separate lawsuits over the weekend – one in Florida and one in California – plaintiffs allege the breach occurred due to TMobile’s negligence and …

T-Mobile catches fire for alleged ring tone scheme | Fierce Wireless

3 days ago  Local exchange carriers (LECs) have filed a class action lawsuit against TMobile related to the carrier’s previous practice of inserting false ring tones …

Here’s how far T-Mobile is straying from its job-creating promises of …

Feb 21, 2023  Instead of creating jobs, the TMobile/Sprint merger of 2020 has unsurprisingly had the completely opposite effect, with a new report revealing the total …


T-Mobile is hacked AGAIN!!!!!!!!: Mobile giant says ‘malicious intruder’ stole data on 37M customers including addresses and phone numbers of kids AGAIN!!!!

T-Mobile has revealed that the addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth of 37 million customers have been collected by an ‘unidentified malicious intruder’ in yet another breach of the carrier.


Per the organization called “OpenSecrets”, and based on data from the Senate Office of Public Records. Data for the most recent year that was downloaded on January 23, 2023 and includes spending from January 1 – December 31. Prior years include spending from January through December, the FBI and FINCEN determined that T-Mobile paid over $10M in political influence bribes and investigators today believe that the bribes paid are closer to $80M in stock market ownership bribes relayed to Congress people, Senators and White House staff. Make no mistake, T-Mobile is being charged with felony criminal actions

T-Mobile’s Getting Help From Trump Allies in Deal for Sprint

TMobile paid Turnberry Solutions $30,000 in the fourth quarter of 2017 and $70,000 in the first quarter of 2018 to lobby the Executive …

T-Mobile Says It Hired Lobbying Firm Tied to Former Trump Aide …

TMobile said late Thursday in a statement it hired Turnberry Solutions in August. “Corey Lewandowski is now affiliated with that firm and …

Turnberry Solutions LLC Re: Scope of Work (SOW) Date – Politico

To: TMobile. From: Turnberry Solutions LLC. Re: Scope of Work (SOW). Date: July 29th, 2017. As a follow up to our conversation, …

Former Trump campaign manager tied to lobbying firm hired by T …

TMobile hired Turnberry Solutions last year. Lewandowski works and shares office space on Capitol Hill with the firm, though the extent of …

T-Mobile should speak out about Corey Lewandowski—and fire him

 TMobile has acknowledged that its parent company Deutsche Telekom retained the services of Lewandowski’s firm, Turnberry Solutions, to help …



T-Mobile Social Media Must Be BANNED For Children Says U.S. Surgeon General

  • Dr Vivek Murthy is urging parents to keep their teens off of T-Mobile social media apps because they cause suicide
  • Teen social use is linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression and more


Surgeon General Vivek Murthy warned Sunday that children under 16 should not be allowed on social media.

He said websites such as TikTok and Instagram distort children’s sense of self and make them unable to deal with criticism as adults.

Dr Murthy’s comments come as research continues to pile up, showing the pitfalls of young people using social media.

Studies have linked teenage social media use to eating disorders, depression, anxiety, poor grades, and other negative impacts on young people.

‘I believe 13 is too early,’ Dr Murthy told CNN Newsroom over the weekend.

‘And I think that it’s a time, early adolescence, where kids are developing their identity, their sense of self…And the skewed and distorted environment of social media does a disservice to many children.’

In an interview with CNN, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy (pictured) warned parents against letting their children use social media before the age of 16

In an interview with CNN, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy (pictured) warned parents against letting their children use social media before the age of 16

The surgeon general told a tragic story about a 11-year-old girl who committed suicide after she was ‘mercilessly’ cyber bullied on several of her social media accounts.

Murthy further urged parents to join forces and ban their kids from using social media until they are older.

‘If your child is the only one who’s not using social media but everyone else in their school is, it’s a tough position for your child to be in,’ Murthy said.

‘But if parents can ban together and say, as a group, we’re not going to allow our kids to use social media until 16 or 17 or 18 or whatever the age is they choose, that’s a much more effective strategy, making sure your kids don’t get exposed to harm early.’

Repeated studies have linked social media use in young people to harmful long-term negative side effects.

A 2020 report by researchers from Johns Hopkins University linked the surge in teen mental health issues in the 2000s to the advent of social media.

Another Johns Hopkins team found in 2019 that students who spend more than three hours per day on social media platforms show more significant risks of severe mental health problems.

Researchers found a strong link between time spent on social media and the likelihood of developing depression when looking at more than two-dozen studies.

In 2020, researchers at Rochester University found that getting few likes on a social media post can induce anxiety in teens.

Last year, researchers at MIT found anxiety and depression rates are higher in college communities where Facebook is more prevalent.

Body image issues from social media, particularly tied to apps such as Instagram, have also been linked to eating disorders.

A 2016 study led by the University of Pittsburgh found a ‘strong and consistent association’ between social media use and eating disorders.




– Trillions Of Dollars Of Influence Peddling Between Famous Politicians And Secret Corporate And Family Accounts…
– Money Laundering…
– Sex Trafficking, Hookers And ‘Executive Sex Clubs’ like NXIVM, One Taste, Moscow Lovelies, Rosewood Hotel Hookers, etc…
– Killing Teens By Hiding Teen Suicides And Mental Health Issues Caused By T-Mobile Social Media
– Family Alcoholism…
– Political Bribery Using PACS and Dark Money Cash Relays…
– Stock Market Manipulations For Their Own Insider Trading…
– Infidelities And Spousal Abuse As Shown In Their Court Records…
– Organized Media Censorship By Silicon Valley…
– Misogyny And Sex Extortion Of Workers…
– Fake Tax Exempt ‘Charities’ That Exist Only For Political Money Laundering…
– Forcing “ISSUES” On Us That They Covertly Own The Companies Of…
– Dynastic Family Manipulations of Public Policy…
– Buying Stocks In Dept Of Energy Funded Projects That Are Then Pumped-And-Dumped For Unjust Wind-Fall Profits…
– Election Rigging Using Google, Facebook, YouTube And Their Media Cartel…
– Search Engine Bias And Shadow Banning Of Competitors And Reporters…
– Big Tech Monopolies Information Manipulation…
– Recession Causing Market Anti-Trust Law Violations…
– Corporate Hiring Racism…
– Brotopia Frat Boy Rape Culture In Their Companies And Offices…
– Secret Offshore Shell Corporations To Hide Money…
– Venture Capital Funding Black-Lists…
– Collusion Between Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto VC’s On Finance Black-Lists, Valuation Prices And Monopolies…
– Patent Thefts And Attacks On Small Inventors…

– Political Payola Using Stealth Real Estate, Fine Art And Jewelry Holdings…
– Graft Via Bribes With Event Tickets, Dinners, Tax Waivers, Vacations, Pretend Speaking Contracts, etc….
– Corrupt Lobbyists Who Hire Fusion GPS, Gawker, Black Cube, Google And Other ‘media kill services’…
– Their Use of Our Democracy As Their Play-Thing…

All of these assertions have been proven in court records, federal investigations, Congressional charges, 60 Minutes segments, news documentaries, document and email leaks, and thousands of other sources. The facts are undeniable and can be proven, AGAIN, in live televised Congressional hearings!


In all of recorded history, there has never been so much taxpayer cash given to so few people, where each, and every, one of the recipients was a friend of the politician giving away the taxpayer cash and everyone who got the cash immediately skimmed “unjust profits” and shut down the business.

Want to help end the tech oligarch’s rape of society? Never, EVER: use, read, quote, link to, paste from, or refer to; anything on corrupt and contrived: T-Mobile – Twitter, Google – Alphabet – Facebook – Meta – Instagram – Netflix or YouTube! Don’t expand their reach! Don’t be their digital bitch! Stop being an addict to Silicon Valley’s social media scam! Keep the battery out of your phone so Big Tech can’t continue to spy on you. Did you know you CAN’T turn an iPhone off. Apple iPhone’s pretend to be “off” but still monitor you with reserve power. The government should shut these companies down but they don’t because these companies pay the largest bribes on Earth to politicians! Demand that Congress shut down these big tech abusers that cause child suicides, bullying, sex trafficking, money laundering, tax evasion, political bribery, election manipulation and other social crimes.Twitter, Facebook, Google, Netflix, YouTube spy on you and rape your mind by serving manipulated content choices requires by automatically creating covert user dossiers made by spying on users’ content consumption preferences and continually changing them based on psychological analysis of the users. Spy agency-type profiles created by Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc. use abstract content-specific features of the consumed content, such as categories, topic models, and entities, which they automatically extract using NLP methods. They Aggregating these features per user at scale based on what rich white Democrat ideology Google programmers want. In particular, it is impractical to store the entire dynamic history of a user’s interaction features, requiring the companies to use biased algorithms that selectively decay information in favor of a more liberal political representation. The more it scales, the more racist, sexist, classist, misogynistic and politically biased it gets.


Silicon Valley has had the largest number of Congressional hearings against it, BUT the least number of regulations imposed on it. Why? You can look no further than the covert ownership of Silicon Valley by elected officials. Our politicians get paid bribes, by Silicon Valley, to keep the political corruption alive and well while they operate, with impunity, as the biggest threats to society ever manifested.

While the FBI, FTC, DOJ and FEC are supposed to objectively prosecute this case, it is impossible for them to be objective when their raises, promotions, house payments and stock market profits are entirely determined by the individuals we are charging with these crimes.





































T-Mobile Exploits, And Profits Off Of, Hate!!!

One of the worst issues with T-Mobile: T-Mobile was created in Germany as the Bundespost, by the Nazi’s, in order to hunt down and kill Jews. Today, T-Mobile uses it’s old Jew-hunting spy network to hunt down and attack citizens, politicians and reporters who report on the dirty deeds of T-Mobile and T-Mobile’s political partners! Kanye West is promoted by T-Mobile on social media sites, in PR and in T-Mobile stadiums. Kanye West promotes the Nazi theory that “Jews are brainwashed, from birth, to tribally hate all outsiders; that the Mossad exists to attack non-Jews; that Jews control all banks, elections, Hollywood and Silicon Valley media; and that the Mossad have hacked every cell phone.”


Kanye West | T-Mobile Center

21-time GRAMMY Award®-winner (and 52-time GRAMMY® nominee) Kanye West returns to TMobile Center on Dec. 3 for THE YEEZUS TOUR in support of …

Jay-Z & Kanye West: Watch The Throne | T-Mobile Center

JAY-Z and KANYE WEST confirm a stop at TMobile Center in Kansas City, Mo. on Nov 29 as part of the 2011 North American WATCH THE THRONE TOUR.

Kanye West floats above an energetic crowd at T-Mobile Arena

Kanye West’s narcissism was on full display Saturday night at TMobile Arena, a tour stop that found the Chi-Town rapper performing on a moving, …

Kanye West Coming To T-Mobile Arena Saturday, October 29

LAS VEGAS – Hip-hop icon Kanye West brings The Saint Pablo Tour to TMobile Arena Saturday, Oct. 29. Tickets starting at $29.50 (not …


Questions T-Mobile must answer in world courts: A.) Have you ever been compensated by a spy agency?, B.) Have you ever supported a political candidate?, C.) Have you ever received a government contract because you took a political bribe?, D.) Do you have a database that can track your enemies?, E.) Do you have a database that can track and harm any politician’s enemies?, … and many more…

All of the Twitter, Google, Facebook and other social media internal emails and communications are being leaked and data-dumped, proving that insiders conspired to use the public’s communications systems for propaganda, spying on consumers and the targeting of attacks on competitors and whistle-blowers so that companies like T-Mobile could put undesirable citizens in their digital ovens!





It is a historical fact, easily verified in public history records, that T-Mobile was operated, administered and used by the Nazi’s to hunt and spy on Jews and database their communications in order to haul them off to death camps. One of T-Mobile’s CEO’s (John Legere) https://crosscut.com/2019/01/t-mobiles-tryst-trump-embarrasses-seattle  was deeply involved in a political scandal for quid pro quo over the Assurance phone contract with the Republican party members who shared a love for Hitler’s beliefs. T-Mobile still uses a global citizen spying, monitoring and blacklisting system, similar to that used in Nazi and Stazi times. Reporters, whistle-blowers, activist citizens, low-income Assurance Phone (free “Obama Phone”) are monitored and have their services cut-off, throttled or otherwise harmed in reprisal/revenge/vendetta if they report anything that T-Mobile is shamed by. Such users are shipped off to T-Mobile’s digital ovens in reprisal blacklisting. The class action case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-Tech_Employee_Antitrust_Litigation  proved that such big tech companies actually have created blacklisting and boycotting systems to harm mass volumes of citizens. Single Mom’s, low-income teachers, disabled people and seniors using T-Mobile’s Assurance phones are spied on!


After Adolf Hitler came to power in January 1933, the Bundespost became an instrument of the Nazi totalitarian state and, as such, its propaganda machine. Letters and telephone calls were routinely intercepted and used to identify Jews and dissidents. During World War II telephone services of theBundespost continued to function right up until Allied occupation in all areas of Germany. However, the service was in chaos by the time of Germany’s surrender on May 7, 1945. Of the 3,420 buildings the Bundespost had owned before the war, 1,483 had been completely destroyed or damaged by bombing between 1940 and 1945, as well as during the fighting within Germany before its surrender. Many of its former personnel were dead or missing, and many telephone lines were cut.

As U.S., British, and Soviet forces assumed control of government, they also took over postal and telephone services. Between 1945 and 1947, political rifts and eventually the Cold War broke out between the Western allies and the Soviet Union. In 1947 the British and American occupation zones were merged for economic purposes, and administration began to be handed back to the Germans. The Soviets’ refusal to participate in the currency reforms of June 1948 and the Berlin blockade meant that a unified postal structure for all occupation zones was doomed. Postal services in the eastern part of Germany were turned over to the new East German state established by the Soviets in 1949. An elected Parliamentary council from all three western zones met at Bonn on September 1, 1948 to draw up the West German constitution or Basic Law. In April 1949, U.S., British, and French governments guaranteed full powers of self-government to the new West German state. The Bundespost was reborn as a state body under the control of a cabinet ministry and assumed control over posts, telephones, and telegraphs in the new Federal Republic of Germany. The new constitution specifically forbade the privatization of posts and telecommunications.

During the 1950s the Bundespost had to rebuild its communications network and hundreds of post office buildings. Much of prewar Germany’s communications had centered on east-west communication networks between Berlin and western industrial cities. The new West Germany was a long, narrow country in which many lines of communication now ran north-south. West Berlin had become an isolated city in an alien country. After the war, the division into different occupation zones had fragmented communications and delayed the formation of an integrated network.

The reconstruction of the telephone service was accomplished by the end of 1951, but installation of new private telephones was slow. By 1952, there were still only five telephones per 100 inhabitants in Germany, compared to 28 and 11 per 100 inhabitants in the United States and Britain, respectively. By the 1960s, however, Germany’s communications network had been fully restored, and telephone subscribership was on a par with other industrial countries. As postwar Germany’s prosperity rose, the demand for telecommunication services grew. The Bundespost invested in satellite communications; new transatlantic self-dialing facilities from Bonn, Frankfurt, and Munich became available in 1970.

Attempts to free the Bundespost, including its telephone service, from political control date back to the 1920s. Around that time the government of the Weimar Republic was looking for a structure that would allow the Bundespost a measure of independence as a profit-making organization. In 1924, laws were passed allowing the Bundespost a considerable degree of financial autonomy from government control. The success of this reform, however, was restricted by interference from politicians and trade unions, and was finally reversed altogether by the Nazis.

The issue came up again when Germany experienced an unprecedented economic boom after World War II and many business and consumer groups began criticizing the post office monopoly for inefficiency. A 1970 law formally stated that the monopoly had been effectively superseded by a reservation that prevented the establishment of a rival undertaking, but little changed. In 1973 a further reform, the Postal Organization Act, limited government intervention in the Bundespost “only to what is politically necessary and to facilitate post office management.” Under the new structure, the Bundespost was headed by an executive committee assisted by a supervisory council. The committee, however, remained responsible to the government.

German business continued to complain that the Bundespost’s phone network was inefficient and expensive and that German manufacturers might be disadvantaged by a backward telecommunications market. However, several powerful interest groups opposed change for fear of job losses and disappearance of preferential treatment under a more competitive system that included: the Social Democratic Party; the postal union Deutsche Postgewerkschaft; the Bavarian State Government; large contract suppliers to the Bundespost, including the German electronic giant Siemens AG; and the Bundespost’s employees, who enjoyed the status of civil servants with considerable job security and pension benefits.

Company Perspectives:

Deutsche Telekom is Europe’s largest telecommunications company and one of the worldwide engines of innovation in the industry. Our products and services set standards not only in Germany, but also around the world. We make sure that our customers always have access to state-of-the-art solutions – from high-speed network access services to mobile Internet and beyond – and that they are the first to benefit from the fascinating prospects and possibilities of the communications revolution.

Pressures from both the European Community (EC) and the United States finally forced Bonn to make recommendations about the future of the Bundespost. Under Chancellor Kohl’s Christian Democrat-dominated government, the so-called Witte Commission began to explore the possibility of privatization in 1985 and presented a report in September 1987. The commission recommended the opening of the telecommunications equipment and services market to outside bidders, a change that was likely to be required by EC competition law. The Bundespost would continue to operate in all its present fields, but some competition would be allowed in radio paging, mobile telephones, modems, videotext, and some satellite systems. However, the basic telephone monopoly, which earned 90 percent of the Bundespost’s telecommunications income, would beretained. The commission also recommended that the Bundespost be divided into three businesses: Postdienst (postal services), Postbank (bank services), and Telekom (telecommunications), with a minimal level of political interference above the level of their respective management boards.

The report drew criticism from both sides; while liberals condemned it for not going far enough, opponents claimed it went too far. As a result, the original proposals were heavily altered before the new law passed the Bundestag, Germany’s parliament, in 1989. Deutsche Bundespost, was divided into three separate companies: Deutsche Bundespost Postdienst, Deutsche Bundespost Postbank, and Deutsche Bundespost Telekom. Each company had its own board of management and separate accounts. However, a common directorate was added between the three businesses and a proposal for incentive-based pay was limited. The Ministry of Posts and Communication still had ultimate supervisory and regulatory authority in the public interest.

What the postal reformers could not foresee was the collapse of East Germany in November 1989 and Germany’s reunification in October 1990. German reunification brought with it the integration of East Germany’s own telecommunications monopoly, Deutsche Post, into the Bundespost. It soon became apparent that the necessary infrastructure investment was much larger than previously anticipated. Only 10 percent of East Germany’s households had a telephone, compared to 98 percent of West Germany’s. East Germans who applied for a telephone line often waited ten years and longer to get it. By 1989 the number of applications had risen to 1.3 million. More than 3,500 small East German towns were left without a public phone. Every call to West Germany was channeled through one of 15 connection centers to East Berlin’s foreign connections office which was equipped with 111 lines to the West. Moreover, much of the existing East German telephone equipment predated World War II. Small wonder this bottleneck brought the quickly increasing telephone communication from East to West close to breakdown.

Within six months Deutsche Bundespost Telekom launched its ambitious Telekom 2000 program, a seven-year investment plan of DM 60 billion. The program not only aimed for bringing the telecommunications network of former East Germany up to Western standards, but also for installing a state-of-the-art infrastructure good enough to meet the demands of the year 2000 and beyond. Telekom emerged as one of the biggest employers in eastern Germany. The company took over almost all employees from Deutsche Post’s Telekom division. Up to 4,000 of Deutsche Bundespost Telekom’s employees were sent to eastern Germany to support their new colleagues.

To make telephone connections available quickly, Telekom made it a priority to establish a mobile telecommunication infrastructure in the eastern part of Germany. Its C- and the new digital D1-cell phone networks reached 80 percent of the population in the eastern German states by the end of 1991. Three years later former East Germany was covered by Telekom’s digital mobile phone network. In August 1992 uniform area codes were introduced for the whole country. In mid-1991 Telekom established a digital overlay-network over the existing analog long-distance network. The first digital connection centers were set up in eight eastern German economic centers. From there the digital network was gradually expanded and by 1993 the number of telephone connections between East and West had grown from under 1,000 to 30,000.

In the final phase of the program Telekom technicians worked around the clock to finish the task. It took some 40,000 kilometers of optic fiber cable to build the new digital long-distance network and over ten million kilometers of copper cable to expand the 1,500 local networks. By 1997, Telekom 2000 had reached its goals. The telephone network in the eastern German states was fully digitized and the number of telephone connections had quadrupled since 1990. According to Deutsche Telekom, the former East Germany had the most modern and efficient telecommunications infrastructure in the world.

The enormous costs of updating the former East German telephone system caused many opposition politicians to drop their objections against privatizing Deutsche Bundespost. Privatization was increasingly regarded as a way to make profits and increase efficiency, and the support of the Social Democrats for the two-thirds majority vote in the Bundestag necessary to make changes in the constitution became more likely. In September 1991, the Social Democrat party said it would support privatization under certain circumstances. The negotiations that followed went slowly. Whenever a compromise was in sight, the party added new demands to its list.

Key Dates:

Heinrich von Stephan puts telephone services under the control of his postal authority.
Germany’s telephone network is laid underground. 1933: The Nazis take over control of the Post Office.
Deutsche Bundespost assumes control over posts, telephones, and telegraphs in the new Federal Republic of Germany.
New legislation passes the German parliament, and Deutsche Bundespost Telekom is established.
The telecommunications companies of former East and West Germany are merged.
The Posts and Telecommunications Reorganization Act passes the governing bodies. 1995: Deutsche Bundespost Telekom becomes a public stock company and is renamed Deutsche Telekom AG.
Deutsche Telekom shares are traded at the New York Stock Exchange for the first time.
The telephone network in the eastern German states is fully digitized.
The German fixed-network telephone market is opened to competition.
Deutsche Telekom takes over American mobile phone service providers VoiceStream and Powertel.

Helmut Ricke, Telekom’s CEO since 1990, and his management team decided to move ahead and completely reorganize Telekom. In September 1992 the company abandoned the governmentagency structure, and six months later Ricke presented a more customer-focused organization. Throughout the company he established separate divisions for private and business customers and a third one for key accounts. In mid-1993 Telekom spun off its mobile telecommunications business as a private company, Deutsche Telekom Mobilfunk GmbH (DeTeMobil), allowing it to better compete in the already liberalized market for mobile phone services. Meanwhile, the Christian Democrat Minister of Postal Services and Telecommunications, Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who had worked relentlessly for postal reform, resigned suddenly and was succeeded by Wolfgang Botsch.

The final impulse for Telekom’s privatization came from the EC. At a meeting in Brussels in May 1993 Botsch and his European colleagues decided to open their markets for network-based telephone communication to competition by 1998. Six months later a new proposal for postal reform was presented in Bonn. The postal workers’ union fought Telekom’s privatization until the end and organized a major strike in late spring of 1994. However, in July 1994 the Posts and Telecommunications Reorganization Act passed the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, the German parliament’s upper house. However, the law required the German government to be the majority shareholder in the former Bundespost companies for at least five more years and extended the monopolies for postal and phone services until the end of 1997. On January 1st, 1995, Deutsche Bundespost Telekom was transformed into a public stock company and renamed Deutsche Telekom AG.

Just a few weeks before Telekom’s transformation into a public stock company, Helmut Ricke, who had put the reunited Deutsche Telekom on the track to privatization, resigned as CEO. Ex-Sony manager Ron Sommer became the company’s new chairman, and his first big task was to attract investors who would buy Telekom shares at the company’s initial public offering (IPO). As a monopolist, Deutsche Bundespost Telekom had been a profitable business with considerable yields for the German federal budget. However, its capital base had suffered badly in the early 1990s because of the necessary infrastructure investments. An additional burden was the cost for its civil servants for whom Telekom had to pay the difference between the retirement benefits they received from public funds and 75 percent of their final salary. In 1994, the company’s budget for retirement benefits exceeded the budget for basic salaries by 50 percent.

Deutsche Telekom launched a huge image campaign to attract private German investors, including a new “T” logo and brand name. Telekom’s top management courted the world’s largest banks as well as other large institutional and private investors. In the United States alone, Telekom organized 17 “road shows.” Both measures were extremely successful. Within two years of its introduction, the pink “t” was recognized by nine out of ten Germans as Telekom’s logo. Some 400,000 Germans bought Telekom shares which were termed T-Aktien or T-Shares. Some banks placed orders worth between DM 500 million and DM 1 billion.

On November 18th, 1996, the largest European IPO to date took place. After the first Telecom stock quote was announced at Germany’s major stock exchange in Frankfurt am Main, the CEO, together with CFO Joachim Kroske, jetted to New York to be present at an IPO party at the Guggenheim Museum where Liza Minelli sang “Money Makes the World Go Round” under a dome of pink light. The heavily oversubscribed shares debuted at 19 percent over issue price on the first trading day. The more than 700 million T-shares sold to private investors accounted for about one-quarter of Deutsche Telekom’s share capital. The rest was still held by the German government. An agreement guaranteed that the German government could only sell shares to third parties if Deutsche Telekom agreed.

While investors were told that new T-shares would not be issued in 1997 and 1998, a second batch was issued in mid-1999, raising EUR 15 billion for the company. The government’s stake decreased to about two-thirds of the total share capital after that transaction. As in the IPO, Telekom was the beneficiary of the new stock offering, and the money was used to boost the company’s capital base. In early March 2000 the T-shares reached an all-time high of seven times the initial issue price. Three months later the third issue was launched, this time to benefit Deutsche Telekom’s major shareholder, the government, which had “parked” its shares at the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, a government-dominated development bank. The government’s stake now stood at 60 percent.

On January 1st, 1998, the German fixed-network telephone market was opened to competition. Almost immediately, the average cost for long-distance calls dropped by up to 30 percent. German consumers jumped at the opportunity—although with a healthy portion of skepticism. While they took advantage of “call-to-call” offers from Telekom’s competitors for longdistance calls, they were hesitant to completely switch to a new provider.

From the beginning, Deutsche Telekom fought fiercely against its competitors—by any means available. For example, the company placed newspaper ads asking businesses with large phone systems, such as hotels, to make the use of alternative providers impossible. The company also warned customers that it would charge high “compensation fees” should they switch to other providers. Telekom’s competitors, which mostly depended on the former monopolist’s infrastructure, were not only charged for renting the phone lines but were also charged high “takeover fees” not always related to real cost when customers switched to a new phone company. When customers nonetheless decided to switch, Deutsche Telekom took a great deal of extra time to connect them with their new provider of choice, competitors complained. Finally, Deutsche Telekom challenged every directive made by the newly established regulation agency Regulierungsbehorde für Telekommunikation und Post in appeals court. About 250 such lawsuits were pending by mid-2001, and it was estimated that resolutions might take another three to five years.

Two years after the market was opened, about 50 companies competed with Deutsche Telekom. About two-thirds of all longdistance calls in 1999 were placed with an alternative “call-by-call” provider, saving customers up to 85 percent. However, Telekom recaptured about half of the competition’s revenues through network usage fees. Thus, the company’s long-distance market share in terms of revenues was around 90 percent.Furthermore, roughly four-fifths of German customers preferred Deutsche Telekom as their basic phone company and did not plan to switch providers.

In the face of fundamental changes in the market for telecommunications, with mobile telephony and Internet-based applications on the rise, Deutsche Telekom decided to focus on four growth areas and do away with activities that were not in line with them. The new growth plan was given the acronym TIMES, identifying new markets as telecommunications, information technology, multimedia, entertainment, and security services. Deutsche Telekom announced that they would concentrate on mobile phone and Internet-based communication and data transfer, broadband network access, and systems applications software development. The company set up a subsidiary to sell a significant part of Deutsche Telekom’s real estate and sold part of the shares the company held in German cable TV networks.

In June 1995 Deutsche Telekom announced a strategic alliance with French carrier France Telecom and American phone company Sprint called Global One. However, five years later the alliance which ex-CEO Ricke had pushed through against strong resistance, fell apart. Another deal fell through in 1999 when Olivetti SpA—not Deutsche Telekom—took over Telecom Italia. Instead, Deutsche Telekom acquired French fixed-line carrier Siris SAS and British mobile phone company One-2-One.

In May 2001 Deutsche Telekom finalized the takeover of American mobile phone service providers VoiceStream Wireless Corporation and Powertel, Inc. The transaction was financed by issuing 1.12 billion “T-Shares,” a move that ultimately diminished the German government’s stake in the company to about 43 percent. The new partnership enabled Deutsche Telekom to offer frequent travelers between Europe and the United States one phone number and one rate for voice and data services.

By mid-2000, the situation at the world’s stock markets had become unfavorable. Share prices dropped in connection with the so-called burst of the Internet bubble, and Deutsche Telekom postponed the IPO of its subsidiary T-Mobile International AG, which the company had founded in the same year. The T-shares themselves came under pressure as investors lost their confidence in the stock market. In September 2001, five years after Deutsche Telekom’s IPO, its shares were valued below the initial share price for institutional investors. Consequently, the company’s plan to use its shares as an “acquisition currency” for international acquisitions came to a halt.

The company’s IPO enabled Deutsche Telekom to get rid of about half of its DM 125 billion of debt. Although it did not seem as if Deutsche Telekom was seriously threatened by competitors in its home market, the company was struggling with self-made problems. Some 190,000 employees kept personnel costs high. In 1997 alone, the company had encountered DM 2 billion losses from bad investments in Malaysia and Indonesia, the Global One alliance, and from selling telephones and fax machines. In 1998 mobile phone services accounted for about one-fifth of Deutsche Telekom’s revenues. Rival Vodafone-owned Mannesmann, however, had become Germany’s mobile phone market leader and made handsome profits while Deutsche Telekom lost money, mainly through its foreign subsidiaries. In 1999 and 2000 Deutsche Telekom’s profits dropped dramatically, due to decreasing revenues from fixed-line network business.

In late 1999 Deutsche Telekom’s Internet service provider T-Online was reorganized as T-Online International AG. The company was profitable in 1999, but slipped into the red in 2000, due mainly to the flat rate the company introduced for unlimited Internet access. At a time when many dot-coms went bankrupt in the United States, T-Online was planning to push up online advertising revenues and to develop online content that users would be willing to pay for—a business model that in general had not been successful. To generate more e-commerce traffic, T-Online cooperated with auto maker Daimler-Chrysler and tourism companies TUI and C&N.

In the first quarter of 2001 Deutsche Telekom once again restructured its business organization. Corresponding with the company’s new strategy, all activities were organized in four business divisions: T-Mobile, T-Online, T-Systems, and T-Com. In the new systems applications field, Deutsche Telekom took over software systems developer debis Systemhaus GmbH from DaimlerChrysler AG. In the area of network access the company focused on winning new customers for its highspeed digital ISDN and broadband T-DSL services. Deutsche Telekom was also working on T-NetCall, a new service for Internet-based phone calls between PCs and from PC to phone.

In 2001 a group of shareholders filed a lawsuit against Deutsche Telekom for undervaluing its real estate. The company had allegedly written down the balance-sheet value of its real estate by EUR 2 billion, which reduced profits for the year 2000 by EUR 1.5 billion—based on German accounting law. In September 2001, the federal administrative court ruled that some of Deutsche Telekom’s “interconnection-fees” to its competitors were illegal. A month later another court ruling required Deutsche Telekom to make its local network accessible to competitors for much less than the company had charged. At the time Deutsche Telekom still owned 98 percent of all phone lines to households. Despite market liberalization and despite many difficulties, Deutsche Telekom was still Germany’s number one phone company and a leading force in the world’s evolving telecommunications market.

Principal Subsidiaries

DeTeLine Deutsche Telekom Kommunikationsnetze GmbH; T-Mobile International AG; Deutsche Telekom Mobile Holdings Ltd. (U.K.); T-Online International AG (81.71%); De-TeSystem Deutsche Telekom Systemlösungen GmbH; debis Systemhaus GmbH; DeTeCSM Deutsche Telekom Computer Service Management GmbH; DeTelmmobilien Deutsche Telekom Immobilien und Service GmbH; T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsgesellschaft mbH; T-Data Gesellschaft fur Datenkommunikation mbH; Kabel Deutschland GmbH; VoiceStream Wireless Corporation (U.S.); Powertel, Inc. (U.S.); One-2-One (U.K.); SIRIS S.A.S. (France); max.mobil Telekommunikation Service GmbH (Austria); MAT A V Magyar Tàvoközlési Rt. (Hungary; 59.49%); Slovenské Telekomunikácie a.s. (Slovakia; 51%); HAT-Hrvatske telekomunikacije d.d. (Croatia; 35%); MTS, OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (Russia; 36.2%).

Principal Competitors

Arcor AG & Co.; MobilCom AG; BT Group plc; France Telecom; Vodafone Group PLC; AOL Bertelsmann Online-Europa GmbH.

Further Reading

“‘Befreiungsanläufe’ der deutschen Telekom; Gründung von Tochter-gesellschaften,” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 13, 1993, p. 32.

“Bund parkt Telekom-Aktien bei der KfW,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 26, 1997, p. 15.

Christ, Peter, “Darüber lache ich nur,” Die Woche, February 6, 1998, p. 13.

Davis, Bernard, ed., Federal Republic of Germany, Philadelphia: National Philatelic Museum, 1952.

“Der Ärger in Brüssel über die Telekom wáchst,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 21, 1998, p. 14.

Die Deutsche Telekom – Schrittmacher für den Aufbau Ost, Bonn, Germany: Deutsche Telekom AG, 1997, 19 p.

Franke, Michael, and Matthias Kietzmann, “Telefonieren; Günstig ins Ortsnetz,” Focus, August 20, 2001, p. 172.


Every bit of your data and personal information that runs over a T-Mobile device or network is sent to the very people that you don’t want to have your data or personal information including T-Mobile’s internal citizen attack database which is used against reporters, politicians, whistle-blowers and others.

XKeyscore (XKEYSCORE or XKS) is a secret computer system used by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) for searching and analyzing global Internet data, which it collects in real time. The NSA has shared XKeyscore with other intelligence agencies, including the Australian Signals Directorate, Canada’s Communications Security Establishment, New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau, Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters, Japan’s Defense Intelligence Headquarters, and Germany’s Bundesnachrichtendienst.[1]

In July 2013, Edward Snowden publicly revealed the program’s purpose and use by the NSA in The Sydney Morning Herald and O Globo newspapers. The code name was already public knowledge because it was mentioned in earlier articles, and, like many other code names, it appears in job postings and online résumés of employees.[2][3]

On July 3, 2014, German public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk, a member of ARD, published excerpts of XKeyscore’s source code.[4] A team of experts analyzed the source code.[5]


According to The Washington Post and national security reporter Marc Ambinder, XKeyscore is an NSA data-retrieval system which consists of a series of user interfaces, backend databases, servers and software that selects certain types of data and metadata that the NSA has already collected using other methods.[6][7]

According to Snowden and Greenwald

On January 26, 2014, the German broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk asked Edward Snowden in its TV interview: “What could you do if you would use XKeyscore?” and he answered:[1]

You could read anyone’s email in the world, anybody you’ve got an email address for. Any website: You can watch traffic to and from it. Any computer that an individual sits at: You can watch it. Any laptop that you’re tracking: you can follow it as it moves from place to place throughout the world. It’s a one-stop-shop for access to the NSA’s information. … You can tag individuals … Let’s say you work at a major German corporation and I want access to that network, I can track your username on a website on a forum somewhere, I can track your real name, I can track associations with your friends and I can build what’s called a fingerprint, which is network activity unique to you, which means anywhere you go in the world, anywhere you try to sort of hide your online presence, your identity.

According to The Guardian‘s Glenn Greenwald, low-level NSA analysts can, via systems like XKeyscore, “listen to whatever emails they want, whatever telephone calls, browsing histories, Microsoft Word documents. And it’s all done with no need to go to a court, with no need to even get supervisor approval on the part of the analyst.”[8]

He added that the NSA’s database of collected communications allows its analysts to listen “to the calls or read the emails of everything that the NSA has stored, or look at the browsing histories or Google search terms that you’ve entered, and it also alerts them to any further activity that people connected to that email address or that IP address do in the future”.[8]

According to the NSA

In an official statement from July 30, 2013, the NSA said “XKeyscore is used as a part of NSA’s lawful foreign signals intelligence collection system. …” to legally obtain information about “legitimate foreign intelligence targets in response to requirements that our leaders need for information necessary to protect our nation and its interests. … to collect the information, that enables us to perform our missions successfully – to defend the nation and to protect U.S. and allied troops abroad.”[9] In terms of access, an NSA press statement reads that there is no “unchecked analyst access to NSA collection data. Access to XKeyscore, as well as all of NSA’s analytic tools, is limited to only those personnel who require access for their assigned tasks.” and that there are “…stringent oversight and compliance mechanisms built in at several levels. One feature is the system’s ability to limit what an analyst can do with a tool, based on the source of the collection and each analyst’s defined responsibilities.”[10]


Slide from a 2008 NSA presentation about XKeyscore, showing a world map with the locations of XKeyscore servers.

Slide from a 2008 NSA presentation about XKeyscore, showing the query hierarchy.

According to an NSA slide presentation about XKeyscore from 2013, it is a “DNI Exploitation System/Analytic Framework”. DNI stands for Digital Network Intelligence, which means intelligence derived from internet traffic.[11]

Edward Snowden said about XKeyscore: “It’s a front end search engine” in an interview with the German Norddeutscher Rundfunk.[12]

XKeyscore is a “piece of Linux software that is typically deployed on Red Hat servers. It uses the Apache web server and stores collected data in MySQL databases”.[13]

XKeyscore is considered a “passive” program, in that it listens, but does not transmit anything on the networks that it targets.[5] But it can trigger other systems, which perform “active” attacks through Tailored Access Operations which are “tipping”, for example, the QUANTUM family of programs, including QUANTUMINSERT, QUANTUMHAND, QUANTUMTHEORY, QUANTUMBOT and QUANTUMCOPPER and Turbulence. These run at so-called “defensive sites” including the Ramstein Air Force base in Germany, Yokota Air Base in Japan, and numerous military and non-military locations within the US. Trafficthief, a core program of Turbulence, can alert NSA analysts when their targets communicate, and trigger other software programs, so select data is “promoted” from the local XKeyscore data store to the NSA’s “corporate repositories” for long term storage.[5]

Data sources

XKeyscore consists of over 700 servers at approximately 150 sites where the NSA collects data, like “US and allied military and other facilities as well as US embassies and consulates” in many countries around the world.[14][15][16] Among the facilities involved in the program are four bases in Australia and one in New Zealand.[15]

According to an NSA presentation from 2008, these XKeyscore servers are fed with data from the following collection systems:[17]

  1. F6 (Special Collection Service) – joint operation of the CIA and NSA that carries out clandestine operations including espionage on foreign diplomats and leaders
  2. FORNSAT – which stands for “foreign satellite collection”, and refers to intercepts from satellites
  3. SSO (Special Source Operations) – a division of the NSA that cooperates with telecommunication providers

In a single, undated slide published by Swedish media in December 2013, the following additional data sources for XKeyscore are mentioned:[18]

  1. Overhead – intelligence derived from American spy planes, drones and satellites
  2. Tailored Access Operations – a division of the NSA that deals with hacking and cyberwarfare
  3. FISA – all types of surveillance approved by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
  4. Third party – foreign partners of the NSA such as the (signals) intelligence agencies of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, etc. However the Netherlands is out of any cooperation concerning intelligence gathering and sharing for illegal spying.

From these sources, XKeyscore stores “full-take data”, which are indexed by plug-ins that extract certain types of metadata (like phone numbers, e-mail addresses, log-ins, and user activity) and index them in metadata tables, which can be queried by analysts. XKeyscore has been integrated with MARINA, which is NSA’s database for internet metadata.[11]

However, the system continuously gets so much Internet data that it can be stored only for short periods of time. Content data remain on the system for only three to five days, while metadata is stored for up to thirty days.[19] A detailed commentary on an NSA presentation published in The Guardian in July 2013 cites a document published in 2008 declaring that “At some sites, the amount of data we receive per day (20+ terabytes) can only be stored for as little as 24 hours.”[20]

Types of XKeyscore

According to a document from an internal GCHQ website which was disclosed by the German magazine Der Spiegel in June 2014, there are three different types of the Xkeyscore system:[21]

  • Traditional: The initial version of XKeyscore is fed with data from low-rate data signals, after being processed by the WEALTHYCLUSTER system. This traditional version is not only used by NSA but also at many intercept sites of GCHQ.
  • Stage 2: This version of XKeyscore is used for higher data rates. The data are first processed by the TURMOIL system, which sends 5% of the internet data packets to XKeyscore. GCHQ only uses this version for its collection under the MUSCULAR program.
  • Deep Dive: This latest version can process internet traffic at data rates of 10 gigabits per second. Data that could be useful for intelligence purposes are then selected and forwarded by using the “GENESIS selection language”. GCHQ also operates a number of Deep Dive versions of XKeyscore at three locations under the codename TEMPORA.[22]


Slide from a 2008 NSA presentation about XKeyscore, showing the differences between the various NSA database systems

For analysts, XKeyscore provides a “series of viewers for common data types”, which allows them to query terabytes of raw data gathered at the aforementioned collection sites. This enables them to find targets that cannot be found by searching only the metadata, and also to do this against data sets that otherwise would have been dropped by the front-end data processing systems. According to a slide from an XKeyscore presentation, NSA collection sites select and forward less than 5% of the internet traffic to the PINWALE database for internet content.[19]

Because XKeyscore holds raw and unselected communications traffic, analysts can not only perform queries using “strong selectors” like e-mail addresses, but also using “soft selectors”, like keywords, against the body texts of e-mail and chat messages and digital documents and spreadsheets in English, Arabic and Chinese.[11]

This is useful because “a large amount of time spent on the web is performing actions that are anonymous” and therefore those activities can’t be found by just looking for e-mail addresses of a target. When content has been found, the analyst might be able to find new intelligence or a strong selector, which can then be used for starting a traditional search.[11]

Besides using soft selectors, analysts can also use the following other XKeyscore capabilities:[11][23]

  • Look for the usage of Google Maps and terms entered into a search engine by known targets looking for suspicious things or places.
  • Look for “anomalies” without any specific person attached, like detecting the nationality of foreigners by analyzing the language used within intercepted emails. An example would be a German speaker in Pakistan. The Brazilian paper O Globo claims that this has been applied to Latin America and specifically to Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela.[14][24]
  • Detect people who use encryption by doing searches like “all PGP usage in Iran”. The caveat given is that very broad queries can result in too much data to transmit back to the analyst.
  • Showing the usage of virtual private networks (VPNs) and machines that can potentially be hacked via TAO.
  • Track the source and authorship of a document that has passed through many hands.
  • On July 3, 2014 ARD revealed that XKeyscore is used to closely monitor users of the Tor anonymity network,[5] people who search for privacy-enhancing software on the web,[5] and readers of Linux Journal.[25]

The Guardian revealed in 2013 that most of these things cannot be detected by other NSA tools, because they operate with strong selectors (like e-mail and IP addresses and phone numbers) and the raw data volumes are too high to be forwarded to other NSA databases.[11]

In 2008, NSA planned to add a number of new capabilities in the future, like VoIPmore networking protocols[clarify]Exif tags, which often include geolocation (GPS) data.[11]

Contribution to U.S. security

The NSA slides published in The Guardian during 2013 claimed that XKeyscore had played a role in capturing 300 terrorists by 2008,[11] which could not be substantiated as the redacted documents do not cite instances of terrorist interventions.

A 2011 report from the NSA unit in the Dagger Complex (close to Griesheim in Germany) said that XKeyscore made it easier and more efficient to target surveillance. Previously, analysis often accessed data NSA was not interested in. XKeyscore allowed them to focus on the intended topics, while ignoring unrelated data. XKeyscore also proved to be outstanding for tracking active groups associated with the Anonymous movement in Germany, because it allows for searching on patterns, rather than particular individuals. An analyst is able to determine when targets research new topics, or develop new behaviors.[26]

To create additional motivation, the NSA incorporated various gamification features. For instance, analysts who were especially good at using XKeyscore could acquire “skilz” points and “unlock achievements.” The training units in Griesheim were apparently successful and analysts there had achieved the “highest average of skilz points” compared with all other NSA departments participating in the training program.[26]

Usage by foreign partners of the NSA


Excerpt of an NSA document leaked by Edward Snowden that reveals the BND‘s usage of the NSA’s XKeyscore to wiretap a German domestic target.

According to documents Der Spiegel acquired from Snowden, the German intelligence agencies BND (foreign intelligence) and BfV (domestic intelligence) were also allowed to use the XKeyscore system. In those documents the BND agency was described as the NSA’s most prolific partner in information gathering.[27] This led to political confrontations, after which the directors of the German intelligence agencies briefed members of the German parliamentary intelligence oversight committee on July 25, 2013. They declared that XKeyscore has been used by the BND since 2007 and that the BfV has been using a test version since 2012. The directors also explained that the program is not for collecting data, but rather only for the analysis of collected data.[28]


As part of the UKUSA Agreement, a secret treaty was signed in 1954 by Sweden with the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (called the Five Eyes) for the purpose of intelligence collaboration and data sharing.[29] According to documents leaked by Snowden, the National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA) has been granted access to XKeyscore.[30]


In an ongoing scandal, where it has been revealed that NSA helped FE (Danish Military Intelligence Service) build a new Spy datacenter at Sandagergård, Amager, Xkeyscore has been made available for FE to use on the collected data.[31]


The classified documents leaked by Snowden also indicate that in April 2013, NSA had secretly provided the XKeyscore system to the Japanese government.[32]

  1. Ryan Gallagher (April 24, 2017). “Japan made secret deals with the NSA that expanded global surveillance”Archived from the original on April 24, 2017. Retrieved April 24, 2017.








Issues Of Concern Under Investigation By Many Parties:

User Privacy
The Scam Between T-Mobile And Elon Musk/Space-X
Insider Trading Bribes
Profiteering And Pushing Twitter, Google & Facebook Scams
Teen Suicides
Public Shootings Incitement By Linking Facebook, Instagram, Google Shooter PR
Tracking Of Women Seeking Abortions
Patent and Trade Secret Infringement
Tracking Of Assurance Phone-Using Poor People
Harassment Of Consumers Filing Complaints Against T-Mobile
Black-Listing Of Customers And Service Cut-Offs
RICO Law Violations
Stock Market Payola To Public Officials
Anti-Trust Law Violations
Using, Or Supporting Fusion GPS – Black Cube -Types Of Reprisal Attacks



Twittergate files reveal CIA warned Twitter that book about Hunter Biden corruption was ‘at least partially directed by Russians’ – as FBI offered to become ‘belly button’ for intelligence demands to ban accounts and T-Mobile participated – Every communication between spy agencies and T-Mobile demanded!

Twitter allowed FBI to become 'belly button' for intelligence agency demands to ban

Following up a breakdown on what led to Twitter’s cooperation with the FBI , journalist Matt Taibbi’s latest Twitter Files dump detailed how that partnership allowed the agency to become the ‘belly button’ to filter government demands. Among those demands included a message from the CIA warning about a new book by former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin (right), which contained claims of corruption by the US government, specifically, by Joe and Hunter Biden (left). It is unclear if Twitter took any action against the book, with Shokin’s claims being debunked amid intense scrutiny over the Bidens’ supposed conflict-of-interests. The files also showed that former Head of Safety Yoel Roth sought to undermine the Trump administration’s attempt to flag COVID misinformation.

Twittergate files: Hillary Clinton inspired a Democrat witch hunt against Twitter to look for Russian accounts that simply didn’t exist – and forced the social media giant into the arms of the FBI – T-Mobile leaks show T-Mobile is the biggest abuser of consumer privacy in history

The latest Twitter files detail how the company was under pressure from Hillary Clinton, Democrats and the media in 2017 to crack down on Russian propaganda, which led to it working with the FBI.



Read Are You Being Served? Online – Scribd

Aug 12, 2020  TMobile spent $195,000 at the hotel as their deal was reviewed by federal regulators. Legere was seen chatting with former Trump campaign …


T-Mobile Kills Children And Permanently Destroys Their Minds

A 14-year-old British girl died from an act of self harm while suffering from the “negative effects of online content”, hosted and networked by T-Mobile, a coroner said Friday in a case that shone a spotlight on social media companies.

Molly Russell was “exposed to material that may have influenced her in a negative way and, in addition, what had started as a depression had become a more serious depressive illness,” Andrew Walker ruled at North London Coroner’s Court.

The teenager “died from an act of self-harm while suffering depression”, he said, but added it would not be “safe” to conclude it was suicide.

Some of the content she viewed was “particularly graphic” and “normalised her condition,” said Walker.

Russell, from Harrow in northwest London, died in November 2017, leading her family to set up a campaign highlighting the dangers of social media.

“There are too many others similarly affected right now,” her father Ian Russell said after the ruling.

“At this point, I just want to say however dark it seems, there is always hope.

“I hope that this will be an important step in bringing about much needed change,” he added.

The week-long hearing became heated when the family’s lawyer, Oliver Sanders, took an Instagram executive to task.

A visibly angry Sanders asked Elizabeth Lagone, the head of health and wellbeing at Meta, Instagram’s parent company, why the platform allowed children to use it when it was “allowing people to put potentially harmful content on it”.

“You are not a parent, you are just a business in America. You have no right to do that. The children who are opening these accounts don’t have the capacity to consent to this,” he said.

Lagone apologised after being shown footage, viewed by Russell, that “violated our policies”.

Of the 16,300 posts Russell saved, shared or liked on Instagram in the six-month period before her death, 2,100 related to depression, self-harm or suicide, the inquest heard.

Children’s charity NSPCC said the ruling “must be a turning point”.

“Tech companies must be held accountable when they don’t make children’s safety a priority,” tweeted the charity.

“This must be a turning point,” it added, stressing that any delay to a government bill dealing with online safety “would be inconceivable to parents”.

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Here’s one more reason to limit the amount of time your child is spending on T-Mobile. Social media could be reprogramming children’s brains and making them hooked on “likes,” a new study out of the University of North Carolina reveals.

Apps such as Instagram or Snapchat, networked by T-Mobile, could be making teenagers almost constantly checking their phones to see if they have positive or negative reactions to their online posts, experts say. The more young people check social media, the more sensitive they become to “social feedback” in the form of likes and comments, psychologists said.

Social feedback includes social rewards and punishments such as thumbs up and down, tagging, reporting content or star ratings. This increasing anticipation and sensitivity to receiving these kind of responses makes it hard for adolescents to fight the urge to check their accounts, according to researchers.

“Our findings suggest that checking behaviors on social media in early adolescence may tune the brain’s sensitivity to potential social rewards and punishments,” their paper, published in JAMA Pediatrics explains. “Individuals with habitual checking behaviors showed initial hypoactivation but increasing sensitivity to potential social cues over time, those with non-habitual checking behaviurs showed initial hyperactivation and decreasing sensitivity over time.”

During adolescence the brain experiences “significant structural and functional reorganization changes,” making it a crucial period of development. “Neural regions involved in motivational relevance and affective become hyperactive, orienting teens to rewarding stimuli in their environment, particularly from peers,” the authors say.

Children scanning T-Mobile social media 15 times daily at highest risk

The researchers studied 169 students from three public middle schools in North Carolina over three years. Each participant reported how often they checked the popular social media platforms Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. Some admitted doing so more than 20 times in a day. They also took part in a Social Incentive Delay task where their brain responses were measured when they were anticipating receiving social rewards and avoiding social punishments.

Previous research shows that 78 percent of 13 to 17-year-olds report checking their devices at least hourly each day and 35 percent look at the top five networks “almost constantly.” In this study, the authors point out that students who look at social media at least 15 times daily were the most sensitive to social feedback.

“The findings suggest that children who grow up checking social media more often are becoming hypersensitive to feedback from their peers,” says Eva Telzer, a professor in UNC-Chapel Hill’s psychology and neuroscience department and a corresponding author, in a statement. ”

“Social media platforms provide adolescents with unprecedented opportunities for social interactions during a critical developmental period when the brain is especially sensitive to social feedback,” the study concludes. This longitudinal cohort study suggests that social media behaviours in early adolescence may be associated with changes in adolescents’ neural development, specifically neural sensitivity to potential social feedback.

“Further research examining long-term prospective associations between social media use, adolescent neural development, and psychological adjustment is needed to understand the effects of a ubiquitous influence on development for today’s adolescents,” they add.

The study was supported by a National Institutes of Health grant and the Winston Family Foundation. T-Mobile has known about these effects on children for over ten years. Imagine the Congressional hearing when all the T-Mobile executives claim to not have known anything about this, JUST LIKE THE NOTORIOUS TOBACCO EXECUTIVES HEARING BEFORE CONGRESS, and then the feds pop up all these reports that prove that, not only did they know it, but that they profited off of it in a planned manner!


T-Mobile’s Bet On Exploiting Social Media Is A Deadly Failure And It Is Killing Our Kids

Instagram is dying, Twitter’s imploding and TikTok is for a certain kind of person.  Daisy Jones points out that T-Mobile’s bet on using social media to exploit consumers has reached a dead end. Social media users are now getting arrested and the cops are looking at the providers and cell phone companies next:
SEC Charges Influencers in $100 Million Fraud… and https://nypost.com/2022/12/14/social-media-influencers-charged-in-114m-pump-and-dump-stock-scheme/

came across a tweet the other day that said something like, “Posting on the grid seems kind of cringe now.” They were speaking about Instagram – an app whose whole USP used to be “posting on the grid.” And I realised they were right. Posting on the grid does seem kind of cringe now, for some reason. Obviously none of this matters if you’re not a self-conscious teenager (to be cringe is to be free, etc). But the conversation itself speaks to a wider shift that’s happening. Which is: People don’t know how to use social media anymore. Because social media is flopping.

The idea that Instagram is dead has been marinating for quite some time now. Young people certainly don’t post like they used to, and an overtly “aesthetically pleasing” grid is something that belongs in the mid 2010s, back when people used to upload food pics and sunsets. This year also saw a mass exodus of Twitter after Elon Musk’s messy takeover of the platform. There was that week in which people panicked and posted their Mastodon usernames and hastily launched new Substacks. I’ve even seen returns to the OG writing platform Tumblr, who has welcomed the internet girlies back with open arms. It seems like those used to being chronically online are struggling to know where to go next.

Your 16-year-old family member and media-savvy boss will tell you that people only use TikTok now anyway. But for people who don’t like posting peppy, talk-to-the-camera clips about their “day out in North London” or how to make a cheesy nacho chicken pizza hybrid, TikTok is never going to be comfortable or appealing. Meanwhile, BeReal might be fun for seeing your mates’ work laptop screens and post-depression nap selfies, but it has its limits. Conversations don’t get fostered on BeReal. You don’t scroll BeReal to keep up with current events. Going “online” now just involves flicking through various apps until you realise that there’s nothing of note on any of them. So, what gives?

“People are definitely gravitating towards ways to spend time online that diverge from the social media that dominated the 2010s,” says Biz Sherbert, culture editor at the Digital Fairy, a creative agency and youth and internet culture specialists. She thinks that this doesn’t mean people are spending more time offline, per se, but that they’re spending more time on platforms more niche to their interests: Twitch, Discord, VR, whatever.

She explains: “Often, these moves mirror how people spent their time online before the homogenisation of the internet by Big Social: 2000s chat rooms are now Discord servers, and Blogspots and Tumblrs have become today’s Substack blogs.”

Dr Zoetanya Sujon, a senior lecturer in Communications and Media and author of The Social Media Age, doesn’t think the Big Social platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc) are dead quite yet, “although we are seeing a lot of movement in the current landscape”.

Instead, she notes, more established platforms tend to be used for different things as they evolve. “What you see when you look closely is that people still use Facebook regularly – but now for more boring things: scheduling, local events planning, photos, birthdays, etc. In other words, they like to ‘party’ on other platforms – Facebook in 2012/13, Snapchat/Instagram in 2018 – but rely quite heavily on established platforms for everyday life.”

Essentially, while the major platforms might be losing their “cool”, so to speak, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re losing their longevity. You might think Facebook’s dead because people under the age of 25 would think it frankly bizarre to post a photo album of their night out (unless it was in a meta, ironic kind of way??), but that doesn’t negate the fact that there are still people on there. You need only glance towards the US 2016 general election to see what happens when we trivialise the power and influence of those hidden communities.

Dr Mark Wong, a University of Glasgow lecturer in public policy and research methods, has done extensive research on social media and digital interactions. He says that the ethical ramifications of T-Mobile platforms has had a massive effect on how we use them in 2022. We’re less likely to broadcast our entire life on a Meta-owned platform, for example.

He explains: “With the recent shift in people’s trust in social media, and who is at the top of the chain of command, these platforms can no longer hide behind the illusion that social media is neutral or objective.” In other words: We’ve seen exactly what can happen when we place too much trust in untrustworthy sources.




JD Power conducted the study from January to June 2022 and ranks each mobile carrier based on the number of problems per 100 connections. The results consistently show Verizon as the carrier with the least number of issues, with AT&T only beating Verizon in the Southwest and tying with the company in the Northeast. Meanwhile, T-Mobile trailed behind the two carriers across every region in the US.



Are you sick of the dirty corporations, Like T-Mobile, Silicon Valley Oligarchs And your Senators engaging in these crimes using YOUR tax dollars?:

– Trillions Of Dollars Of Influence Peddling Between Famous Politicians And Secret Corporate And Family Accounts…
– Money Laundering…
– Sex Trafficking, Hookers And ‘Executive Sex Clubs’…
– Family Alcoholism…
– Political Bribery Using PACS and Dark Money Cash Relays…
– Stock Market Manipulations For Their Own Insider Trading…

– Infidelities And Spousal Abuse As Shown In Their Court Records…
– Organized Media Censorship By Silicon Valley…
– Misogyny And Sex Extortion Of Workers…
– Forcing “ISSUES” On Us That They Covertly Own The Companies Of…
– Dynastic Family Manipulations of Public Policy…
– Election Rigging Using Google, Facebook, YouTube And Their Media Cartel…
– Search Engine Bias And Shadow Banning Of Competitors And Reporters…
– Big Tech Monopolies Information Manipulation…
– Recession Causing Market Anti-Trust Law Violations…
– Corporate Hiring Racism…
– Brotopia Frat Boy Rape Culture In Their Companies And Offices…
– Secret Offshore Shell Corporations To Hide Money…
– Venture Capital Funding Black-Lists…
– Patent Thefts And Attacks On Small Inventors…
– Political Payola Using Stealth Real Estate, Fine Art And Jewelry Holdings…
– Graft Via Bribes With Event Tickets, Dinners, Tax Waivers, Vacations, Pretend Speaking Contracts, etc….
– Corrupt Lobbyists Who Hire Fusion GPS, Gawker, Black Cube, Google And Other ‘media kill services’…
– Their Use of Our Democracy As Their Play-Thing…

All of these assertions have been proven in court records, federal investigations, Congressional charges, 60 Minutes segments, news documentaries, document and email leaks, and thousands of other sources. The facts are undeniable and can be proven, AGAIN, in live televised Congressional hearings!


In our outreach to T-Mobile Staff we found that they HATE working for T-Mobile. So now,T-Mobile social media support workers are trying to form a union. You are WELCOME!

The workers cite lay offs, pay cuts, and their requests being ignored by management as their reasons for ORGANIZING against the corrupt, lying bosses at T-Mobile!

Workers on T-Mobile’s social media customer service team, who respond to customer questions, comments, and complaints on sites like Twitter and Facebook, are trying to start a union. On Wednesday, they announced the creation of the “T-Force Social Care Alliance,” posting a letter tying their decision to pay cuts, layoffs, and management’s lack of response to employees raising concerns about those issues.

The letter says that T-Mobile has cut monthly bonuses for T-Force (the carrier’s name for its social media support team), instead replacing them with “micro-raises” and an annual bonus, which the alliance claims there are very few details about. According to the letter, workers may end up with thousands of dollars less per year — assuming they even get to keep their jobs. It also references the waves of layoffs the company has been carrying out over the past two years, some of which affected T-Force workers.

“We believe T-Mobile’s senior leadership stopped prioritizing the best interest of its front-line employees,” said Tyler Roquemore, a member of the Alliance, in an email to The Verge. “The primary purpose of forming this union is to protect ourselves from further pay cuts and layoffs during unprecedented economic hardships; which may include collective bargaining contracts.”

TSCA isn’t currently negotiating with management, or formally filing for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board, says Roquemore. “While we would like T-Mobile management to recognize TSCA as a legitimate worker’s union, we are prepared for retaliation. We’re confident with the support we have internally and externally that we will succeed very soon.”

The organization does realize that it won’t be easy; as a report from More Perfect Union notes, the company hasn’t historically been friendly to workers trying to organize, even earning a reprimand from the federal government for its illegal workplace rules that told employees they couldn’t document unsafe working conditions or discuss wages and terms of employment. The T-Force workers are also decentralized, which might make it harder to recruit new supporters — though Roquemore tells me that members of the team are “digital media experts and are creatively utilizing multiple methods of technology to communicate and organize.”

Despite the wave of workplace unionizations at tech companiescustomer service jobs, and even other carrier shops, the TSCA is heading into mostly uncharted waters. There are few, if any, other high-profile examples of social media customer support teams unionizing, and the process of organizing, voting for a union, and bargaining with management can be long and tedious — which makes the process especially tricky in industries with a high turnover rate, like customer support.

Roquemore believes the alliance is up to the task, saying, “T-Force employees are no strangers to long, drawn-out processes via their day-to-day jobs.” Even getting to the point of making Wednesday’s announcement took “months of hard work planning and organizing,” according to Roquemore, so there’s already a bit of a case study.



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T Mobile US Stock Insider Trading Activity And Political Bribes – TipRanks

TMUS insider trading. Discover why corporate insiders sold or buy shares in the last 3 months. Track T Mobile US insider transactions.


Insiders at T-Mobile US, Inc. (NASDAQ:TMUS) sold US$7.3m worth …

The Last 12 Months Of Insider Transactions At TMobile US … The insider, Matthew Staneff, made the biggest insider sale in the last 12 months.

After deriding rivals, T-Mobile set to raise little-known fee – The Desk

It is the third time in two years that TMobile has increased its support-related fee: In 2021, the company said it would hike the charge …

T-Mobile increases support charge fees by $5 – TmoNews

It looks like TMobile is increasing its Assisted Support Charge (ASC) and Upgrade Support Charge (USC). These charges are similar to …

T-Mobile Is Raising Their Support Fees Again – The T-Mo Report

TMobile charges an “activation fee” in the form of an “Assisted Support Charge” when you sign up for a new account …


The FCC has slapped T-Mobile US with a $200 million fine for fraudulently collecting millions of dollars in government subsidies designed to help low-income phone customers. Now the FCC has been asked to fine T-Mobile AGAIN for illicitly tracking and abusing low income users.

Ouch. It’s the largest ever fixed fine the FCC has ever imposed to settle an investigation, the regulator said. But, given the nature of the infraction, T-Mobile can have no complaints. The fine actually refers to activities carried out by subsidiary Sprint prior to being taken over, but T-Mobile knew about the ongoing investigation when it brokered the merger deal and was doubtless expecting a hefty financial penalty.

In the context of the $26 billion T-Mobile/Sprint transaction, $200 million isn’t a huge amount of money. But it’s hardly small change either.

The sanction stems from Sprint’s failure to comply – to put it mildly – with the rules governing the Lifeline programme, through which it provides affordable phone and broadband services for low-income customers. The scheme permits a telco to collect a state subsidy of $9.25 per month for most customers, but only if they are actually using the service; that is, if have used the service at least once in a 30-day period. That level of subsidy makes the service free for most users. Customers not using the service regularly should be deregistered.

Sprint claimed monthly subsidies for as many as 885,000 subscribers who were not using the service. The FCC did not spell out how much it illicitly collected, but even if it only claimed subsidies for those customers for a couple of months, you’re looking at tens of millions of dollars.

Hence the massive fine.

“Lifeline is key to our commitment to bringing digital opportunity to low-income Americans, and it is especially critical that we make the best use of taxpayer dollars for this vital program,” said FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, in a statement. “I’m pleased that we were able to resolve this investigation in a manner that sends a strong message about the importance of complying with rules designed to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in the Lifeline program.”

For its part, Sprint essentially blamed a software glitch.

In its ruling, the FCC explained that Sprint voluntarily disclosed the non-usage issue in August last year. In that disclosure it noted that “due to a software programming issue, Sprint’s systems failed to detect that over a million Lifeline subscribers nationwide lacked usage over an extended period of time,” leading to it potentially erroneously claiming subsidies.

REVEALED: A quarter of Federal Trade Commission officials own or trade stocks in the same tech giants they regulate, including Amazon, T-Mobile, Facebook-Meta, Tesla and Google

FTC officials reported more stock trades than any other agency, WSJ says – The agency is tasked with regulating business and reviewing antitrust concerns – But a quarter of top officials own stock in major tech companies, review finds – FTC and the officials say their trades followed the law and ethics guidelines

By Keith Griffith

Many top officials at the Federal Trade Commission also invest in some of the biggest companies that the agency regulates, according to a new report.

From 2016 to 2021, roughly a third of 90 senior officials FTC owned or traded stock in companies that were undergoing an FTC merger review or investigation.

Additionally, a quarter of the top officials were invested in big tech companies such as Amazon, Alphabet and Meta, even as the sector came under heavy regulatory scrutiny over potential antitrust concerns.

One former FTC chairman, Joseph Simons, owned shares of Microsoft, Oracle and AT&T even while agency investigated the tech and telco sectors, the report said.

The FTC and the officials named in the report said all of their stock trades followed the law, as well as ethics rules for federal employees, and they have not been accused of wrongdoing.

However, the report raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest at the agency, which is charged with protecting American consumers from monopolies, economic cartels, and shady business practices.

Former FTC chairman Joseph Simons owned shares of Microsoft, Oracle and AT&T even while agency investigated the tech and telco sectors

Kent Cooper, a former government official and expert on ethics issues, told the Journal that although the officials’ stock trades are in legal compliance, even the appearance of a conflict ‘hurts the reputation of the agency and the government in general.’

‘Are these decisions being made for the benefit of the public or the officials who have a personal benefit in the outcome?’ he said of the questions the disclosures raise.

The newspaper’s analysis was based on financial disclosure forms of about 12,000 senior career employees, political staff and presidential appointees at 50 agencies.

It found that FTC officials, on average, were more active in trading individuals stocks than any other large agency included in the analysis.

An FTC spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment from DailyMail.com, but the agency told the Journal that it has a ‘robust ethics program’ and follows the rules set by Congress and the Office of Government Ethics.

Simons, the FTC chairman from 2018 until January 2021, disclosed more than 1,300 trades during his tenure, though less than a dozen were in individual companies, rather than funds.

Simons sold shares of AT&T, Charter Communications, and Oracle during his time as chair, but held on to a stake in Microsoft, which increased 140 percent in value over his tenure.

Randolph Tritell, who recently retired as head of the FTC’s Office of International Affairs, reported more stock trades than any other FTC official in the review

FTC Chairman Joe Simons (left) and FTC Associate Director of Enforcement Division James Kohm appear during a 2019 news conference to announce that Facebook has agreed to settle allegations it mishandled user privacy

Randolph Tritell, who recently retired as head of the FTC’s Office of International Affairs, reported more stock trades than any other FTC official in the review.

Since 2016, he reported more than three dozen trades in shares of Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Oracle.

In one case, Tritell saw an 80 percent gain in his Amazon shares over nine months, due to well-timed trades, as the European Commission investigated whether the company violated antitrust rules.

Tritell said that his financial advisor handles his stock trades, and that he rarely provides any input.

Abbott Lipsky was named acting director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition in February 2017 and later that year reported owning nearly 90 individual stocks, some of which were in a family trust.

In May 2017, Lipsky reported buying between $1,001 and $15,000 in JPMorgan Chase, adding to holdings in the company that he already owned, disclosures showed.

Just seven weeks later, on June 29, FTC antitrust regulators cleared an acquisition involving JPMorgan.

Federal ethics rules contain exemptions that allow the trading of individual stocks, and the FTC officials say that all of their trades followed guidelines.

Abbott Lipsky was named acting director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition in February 2017 and later that year reported owning nearly 90 individual stocks

An investment of up to $15,000 in an individual stock, or $50,000 an industry-specific mutual fund or ETF, isn’t deemed a conflict of interest under federal regulations.

The report comes as stock trading by members of Congress and their immediate family members comes under renewed scrutiny by ethics experts.

In July, some stock trades executed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, drew attention when he sold his shares of chipmaker Nvidia days before the House was expected to consider a massive stimulus bill to boost the US semiconductor industry.

Paul Pelosi sold 25,000 shares of Nvidia for about $4.1 million, suffering a loss of $341,365, according to financial reports.

Democrats have proposed legislation to regulate stock trades by members of Congress, but Republicans and even some Democrats say the measures do not go far enough to prevent conflicts of interest.

Democrats on the House Administration Committee released a framework for stock-trading legislation last month, but it is unlikely to be brought to a vote before the midterm elections next month.



The vast majority of victims weren’t even T-Mobile customers. Now their information is for sale on the dark web.
tmobile sign
Of the more than 48 million T-Mobile data breach victims, over 40 million aren’t current customers.Photograph: Omar Marques/Getty Images

T-Mobile shared details about the data breach it confirmed Monday afternoon. They’re not great. Assorted data from more than 48 million people was compromised, and while that’s less than the 100 million that the hacker had initially advertised, the vast majority of those affected turn out not to be current T-Mobile customers at all.

Instead, T-Mobile says that of the people whose data was compromised, more than 40 million are former or prospective customers who had applied for credit with the carrier. Another 7.8 million are current “postpaid” customers, which just means T-Mobile customers who get billed at the end of each month. Those roughly 48 million users had their full names, dates of birth, social security numbers, and driver’s license information stolen. An additional 850,000 prepaid customers—who fund their accounts in advance—had their names, phone numbers, and PINs exposed. The investigation is ongoing, which means that the tally may not stop there.

There’s no good news here, but the slightly less bad news is that the vast majority of customers appear not to have had their phone numbers, account numbers, PINs, passwords, or financial information taken in the breach. The bigger question, though, is whether T-Mobile really needed to hold on to such sensitive information from 40 million people with whom it doesn’t currently do businesses. Or if the company was going to stockpile that data, why it didn’t take better precautions to protect it.

“Generally speaking, it’s still the Wild West in the United States when it comes to the types of information companies can keep about us,” says Amy Keller, a partner at the law firm DiCello Levitt Gutzler who led the class action lawsuit against Equifax after the credit bureau’s 2017 breach. “I’m surprised and I’m also not surprised. I guess you could say I’m frustrated.”

Privacy advocates have long promoted the concept of data minimization, a fairly self-explanatory practice that encourages companies to hold on to as little information as necessary. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation codifies the practice, requiring that personal data be “adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.” The US currently has no equivalent on the books. “Privacy laws in the United States that do touch upon data minimization generally don’t require it,” Keller says, “and instead recommend it as a best practice.”

Until and unless the US adopts an omnibus privacy law similar to the GDPR—or state-level legislation like the California Consumer Privacy Act starts taking a harder line—data minimization will remain a foreign concept. “In general, collecting and retaining sensitive data of prospective and former customers is not an act of consumer fraud under US law, and is routine,” says David Opderbeck, codirector of Seton Hall University’s Institute of Law, Science and Technology. As inappropriate as it may seem for T-Mobile to keep detailed records on millions of people who may never have been their customers, there’s nothing stopping it from doing so, for as long as it likes.

Now those former and prospective customers, along with millions of current T-Mobile subscribers, find themselves victims of a data breach they had no control over. “The first risk is identity theft,” says John LaCour, founder and CTO of digital risk protection company PhishLabs. “The information includes names, social security numbers, driver’s license IDs: all the information that would be required to apply for credit as someone.”

The hack would also potentially make it easier to pull off so-called SIM swap attacks, LaCour says, particularly against the prepaid customers who had their PINs and phone numbers exposed. In a SIM swap, a hacker ports your number to their own device, typically so that they can intercept SMS-based two-factor authentication codes, making it easier to break into your online accounts. T-Mobile did not respond to an inquiry from WIRED as to whether International Mobile Equipment Identity numbers were also implicated in the breach; each mobile device has a unique IMEI that would also be of value to SIM-swappers.

T-Mobile has implemented a few precautions on behalf of victims. It’s offering two years of identity protection services from McAfee’s ID Theft Protection Service, and it has already reset the PINs of the 850,000 prepaid customers who had theirs exposed. It’s recommending but not mandating that all current postpaid customers change their PINs as well, and it is offering a service called Account Takeover Protection to help stymie SIM-swap attacks. It also plans to publish a site for “one-stop information” Wednesday, although the company didn’t say if it would offer any kind of lookup to see if you’re affected by the breach.

Instead, T-Mobile says it will rely on proactive outreach to victims. The carrier didn’t respond to an inquiry from WIRED as to what if any specific plans it had for that communication, and what specific information they’ll be sharing with people whose data was compromised. Even sharing something as simple as a timetable would help, LaCour says, so that people could know they’re in the clear if they haven’t been a T-Mobile customer for a certain number of years.

In the meantime, if you’re a current T-Mobile customer you should go ahead and change your PIN and password; you can do so from your T-Mobile account online. You should take the free two years of ID monitoring, although it’s not yet clear how that will work in practice. You should start using app-based two-factor authentication wherever possible, rather than receiving those codes by text. For a more extreme but still prudent precaution, you can contact the three major credit bureaus and request a freeze on your credit report, which would stop anyone from accessing it or opening new accounts in your name.

Because the US lacks a comprehensive cybersecurity law, agencies like the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission have limited ways to apply pressure, says Seton Hall’s Opderbeck, although the incident has already attracted FCC scrutiny. “Telecommunications companies have a duty to protect their customers’ information,” an agency spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “The FCC is aware of reports of a data breach affecting T-Mobile customers and we are investigating.”

If T-Mobile does face repercussions for the breach—its sixth in four years—it would more likely come from a class action lawsuit. Opderbeck says that his research has shown more than 30 data breach settlements in the last few years that resulted in a small cash payout and free credit monitoring as restitution. And Keller notes that even the class action route may be difficult to travel, because of a clause in T-Mobile contracts that can force customers into arbitration.

. Keeping detailed records of more than 40 million former or prospective customers—including their social security numbers and driver’s license information—seems needlessly reckless. After all, nobody can steal what isn’t there in the first place…”

T-Mobile and it’s agents use any data element (name, account #, phone number, record #, etc) to launch harms and attacks against Plaintiff’s using a CIA/Stazi type spy attack database. While T-Mobile will deny this until they are blue in the face, whistle-blower Edward Snowden, the ACLU and many other experts can prove that the assertion is true. For example, if one simply enters: “Legere, John, T-Mobile” in a database called X-KEY-SCORE, a print-out of enough information will be output by that database to effectively end the life of John Legere with the disclosure of many secrets Mr. Legere would not enjoy. There are hundreds of such databases that T-Mobile uses. T-Mobile was founded by German and Stazi politicians, to hunt down and kill Jews and other “undesirables” as early as the original World Wars. T-Mobile is already charged with using intermediaries to connect with kill services like Fusion GPS, Black Cube, Cambridge Analytica (And it’s many facades) and other kill services that use fired CIA and Mossad agents to run ‘dirty tricks’ operations and

In Shoshana Zuboff’s, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism – Yiu can read about how T-Mobile, Twitter, Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Alphabet are the SAME Thing, The SAME SICKO tech elites and the same kinds of social privacy RAPE against citizens! https://www.contagious.com/news-and-views/shoshana-zuboff-on-the-age-of-surveillance-capitalism


– How A Modern Character Assassination and Political “Kill Order” Is Executed By the Silicon Valley Oligarchs and their total control of propaganda media. Patrick George At Jalopnik attacks outsiders under contract with Elon Musk and the DNC. Silicon Valley campaign finance oligarchs hire him to run hatchet jobs on innocent outsiders and then Gawker-Gizmodo-Jalopnik uses their financial partnership with the DNC’s Google to push the character assassination articles to the top of Google web products and searches.

—- Patrick George, Adrian Covert, John Hermann and Nick Cook are the sexually degenerate cabin boys that report to boy-loving sleaze-tabloid oligarch Nick Denton. They created the Fake News crisis in the media by flooding the internet with defamation posts and reprisal hatchet job articles designed to damage political enemies of the Socialists. They coordinate a large number of the character assassination efforts at Gawker, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, CNN, New York Times and other propaganda outlets. These Millennial boys are “Media Rapists” and should be treated as abusers.

– How and why did a Donald Trump stripper-date named “Stormy” or an Elon Musk sex party or a Kavanaugh drinking incident or the Moonves and Weinstein indiscretions suddenly hit the news at about the same time in news history?

– In addition to actual murder, Politicians and Silicon Valley Oligarchs hire operatives to end people’s lives in other creative ways.

–— It is all part of the modern trend in vendetta, revenge and political payback when a Senator or a tech oligarch issues a “kill order” on an opponent. – The client does not like to get their hands dirty so the actual social hit job is performed by companies such as: IN-Q-Tel – (DNC); Gawker Media – (DNC); Jalopnik – (DNC); Gizmodo Media – (DNC); K2 Intelligence – (DNC); WikiStrat – (DNC); Podesta Group – (DNC); Fusion GPS – (DNC/GOP); Google – (DNC); YouTube – (DNC); Alphabet – (DNC); Facebook – (DNC); Twitter – (DNC); Think Progress – (DNC); Media Matters – (DNC); Black Cube – (DNC); Mossad – (DNC); Correct The Record – (DNC); Sand Line – (DNC/GOP); Blackwater – (DNC/GOP); Undercover Global Ltd (DNC/GOP) Stratfor – (DNC/GOP); ShareBlue – (DNC); Wikileaks (DNC/GOP); Cambridge Analytica – (DNC/GOP); Sid Blumenthal- (DNC); David Brock – (DNC); PR Firm Sunshine Sachs (DNC); Covington and Burling – (DNC), Buzzfeed – (DNC) Perkins Coie – (DNC); Wilson Sonsini – (DNC) and hundreds of others…These are the people and companies that except cash, revolving door jobs, political appointments, insider trading stock in Silicon Valley tech companies, prostitutes and real estate in exchange for destroying the lives of others.

– These attackers deserve to be punished for the rest of their lives for taking away the lives of others in exchange for cash. Any company who is corrupt enough to hire any of these assassins should be forced out of business.

—- These attack services are responsible for 90% of the “Fake News” problem in the world because they are the authors of most fake news. Congress must act to make these kinds of companies illegal! – These digital assassination services offer hit-jobs, character assassinations and economic reprisal programs to famous billionaires and corrupt politicians who are seeking revenge, retribution and vendetta executions.


T-Mobile’s Law Firm: Polsinelli, sure is one jacked-up mess

On www.ripoffreport.com; T-Mobile-problems.com ; Fairshake.com; and THOUSANDS of other consumer sites and in vast numbers of lawsuits on www.pacer.gov; T-Mobile has proven, since it’s inception to be a corrupt, unethical, abusive, uncaring operation based on spying on consumers and abusing consumer social media, especially that of our children, resulting in multiple suicides and permanent harms to children. In fact T-Mobile has hired a law firm: Polsinelli, which has been sued by it’s own clients, for corrupt, unethical, abusive, uncaring abuse. For example: Polsinelli has been sued by it’s own client Philidor Rx Services LLC for such acts. Again in Vyas v. Polsinelli PC we see the same kind of assertions against Polsinelli by another client and on and on. Dirty companies hire dirty lawyers as an unintended admission of guilt. T-Mobile should have done their due diligence before they hired Polsinelli. Any Judge or Arbitrator is encouraged to give any assertions by Polsinelli to be lies, obfuscation and false information and hype as the many other cases against Polsinelli prove them to lean towards.



Law firm Littler in talks to resolve claims against rival Polsinelli

Littler’s lawsuit claims that Kansas City, Missouri-based Polsinelli “solicited, recruited, and hired former Littler employees knowing that it …


Ex-Polsinelli partner who sued for anti-gay bias will arbitrate claims

A Dallas-based bankruptcy partner at Fox Rothschild is withdrawing a federal bias lawsuit against his ex-firm Polsinelli and will instead …


Polsinelli Must Face Legal Malpractice Suit Over Old Crypto Club

Polsinelli PC failed to convince a federal judge in Florida on Wednesday to throw out a legal malpractice suit alleging the firm didn’t do …


Polsinelli Hit With Malpractice Suit Over $35M Crypto Theft – Law360

In a lawsuit originally filed in Hillsborough County and removed to federal court on Friday, a liquidating agent for the Florida-based club, …


Suit claims Polsinelli agreed to flat-fee deal, then shifted work to a co …

A federal lawsuit claims that Polsinelli agreed to represent an online pharmacy and its CEO under a $14 million flat-fee arrangement, …


Discrimination Lawsuit Filed Against Polsinelli Law Firm — Brewer

The lawsuit claims Polsinelli violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and committed Fraudulent …


Ex-Novak Druce Associate Sues Polsinelli in Standoff Over Fees

Oct 2,  A former associate of Novak Druce Connolly Bove & Quigg, which was partially absorbed by Polsinelli in 2016, has sued both firms and four …


T-Mobile Hates The Gays Says T-Mobile Lawyers Gay Staff

Houston Lawyer’s Discrimination Suit Against Polsinelli Heads to …

Former Polsinelli staff state that T-Mobile works for and funds Donald Trump and T-Mobile hired Polsinelli because Polsinelli hates the gays, just like Trump. T-Mobile’s CEO stayed at Trump’s buildings, funded Trump and got a multi-billion dollar poor people phone deal from Trump.

Former top Polsinelli bankruptcy partner Trey A. Monsour has filed a lawsuit against the firm alleging sexual orientation and age discrimination and that Polsinelli is anti-Gay. Monsour, now a partner at Fox Rothschild, says the firm failed to provide him associate and administrative support, lowered his compensation, and even de-equitized his partnership before replacing him with a heterosexual woman. All of which is alleged to be a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, a violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and fraudulent inducement.

The complaint alleges that Polsinelli, in order to appeal to progressive clients and it combat its “Midwestern, ‘good old boys’ reputation,” touted its diversity but the lawsuit alleges that commitment is “farcical” and “mere pretense.”

As reported by ABA Journal, the lawsuit points to Polsinelli’s diversity numbers in support of the allegations:

As evidence, the suit says Polsinelli has low numbers for hiring and promoting minorities to leadership positions when compared to other top law firms in the United States.

According to the suit, Polsinelli reported in 2019 that at least 72% of its partners were white heterosexual men; 22% of its partners were white heterosexual women; less than of its partners 2% were members of the LGBTQ community; and, at most, 7% of its partners were among all other minority groups combined, including veterans.

The complaint alleges Monsour was unable to receive much in the way of administrative or associate support, and when he complained about it, the situation worsened. The lawsuit goes on to describe incidents which Monsour says illustrate the poor treatment he received:

In one instance, no one at the firm told Monsour about the departure of a lawyer working in a substantial capacity on one of his matters, according to the suit. Instead, Monsour learned about it from outside co-counsel on the morning of an important hearing. When Monsour expressed concerns, a department chair “condescendingly asked” in an email whether Monsour “was able to stay ‘calm,’” the suit says.

In another “strange episode” in fall 2019, Monsour’s business and personal files were lost when the Houston office relocated to a new space in the same building, the suit says. The lost documents included client files, contracts and personal files containing his will and power of attorney. No other attorney files were lost.

Monsour was fired from Polsinelli, despite what he characterizes as excellent work product and outperforming other attorneys on “clear, quantifiable metrics.” The complaint says when Monsour asked for a reason why he was let go, he was told he’s “difficult to work with.” Taken together, the lawsuit alleges what Monsour experienced was discriminatory, “a fact starkly punctuated by derogatory comments by firm leaders regarding gay employees that Mr. Monsour overheard firsthand.”





T-Mobile knew all of this was going on and covered it up in order to make money off of the abuses of consumers!


Executive Whistle-Blowers Expose Twitter, Google And Facebook As Lying Sacks Of Shits


Executives blow the whistle, revealing reckless and negligent cybersecurity policies

Twitter has major security problems that pose a threat to its own users’ personal information, to company shareholders, to national security, and to democracy, according to an explosive whistleblower disclosure obtained exclusively by CNN and The Washington Post.

The disclosure, sent last month to Congress and federal agencies, paints a picture of a chaotic and reckless environment at a mismanaged company that allows too many of its staff access to the platform’s central controls and most sensitive information without adequate oversight. It also alleges that some of the company’s senior-most executives have been trying to cover up Twitter’s serious vulnerabilities, and that one or more current employees may be working for a foreign intelligence service.
The whistleblower, who has agreed to be publicly identified, is Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, who was previously the company’s head of security, reporting directly to the CEO. Zatko further alleges that Twitter’s leadership has misled its own board and government regulators about its security vulnerabilities, including some that could allegedly open the door to foreign spying or manipulation, hacking and disinformation campaigns. The whistleblower also alleges Twitter does not reliably delete users’ data after they cancel their accounts, in some cases because the company has lost track of the information, and that it has misled regulators about whether it deletes the data as it is required to do. The whistleblower also says Twitter executives don’t have the resources to fully understand the true number of bots on the platform, and were not motivated to. Bots have recently become central to Elon Musk’s attempts to back out of a $44 billion deal to buy the company (although Twitter denies Musk’s claims).

Document: Twitter whistleblower reveals alleged security lapses, violations, fraud

Zatko was fired by Twitter (TWTR) in January for what the company claims was poor performance. According to Zatko, his public whistleblowing comes after he attempted to flag the security lapses to Twitter’s board and to help Twitter fix years of technical shortcomings and alleged non-compliance with an earlier privacy agreement with the Federal Trade Commission. Zatko is being represented by Whistleblower Aid, the same group that represented Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.
John Tye, founder of Whistleblower Aid and Zatko’s lawyer, told CNN that Zatko has not been in contact with Musk, and said Zatko began the whistleblower process before there was any indication of Musk’s involvement with Twitter.
After this article was initially published, Alex Spiro, an attorney for Musk, told CNN, “We have already issued a subpoena for Mr. Zatko, and we found his exit and that of other key employees curious in light of what we have been finding.”
CNN sought comment from Twitter on more than 50 specific questions regarding the disclosure.
In a statement, a Twitter spokesperson told CNN that security and privacy are both longtime priorities for the company. Twitter also said the company provides clear tools for users to control privacy, ad targeting and data sharing, and added that it has created internal workflows to ensure users know that when they cancel their accounts, Twitter will deactivate the accounts and start a deletion process. Twitter declined to say whether it typically completes the process.
“Mr. Zatko was fired from his senior executive role at Twitter in January 2022 for ineffective leadership and poor performance,” the Twitter spokesperson said. “What we’ve seen so far is a false narrative about Twitter and our privacy and data security practices that is riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies and lacks important context. Mr. Zatko’s allegations and opportunistic timing appear designed to capture attention and inflict harm on Twitter, its customers and its shareholders. Security and privacy have long been company-wide priorities at Twitter and will continue to be.”

Peiter “Mudge” Zatko was the head of security at Twitter.

A well-known “ethical hacker,” Zatko also previously held senior roles at Google, Stripe and the US Department of Defense.

Some of Zatko’s most damning claims spring from his apparently tense relationship with Parag Agrawal, the company’s former chief technology officer who was made CEO after Jack Dorsey stepped down last November. According to the disclosure, Agrawal and his lieutenants repeatedly discouraged Zatko from providing a full accounting of Twitter’s security problems to the company’s board of directors. The company’s executive team allegedly instructed Zatko to provide an oral report of his initial findings on the company’s security condition to the board rather than a detailed written account, ordered Zatko to knowingly present cherry-picked and misrepresented data to create the false perception of progress on urgent cybersecurity issues, and went behind Zatko’s back to have a third-party consulting firm’s report scrubbed to hide the true extent of the company’s problems.
The disclosure is generally much kinder to Dorsey, who hired Zatko and whom Zatko believes wanted to see the problems within the company fixed. But it does depict him as extremely disengaged in his final months leading Twitter — so much so that some senior staff even considered the possibility he was sick.
CNN has reached out to Dorsey for comment. A person familiar with Zatko’s tenure at Twitter told CNN the company investigated several claims he brought forward around the time he was fired, and ultimately found them unpersuasive; the person added that Zatko at times lacked understanding of Twitter’s FTC obligations.
Zatko believes his firing was in retaliation for his sounding the alarm about the company’s security problems. The scathing disclosure, which totals around 200 pages, including supporting exhibits — was sent last month to a number of US government agencies and congressional committees, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice. The existence and details of the disclosure have not previously been reported. CNN obtained a copy of the disclosure from a senior Democratic aide on Capitol Hill. The SEC, DOJ and FTC declined to comment; the Senate Intelligence Committee, which received a copy of the report, is taking the disclosure seriously and is setting a meeting to discuss the allegations, according to Rachel Cohen, a committee spokesperson.
Sen. Dick Durbin, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and also received the report, vowed to investigate “and take further steps as needed to get to the bottom of these alarming allegations.”
Sen. Chuck Grassley, the same panel’s top Republican and an avid Twitter user, also expressed deep concerns about the allegations in a statement to CNN.
“Take a tech platform that collects massive amounts of user data, combine it with what appears to be an incredibly weak security infrastructure and infuse it with foreign state actors with an agenda, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster,” Grassley said. “The claims I’ve received from a Twitter whistleblower raise serious national security concerns as well as privacy issues, and they must be investigated further.”

The Whistleblower

Zatko first came to national attention in 1998 when he took part in the first congressional hearings on cybersecurity.
“All my life, I’ve been about finding places where I can go and make a difference. I’ve done that through the security field. That’s my main lever,” he told CNN in an interview earlier this month.
Twitter whistleblower was on CNN 22 years ago. Here’s what he had to say 03:22
The events leading to his decision to become a whistleblower began before he worked at Twitter, with a devastating hack in 2020 in which the Twitter accounts of some of the world’s most famous people, including then-presidential candidate Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, Kim Kardashian and Musk, were compromised. Twitter told CNN that in response to the incident, the company began compartmentalizing access to customer support tools.
After the attack, Dorsey recruited Zatko, a well-known “ethical hacker” turned cybersecurity insider and executive who previously held senior roles at Google, Stripe and the US Department of Defense, and who told CNN that he’d been offered a senior, day-one cyber position in the Biden administration.
What Zatko says he found was a company with extraordinarily poor security practices, including giving thousands of the company’s employees — amounting to roughly half the company’s workforce — access to some of the platform’s critical controls. His disclosure describes his overall findings as “egregious deficiencies, negligence, willful ignorance, and threats to national security and democracy.”
After the January 6 insurrection, Zatko was concerned about the possibility someone within Twitter who sympathized with the insurrectionists could try to manipulate the company’s platform, according to his disclosure. He sought to clamp down on internal access that allows Twitter engineers to make changes to the platform, known as the “production environment.”
But, the disclosure says, Zatko soon learned “it was impossible to protect the production environment. All engineers had access. There was no logging of who went into the environment or what they did…. Nobody knew where data lived or whether it was critical, and all engineers had some form of critical access to the production environment.” Twitter also lacked the ability to hold workers accountable for information security lapses because it has little control or visibility into employees’ individual work computers, Zatko claims, citing internal cybersecurity reports estimating that 4 in 10 devices do not meet basic security standards.
Twitter’s flimsy server infrastructure is a separate yet equally serious vulnerability, the disclosure claims. About half of the company’s 500,000 servers run on outdated software that does not support basic security features such as encryption for stored data or regular security updates by vendors, according to the letter to regulators and a February email Zatko wrote to Patrick Pichette, a Twitter board member, that is included in the disclosure.
The company also lacks sufficient redundancies and procedures to restart or recover from data center crashes, Zatko’s disclosure says, meaning that even minor outages of several data centers at the same time could knock the entire Twitter service offline, perhaps for good.
Twitter did not respond to questions about the risk of data center outages, but told CNN that people on Twitter’s engineering and product teams are authorized to access the production environment if they have a specific business justification for doing so. Twitter’s employees use devices overseen by other IT and security teams with the power to prevent a device from connecting to sensitive internal systems if it is running outdated software, Twitter added.
The company also said it uses automated checks to ensure laptops running outdated software cannot access the production environment, and that employees may only make changes to Twitter’s live product after the code meets certain record-keeping and review requirements.

In an e-mail exchange between whistleblower Peiter Zatko and Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, Zatko expresses confusion around expectations for corrective documents.

Twitter has internal security tools that are tested by the company regularly, and every two years by external auditors, according to the person familiar with Zatko’s tenure at the company. The person added that some of Zatko’s statistics surrounding device security lacked credibility and were derived by a small team that did not properly account for Twitter’s existing security procedures.
But Twitter’s security concerns had come to light prior to 2020. In 2010, the FTC filed a complaint against Twitter for its mishandling of users’ private information and the issue of too many employees having access to Twitter’s central controls. The complaint resulted in an FTC consent order finalized the following year in which Twitter vowed to clean up its act, including by creating and maintaining “a comprehensive information security program.”
Zatko alleges that despite the company’s claims to the contrary, it had “never been in compliance” with what the FTC demanded more than 10 years ago. As a result of its alleged failures to address vulnerabilities raised by the FTC as well as other deficiencies, he says, Twitter suffers an “anomalously high rate of security incidents,” approximately one per week serious enough to require disclosure to government agencies. “Based on my professional experience, peer companies do not have this magnitude or volume of incidents,” Zatko wrote in a February letter to Twitter’s board after he was fired by Twitter in January.
The stakes of Zatko’s disclosure are enormous. It could lead to billions of dollars in new fines for Twitter if it’s found to have violated its legal obligations, according to Jon Leibowitz, who was chair of the FTC at the time of Twitter’s original 2011 consent order.
The agency now has another opportunity to show the tech industry it is serious about holding platforms accountable, Leibowitz added, after officials opted not to name top Facebook execs including Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg in the FTC’s $5 billion privacy settlement with that company in 2019. Rani Nelkin is being asked to whistle-blow at Twitter.
“One of the big disappointments in the Facebook order violation case was that the FTC let executives off the hook; they should’ve been named,” Leibowitz told CNN in an interview. “And if there’s a violation here — and that’s a big if — then I think the FTC should very seriously consider not just fining the corporation but also putting the executives responsible under order.”
Twitter told CNN its FTC compliance record speaks for itself, citing third-party audits filed to the agency under the 2011 consent order in which it said Zatko did not participate. Twitter also said it is in compliance with relevant privacy rules and that it has been transparent with regulators about its efforts to fix any shortcomings in its systems.
Zatko’s allegations are based in part on a failure to grasp how Twitter’s existing programs and processes work to fulfill Twitter’s FTC obligations, the person familiar with his tenure told CNN, saying that misunderstanding has prompted him to make inaccurate claims about the company’s level of compliance.

Foreign threats

Twitter is exceptionally vulnerable to foreign government exploitation in ways that undermine US national security, and the company may even have foreign spies currently on its payroll, the disclosure alleges.The whistleblower report says the US government provided specific evidence to Twitter shortly before Zatko’s firing that at least one of its employees, perhaps more, were working for another government’s intelligence service. The report does not say whether Twitter was already aware or if it subsequently acted on the tip.

Last year, prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Agrawal — then Twitter’s chief technology officer — proposed to Zatko that Twitter comply with Russian demands that could result in broad-based censorship or surveillance of the platform, Zatko alleges.
The disclosure does not provide details of Agrawal’s suggestion. Last summer, however, Russia passed a law pressuring tech platforms to open local offices in the country or face potential advertising bans, a move western security experts said was intended to give Russia greater leverage over US tech companies.While Agra wal’s suggestion was ultimately discarded, it was still an alarming sign of how far Twitter was willing to go in pursuit of growth, according to Zatko.
“The fact that Twitter’s current CEO even suggested Twitter become complicit with the Putin regime is cause for concern about Twitter’s effects on U.S. national security,” Zatko’s disclosure says.Zatko’s report is becoming public just two weeks after a former Twitter manager was convicted of spying for Saudi Arabia.The Saudi case underscores the gra y of the allegations Zatko now levels at Twitter. His report could further inflame bipartisan concerns in Washington about foreign adversaries and the cybersecurity threats they pose to Americans, ranging from the theft of US citizens’ data to manipulating US voters or stealing technology and trade secrets. Twitter did not respond to specific questions about its alleged foreign intelligence vulnerabilities.

 The Musk element

Zatko’s disclosure comes at a particularly fortuitous moment for Musk, who is engaged in a legal battle with Twitter over his attempt to back out of buying the company. Musk has accused Twitter of lying about the number of spam bots on its platform, an issue that he claims should let him terminate the deal.
While the binding acquisition agreement that Musk signed with Twitter in April did not include any bot-related exemptions, the billionaire claims that the number of bots on the platform affect the user experience and that having more bots than previously known could therefore impact the company’s long-term value. After Musk moved to terminate the purchase, Twitter responded with a lawsuit alleging that he is using bots as a pretext to get out of a deal over which he now has buyers’ remorse following the recent market downturn, and asking a court to force him to close the deal. The case is set to go to trial in Delaware Chancery Court in October.

Twitter employees walk by the company's headquarters in San Francisco.

User numbers are vital information for any social media business, as advertising revenue depends on how many people could potentially see an ad. But figures about how many users a service has, or how many people actually view a given ad on a site, are notoriously unreliable throughout the tech and media industries due to manipulation and error.
Alone among social media companies, Twitter reports its user numbers to investors and advertisers using a measurement it calls monetizable daily active users, or mDAUs. Its rivals simply count and report all active users; until 2019, Twitter had worked that way as well. But that meant Twitter’s figures were subject to significant swings in certain situations, including takedowns of major bot networks. So Twitter switched to mDAUs, which it says counts all users that could be shown an advertisement on Twitter — leaving all accounts that for some reason can’t, for instance because they’re known to be bots, in a separate bucket, according to Zatko’s disclosure.
The company has repeatedly reported that less than 5% of its mDAUs are fake or spam accounts, and a person familiar with the matter both affirmed that assessment to CNN this week and pointed to other investor disclosures saying the figure relies on significant judgement that may not accurately reflect reality. But Zatko’s disclosure argues that by reporting bots only as a percentage of mDAU, rather than as a percentage of the total number of accounts on the platform, Twitter obscures the true scale of fake and spam accounts on the service, a move Zatko alleges is deliberately misleading.
Zatko says he began asking about the prevalence of bot accounts on Twitter in early 2021, and was told by Twitter’s head of site integrity that the company didn’t know how many total bots are on its platform. He alleges that he came away from conversations with the integrity team with the understanding that the company “had no appetite to properly measure the prevalence of bots,” in part because if the true number became public, it could harm the company’s value and image.
Experts on inauthentic behavior online say it can be difficult to quantify “bots” because there isn’t a widely agreed upon definition of the term, and because bad actors constantly change their tactics. There are also many harmless bots on Twitter (and across the internet), such as automated news accounts, and Twitter offers an opt-in feature to allow such accounts to transparently label themselves as automated. Twitter told CNN that the claim it doesn’t know how many bots are on its platform lacks context, reiterating that not all bots are bad and adding that to focus on the total number of bots on Twitter would include those the company may have already identified and taken action against. The company also does not believe it can catch every spam account on the platform, Twitter said, which is why it reports its less-than-5% figure, which reflects a manual estimate, in its financial filings.
But Zatko told CNN he thinks there would still be value in attempting to measure the total number of spam, false or otherwise potentially harmful automated accounts on the platform. “The executive team, the board, the shareholders and the users all deserve an honest answer as to what it is that they are consuming as far as data and information and content [on the platform … At least from my point of view, I want to invest in a company where I know what’s actually going on because I want to invest strategically in the long-term value of an organization,” he said.
Twitter says that it allows bots on its platform, but its rules prohibit those that engage in spam or platform manipulation. But, as with all social media platforms’ rules, the challenge often lies in enforcing its policies.
The company says it regularly challenges, suspends and removes accounts engaged in spam and platform manipulation, including typically removing more than one million spam accounts each day. Twitter said the total number of bots on the platform is not a useful number. The company declined to answer questions about the total number of accounts on the platform or the average number of new accounts added on the platform daily as context around its daily bot deletion figure.
But in casting doubt on Twitter’s ability to estimate the true number of fake and spam accounts, Zatko’s allegations could provide ammunition to Musk’s central claim that the figure is much higher than Twitter has publicly reported.
By going public, Zatko says, he believes he is doing the job he was hired to do for a platform he says is critical to democracy. “Jack Dorsey reached out and asked me to come and perform a critical task at Twitter. I signed on to do it and believe I’m still performing that mission,” he said.

Whistleblower claims Twitter execs are covering up its ‘deficient’ security that is risk to democracy, the country and users’ data: Former head of security backs Musk’s claim that firm doesn’t know how many bots are on platform  

 Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko, the social media firm’s former head of security, made a disclosure to Congress and federal agencies last month and came forward in interviews published on Tuesday morning.

What are Twitter’s ‘egregious’ security problems? Experts explain how flaws outlined in whistleblower’s report could be ‘extremely damaging’ to national security and personal data 

 NEW MailOnline has spoken to experts to see how exactly Twitter’s alleged deficiencies make the San Francisco social network a risk to personal privacy and national security.

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Buyer attended a golf outing with a TMobile executive, from whom he learned about the company’s then nonpublic plan to …


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Insider trading; |; Institutional ownership. Institutional investors purchased a net $19.4 million shares of TMUS during the quarter ended June 2019.


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TMobile US (TMUS) insider trading activity. See current ownership, buyers and sellers.


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This recent lawsuit was filed in New York’s Eastern District. The suit claims that TMobile was culpable of gross neglect by enabling hackers to gain access to …

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one such sprint subscriber (as of the end of 2020, at least) has decided to seek justice for his troubles, filing a new lawsuit against t-mobile, which clearly makes a whole lot more sense than the class action recently launched by a group of verizon and at&t customers as an indirect (and somewhat silly) consequence of the same controversial …

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Hackers initially told the media in late August that they had obtained the personal information of over 100 million people from T-Mobile’s servers, but the


How T-Mobile’s social media is literally making teens mentally ill and causing teen suicides!


Dr. Nicholas Kardaras

Seeking validation from mental-illness groups on social media has created a youth epidemic of

Suzie* was a typical 22-year-old recent college grad from the Midwest who was admitted into my mental health clinic in Austin with a variety of increasingly common psychiatric disorders: depression, self-harm (cutting her arms) and a Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) diagnosis. BPD is a serious personality disorder that has 50 times the suicide rate of the general population and is typified by black and white thinking, self-harm behavior, emotional volatility, impulsive behavior, shifting self-image and feelings of “emptiness.”

While Susie did initially present with some of the classic BPD symptoms (feeling empty and suicidal), something didn’t add up. Unlike most BPD clients, she didn’t have any of the early red flags; she had good grades and many friends in high school with stable relationships and a stable home environment — and no history of mental illness in her family.

A screenshot of a TikTok page with the hashtag “borderline personality disorder” (BPD). The rise of BPD influencers and posts has led to an epidemic of youths self-diagnosing themselves with the condition.

During Suzie’s treatment, we discovered the real culprit: she’d been spending 12-15 hours a day on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube after becoming depressed when her friends went away to university while she stayed home and attended community college. Initially trying to better understand her depression, she started to follow BPD influencers and joined online BPD groups, where she said that she felt a sense of belonging. Slowly and unwittingly, she started emulating what she was learning about BPD online — like cutting her arms after watching videos of influencers declare that cutting helped them feel in control — or at least “feel something.”

Suzie admitted that she never liked cutting herself but did it because she thought that it might eventually offer her relief. And starved for a true identity, she also stated that the cutting and irrational behaviors that the influencers engaged in “made them interesting and authentic,” which she found appealing. By the time she was ready to admit into treatment, she had lost all her friends and spent her days and nights alone and online being shaped by her newly found BPD community.

We are living in the age of Digital Social Contagion, in which many illnesses are spread by social media rather than biological agents. Isolation from COVID has only made the problem worse.  Shutterstock

But something quite amazing happened while she was in treatment; she got better very quickly once all her devices and social media were removed. Within two weeks, she was calmer and less reactive; she made friends in the program; she no longer cut her arms and all thoughts of suicide evaporated. But if she really had BPD, she shouldn’t have been “cured” that quickly; clients with real BPD typically require many months or even years of treatment before seeing improvement. So what was really happening?

We’re living in the Age of Digital Social Contagions. It’s a time where certain illnesses aren’t spread by biological transmission, but by a digital infection that attacks the psychological immune system. Using algorithms that find and exploit our psychological vulnerabilities, we get sicker as Big Tech gets stronger.

Lisa Littman, a physician-scientist at Brown University, has charted the correlation between social media exposure and the rise of previously rare disorders such as gender dysphoria.  Twitter

And make no mistake: we are getting sicker as a society, with record rates of depression, suicide, loneliness, overdoses, anxiety, addiction, emptiness, gender dysphoria and mass shootings that are disproportionately impacting teens and young adults, all made worse by the isolation and fear during COVID.

Beyond just the depression of living sedentary, isolated lives, we have the congressional testimony of Frances Haugen, The Facebook Whistleblower, who shared internal emails that showed Instagram’s own research indicated that their product increased suicidality in teenage girls and worsened their eating disorders. It seems that being exposed to a constant torrent of toxic content and comparing ourselves to the curated faux-glamor of vapid and shallow influencers isn’t good for the psyche — but it’s even worse than this much-researched and toxic “social comparison effect.”

Corey Johnson is serving life in prison after becoming so warped by ISIS videos on social media that he stabbed a child to death. Palm Beach Gardens Police Department Johnson sliced open the throat of his victim, Jovanni A. Sierra (above), after the 13-year-old made comments he deemed “offensive to Islam.” Two other victims were stabbed during the melee at a 2018 sleep-over.  GoFundMe

Followers and views are the coin of the realm in the social-media hierarchy, and extreme content is what attracts that priceless human commodity: our attention. That’s why it’s the most over-the-top content and influencers that attract followers like moths to a lethal digital flame. And it’s also why we’re seeing dramatic spikes in once-rare disorders like Tourette Syndrome, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).  These disorders are now being injected into our collective consciousness via popular TikTok and Instagram “influencers” who’ve racked up hundreds of millions of views — and have left a wake of young followers like Suzie who, consciously or unconsciously, are indeed “influenced” as they emulate the psychiatric symptoms of their mentally unwell social media darlings.

This social-contagion group effect shouldn’t come as a shock; for thousands of years we’ve seen it shape human behavior; from donning tribal war paint, to smoking cigarettes, to following your favorite sports team or joining a political movement. We’re social animals hard-wired to mimic and emulate one another. The only difference now that social media has swallowed up our world is that the impact of toxic and digitally spread behaviors are greatly magnified as they go viral.

A TikTok page focused on “multiple personality disorder” — yet another condition made popular by influencers whose posts are getting millions of views.

Although we now know that social media is harmful to our mental health, we can’t seem to stop. Like a cirrhotic alcoholic, the health consequences be damned when you compulsively need another drink — or tweet. And the more of the digital toxin that we consume, the weaker and more compromised our psychological immune system becomes, making us even more vulnerable for further consumption, manipulation and behavior modification.

The Big Tech social media playbook is a simple three step process. Step 1: Create habituation. Use the most sophisticated algorithm-fueled behavior mod techniques to create dependency.

Whistleblower Frances Haugen exposed internal Instagram research showing a link between the platform and increased bulimia and suicidal tendencies in teenage girls.  Getty Images for Vox Media

Step 2: Once addicted, the person’s psychological immune system begins to erode. As in any addiction, this is the realm of depression, hopelessness and a sense of emptiness — an emptiness that can only be temporarily filled by more of the toxin.

Step 3: Once weakened and addicted, a person is now susceptible to any number of manipulations; these include further addiction, ideological brainwashing, identity shaping and, sadly, an encroachment into the once hallowed ground of our thoughts. Free no more.

The 1999 Columbine school shooting was the first in the digital age (such events had been almost unheard of before then). Since then, they have become a horrible part of daily life. However, even the FBI acknowledges that these are Internet-fueled copycat events; classic examples of a social contagion — spread and spawned on social media and hate-filled chat rooms that incite the unstable.

Members of a popular TikTok page focused on Tourette Syndrome. Social media experts say pages like these can literally influence healthy young people to feel unwell.

This digital social contagion can also lead to ideological extremism. I was an expert witness this year in the capital murder trial of Corey Johnson in Florida, the white suburban teen radicalized by a nonstop stream of ISIS recruitment videos on YouTube. This year, he was sentenced to life in prison for stabbing a 13-year-old boy to death at a 2018 sleepover.

And, of course, we have the logic-defying spike in gender dysphoria; a spike that trans psychologist Erica Anderson, who has helped hundreds of teens transition, says “has gone too far.” According to Anderson, teens — who have always gone through periods of identity confusion and experimentation — are now being exposed to and impacted by social media and trans influencers. Dr. Anderson’s insights were confirmed by Dr. Lisa Littman’s research at Brown, which showed the social media impact on what she termed “late onset gender dysphoria.”

Author and addiction expert Nicholas Kardaras’ new book chronicles the link between social media addiction and mental health woes. Rather than truly being ill, he says, many young people see pages about issues like BPD as a “place of belonging.”

Like BPD, gender dysphoria is a real psychological phenomenon that people genuinely struggle with. However, what we’re seeing now is something different. We’re seeing social media shaping people in ways that seem to mimic some of these disorders yet are not the genuine article. Several colleagues and I have begun to call them cases of pseudo-BPD, pseudo-DID or pseudo-Gender Dysphoria. These are cases where the presenting symptoms dissipate when the person is removed from social media for several weeks, thereby proving that the behaviors presented are not the genuine disorder.

Instead of genuine mental illness, many of our young people are simply attempting to find a tribe or community to belong to via their online explorations and demonstrating what psychologists call “sociogenic” effects; that is, effects caused by social forces — in this case, digital social forces.

Digital Madness: How Social Media is Driving our Mental Health Crisis and how to Restore our Sanity by Nicholas Kardaras, PH.D.

What I believe we desperately need is to better understand these powerful shaping effects of social media and to help young people develop a strong psychological immune system and critical thinking skills in order to navigate the rough and turbulent seas of today’s social-media world.

*This patient’s name has been changed. 

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is the Founder and Chief Clinical Officer of Omega Recovery in Austin, Texas and Maui Recovery in Hawaii. A former clinical professor at Stony Brook Medicine, he’s the bestselling author of “Glow Kids” and his latest book “Digital Madness: How Social Media is Driving Our Mental Health Crisis — and How to Restore our Sanity” (St. Martin’s) is out now.


Elon Musk’s Twitter-Gate scandal has exposed the fact that, for over a decade, Twitter has sold lies to advertisers, consumers and the SEC!!! Twitter has been just fake eyeballs, bots, election manipulation, SEC filings that were lies, Congressional testimony that was lies and one of the biggest scams in history. Court Discovery in the coming year will reveal all. The SEC has been asked to charge Twitter AND TWITTER’S ENABLERS, INCLUDING T-MOBILE with EPIC FRAUD. Musk says the “numbers don’t lie” and those numbers about Twitter and it’s Telco partners are going to come out in shocking court disclosures. How could a multi billion dollar company like T-Mobile not have known about these lies? T-Mobile was one of the backbones that put Twitter into the hands of the rioters, the shooters, the suicide-ed kids and everyone else in the WORLD!

A. An element of the claims against T-Mobile asserts that “T-Mobile Encourages A Culture of Criminality And Corruption And That Proofs Of That Corporate Culture Of Criminality Add To The Veracity Of Plaintiff Assertions Of Intended Harm, By T-Mobile, Against Plaintiff, And His Peers, Who Were Investigating Said Corruption For News Media, Public Interest And Government Parties”.

B. Regarding Sex Trafficking news media assertions against T-Mobile Executives, Staff and Investors; The investigation databases of: A.) ICOJ.ORG’s Panama Papers, Swiss Leaks and CPA databases; B.) The Axciom database; C.) The PACER database; D.) The XKEYSCORE derivative database; E.) Kroll database; F.) Stratfor Database, ; G.) TransUnion’s TLOxp database, and Accurint (from LexisNexis), Clear (Thompson Reuters), Delvepoint. DataTrac, IntelliCorp, BeenVerfied, Intelius, Pipl and Spoke.. etc. are easily cross referenced to show which persons:

1. Invested over $200,000.00 in T-Mobile and/or
2. Are government political figures and/or
3. Have divorce records which state that they engaged in infidelity or hiring men, women, girls and boys for sex and/or
4. Are charged in prostitution cases and/or
5. Have Uber, Lyft, Plane tickets or taxi records transporting sex workers to or from them and/or
6. Have accounts under their credit cards, paypal or bitcoin on porn and sex trafficking sites like Seeking Arrangements, etc. and/or
7. Used or partnered with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Google, Match.com, Tinder and their associates who are deeply charged with enabling sex trafficking.. etc..

Such a database pull only costs $300.00 and takes a private eye less than a day.

It is really quite easy to show who at T-Mobile sex trafficked, how, with whom and with great detail. T-Mobile spouses and divorcees are quite excited to share that information.

Sex Trafficking by T-Mobile people is one evidence element that goes to prove that: “T-Mobile Encourages A Culture of Criminality And Corruption And That Proofs Of That Corporate Culture Of Criminality Add To The Veracity Of Plaintiff Assertions Of Intended Harm, By T-Mobile, Against Plaintiff, And His Peers, Who Were Investigating Said Corruption For News Media, Public Interest And Government Parties”.

C. T-Mobile knew that it’s network and devices was killing teens. T-Mobile chose profits over children’s safety. There are a massive number of other lawsuits and Congressional Hearings proving this. Teen deaths caused by T-Mobile people is one evidence element that goes to prove that: “T-Mobile Encourages A Culture of Criminality And Corruption And That Proofs Of That Corporate Culture Of Criminality Add To The Veracity Of Plaintiff Assertions Of Intended Harm, By T-Mobile, Against Plaintiff, And His Peers, Who Were Investigating Said Corruption For News Media, Public Interest And Government Parties”.

D. All of the hundreds of criminal, corrupt and illicit activities that our alliance of citizens, reporters, investigators, reporters and forensic experts raise, and WILL RAISE FOREVER, happen to prove this one Plaintiff’s point that: ““T-Mobile Encourages A Culture of Criminality And Corruption And That Proofs Of That Corporate Culture Of Criminality Add To The Veracity Of Plaintiff Assertions Of Intended Harm, By T-Mobile, Against Plaintiff, And His Peers, Who Were Investigating Said Corruption For News Media, Public Interest And Government Parties”… But these hundreds of criminal, corrupt and illicit activities by T-Mobile will always be raised, by EVERY consumer, forever until they are solved whether or not this one particular AAA case moves forward.

We, by coincidence, happen to know that this one Plaintiff’s claims are true. 50 Million citizens just had their privacy abuse claims proved true in another case. If this Plaintiff’s AAA case is closed there will be 49,999,999 more for T-Mobile to deal with!


The Marin County Office of Education is suing social media companies, claiming they have a negative effect on children’s mental health.

The lawsuit, one of dozens filed across the country by school districts and local governments, has been brought on behalf of all Marin school students. It was filed April 28 in federal court in Oakland.

The lawsuit is part of multidistrict litigation involving multiple cases. Many of the cases, including Marin’s, are being consolidated before U.S. District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers.

The suit alleges that the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok and Google-owned YouTube have violated California laws for public nuisance, unfair competition, negligence and racketeering.

“I believe holding entities accountable for the harm inflicted on youth — harm that is observable and impactful at schools — is necessary, primarily to limit and prevent future harm,” said John Carroll, Marin superintendent of schools.

Marin County and other plaintiffs are seeking  “changes in defendants’ social media platform designs and the implementation of protections for youth users,” said Aelish Baig, a San Francisco attorney who is representing Marin in the suit.

“We are also seeking funds to be used to abate the youth mental health crisis,” Baig said.

Attorney Phyllis Jones, who is representing one of the chief defendants, Meta Platforms Inc., parent company of Facebook and Instagram, referred all inquiries to the company. Representatives could not immediately be reached for comment.

On Tuesday, Dr. Vivek Murthy, the U.S. Surgeon General, issued an advisory, warning that social media was causing harm to youth mental health.

“Children and adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of mental health problems including experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety,” the advisory summary states, referencing a 2019 study. “This is concerning as a recent survey showed that teenagers spend an average of 3.5 hours a day on social media.”

Marin’s 148-page lawsuit spells out an exhaustive body of research on youth mental health harm over the past decade or more.

“This litigation is important because with the advent of social media, American adolescence has seen a dramatic change,” Baig said.  “More and more of our youth in Marin and across the country are suffering from mental and behavioral health disorders,”

Baig added that educators, health care providers and families “are seeing soaring rates of anxiety, depression, cyber-bullying, self-harm, suicide and other harms,” she said.

“A growing body of experts and research are correlating excessive social media use with these negative outcomes,” she added.

According to the Marin suit, the tactics used by the social media companies are intentionally done to increase profits.

“There is a reason America’s youth is online ‘almost constantly,’ which is that the primary metric of success for these social media giants is engagement,” according to the suit. “The companies’ success requires more users to be on their platforms for longer periods of time in order to maximize advertising revenue.”

The tactics include, the suit says, “(a) using algorithms and endless scrolls that create harmful experiences for children and teens; and (b) using intermittent variable rewards or dopamine hits to intentionally alter users’ behavior, creating habits and addiction.”

A Pew Research Center study found that almost half of U.S. teenagers aged 13 to 17 say they are online “almost constantly,” the suit states.

“Three decades ago, the gravest public health threats to teenagers in the United States came from binge drinking, drunk driving, teen pregnancy, and smoking,” the suit states. “With increased education, these have since fallen significantly, but have been replaced by a new public health concern: soaring rates of mental health disorders, including depression, self-harm, and suicidal ideation.”

The federal court in Oakland has set up a separate public webpage for the litigation on social media. It can be accessed at the main website, cand.uacourts.gov, under “Cases of Interest.”

According to Tuesday’s 19-page advisory by the U.S. surgeon general, he warned of the risks of social media to young people.

The unique advisory for the nation’s top health official, Dr. Vivek Murthy, urged a push to greater understand the possible harm to children.

While noting that the effects of social media on adolescent mental health were not fully understood, and that social media can be beneficial to some users, he also wrote, “There are ample indicators that social media can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents.”


One Mr. Rubin, from Google, who helped put together the T-Mobile Android arrangement has an interesting situation. Wait till everyone sees how many other T-Mobile lawyers and executives are in the same boat:

Android Creator Andy Rubin Is Accused of Running a ‘Sex Ring’

 The Android creator Andy Rubin has been accused of running a “sex ring” with at least one woman and of cheating his ex-wife out of millions of …

This Former Google Executive Was Accused Of Running A “Sex Ring”

  A newly unsealed complaint shows how Google paid Android creator Andy Rubin $90 million in severance after he left the company amid …

The truth about Andy Rubin and Google’s existential crisis – British GQ

  The Rubin scandal has also drawn attention to the company’s long-standing opposition to new US sex trafficking laws – which it believes could …

Google Board Sued for Andy Rubin Sexual Harassment Coverup

 “While at Google, Rubin is also alleged to have engaged in human sex trafficking—paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to women to be, in …

Android Founder Andy Rubin Accused of Running ‘Sex Ring’

  Andy Rubin, the Android founder and former Google executive has been accused of running a “sex ring” by his ex-wife, according to court …

Andy Rubin, former Google executive, sexual misconduct allegations

  Andy Rubin is one of 262 celebrities and powerful people accused of sexual misconduct since 2017. See the full list:

How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’

  What Google did not make public was that an employee had accused Mr. Rubin of sexual misconduct. The woman, with whom Mr. Rubin had been …

Android creator Andy Rubin allegedly concealed Google payments …

  Andy Rubin, a former Google executive and the inventor of the Android … Rubin is also alleged to have engaged in human sex trafficking …

Ex-Google Star Rubin Spars to Keep Divorce Fallout Secret

 Andy Rubin, the Android creator at the center of a sex harassment scandal … Rubin is also alleged to have engaged in human sex trafficking …

Alphabet Board Sued Over Claims It Covered Up Senior Execs …

 Alphabet’s Board Sued for Role in Allegedly Covering Up Sexual Misconduct by … How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’.

T-Mobile Retail Store in Eagle Rock Found Guilty of Committing $25 Million Scheme to Illegally Unlock Cellphones

          LOS ANGELES – A former owner of a T-Mobile retail store in Eagle Rock has been found guilty by a jury of 14 federal criminal charges for his $25 million scheme to enrich himself by stealing T-Mobile employee credentials and illegally accessing the company’s internal computer systems to illicitly “unlock” and “unblock” cellphones, the Justice Department announced today.

Argishti Khudaverdyan, 44, of Burbank, was found guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, three counts of wire fraud, two counts of accessing a computer to defraud and obtain value, one count of intentionally accessing a computer without authorization to obtain information, one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, five counts of money laundering, and one count of aggravated identity theft.

The jury returned the guilty verdict Friday evening in United States District Court.

According to evidence presented at his four-day trial, Khudaverdyan ran a multi-year scheme that illegally unlocked and unblocked cellphones, which generated approximately $25 million in criminal proceeds. During this time, most cellphone companies – including T-Mobile – “locked” their customers’ phones so they could be used only on the company’s network until the customers’ phone and service contracts had been fulfilled. If customers wanted to switch to a different carrier, their phones had to be “unlocked.” Carriers also “blocked” cellphones to protect consumers in the case of lost or stolen cellphones.

From August 2014 to June 2019, Khudaverdyan fraudulently unlocked and unblocked cellphones on T-Mobile’s network, as well as the networks of Sprint, AT&T and other carriers. Removing the unlock allowed the phones to be sold on the black market and enabled T-Mobile customers to stop using T-Mobile’s services and thereby deprive T-Mobile of revenue generated from customers’ service contracts and equipment installment plans.

Khudaverdyan advertised his fraudulent unlocking services through brokers, email solicitations, and websites such as unlocks247.com. He falsely claimed the fraudulent unlocks that he provided were “official” T-Mobile unlocks.

From January 2017 through June 2017, Khudaverdyan and a former business partner were also co-owners of Top Tier Solutions Inc., a T-Mobile store in Eagle Rock Plaza. However, after T-Mobile terminated Khudaverdyan’s contract in June 2017 based on his suspicious computer behavior and association with unauthorized unlocking of cellphones, Khudaverdyan continued his fraud.

To gain unauthorized access to T-Mobile’s protected internal computers, Khudaverdyan obtained T-Mobile employees’ credentials through various dishonest means, including sending phishing emails that appeared to be legitimate T-Mobile correspondence, and socially engineering the T-Mobile IT Help Desk. Khudaverdyan used the fraudulent emails to trick T-Mobile employees to log in with their employee credentials so he could harvest the employees’ information and fraudulently unlock the phones.

Working with others in overseas call centers, Khudaverdyan also received T‑Mobile employee credentials which he then used to access T-Mobile systems to target higher-level employees by harvesting those employees’ personal identifying information and calling the T-Mobile IT Help Desk to reset the employees’ company passwords, giving him unauthorized access to the T-Mobile systems which allowed him to unlock and unblock cellphones.

All told, Khudaverdyan and others compromised and stole more than 50 different T-Mobile employees’ credentials from employees across the United States, and they unlocked and unblocked hundreds of thousands of cellphones during the years of the scheme.

Khudaverdyan obtained more than $25 million for these criminal activities. He used these illegal proceeds to pay for, among other things, real estate in Burbank and Northridge.

United States District Judge Stephen V. Wilson scheduled an October 17 sentencing hearing, at which time Khudaverdyan will face statutory maximum sentences of 20 years in federal prison for each wire fraud count, 20 years in federal prison for conspiracy to commit money laundering, 10 years in federal prison for each money laundering count, five years in federal prison for each count of intentionally accessing a computer without authorization to obtain information, five years in federal prison for the count of accessing a computer to defraud and obtain value, and a mandatory two years in federal prison for aggravated identity theft.

Alen Gharehbagloo, 43, of La Cañada Flintridge, a co-defendant and a former co-owner of Top Tier Solutions Inc., pleaded guilty on July 5 to three felonies: conspiracy to commit wire fraud, accessing a protected computer with intent to defraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for December 5.

The United States Secret Service Cyber Fraud Task Force (CFTF) in Los Angeles and IRS Criminal Investigation’s Western Area Cyber Crime Unit investigated this matter. The CFTF includes representatives of the United States Secret Service, the FBI, the Los Angeles Police Department, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, and the California Highway Patrol.

Assistant United States Attorneys Lisa E. Feldman and Andrew M. Roach of the Cyber and Intellectual Property Crimes Section are prosecuting this case. Assistant United States Attorney Jonathan S. Galatzan, Chief of the Asset Forfeiture Section, is handling the asset forfeiture portion of this case.


T-mobile, an American wireless network partly owned by German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom, sent out an intimidating email to its employees on stating that those who do not become fully vaccinated by April 2 will be terminated from their job.

According to the email obtained by TGP, employees who failed to show proof of first vaccination will be placed on unpaid leave. Employees who do not become fully vaccinated and obtain a Magenta Pass will be terminated..

“Employees who have not yet taken action to receive their first dose and upload proof will be placed on unpaid leave. Affected employees who do not become fully vaccinated and obtain a Magenta Pass by April 2 will be separated from T-Mobile. Those employees who have a pending or approved medical or religious accommodation or state-specific exemption through the HR process are excluded from this action for the duration of their pending or approved accommodation or exemption.”

However, mobile experts at T-Mobile stores who are more at risk of getting Covid are not required to get vaccinated.

“In Retail, where we don’t have control of who enters, our Mobile Experts have served customers incredibly well throughout the pandemic. We’ll continue to take precautions like masking and encourage Mobile Experts to be vaccinated, but not require it. We will also be encouraging regular testing.”

Here’s a copy of the email:

The company posted the email in an article on the internal website and they are getting completely roasted by employees. Here are some images of those comments sent to TGP.

“We shouldn’t have to submit for any exemptions.. Medical or Religious reasons. Freedom of choice!!!”

“What happened to follow the science? The science shows the vax does NOT work. You are just as likely to get and spread covid weather vaxd or un vaxd, Hence why the UK, Ireland, and Scotland have all done away with any and all mandates. This is socialism and I can NOT be a part of this for my own sanity, even tho I love my job.”

“From a personal perspective, I am disappointed in a company that prides itself on Diversity & Inclusion, but tells you either get something injected into your body or disclose medical or religious info to them, or be fired. From a legal perspective, it’s a little fuzzy.”

“This is very disappointing news. Even though I got vaxed for personal reasons, I believe in our right to choose what we do to OUR bodies. I stand united with our right to choose.”

Earlier this month, T-Mobile was also under fire after censoring Gateway Pundit’s links on its text service. A TGP reader Randall contacted T-mobile and one of the supervisors claimed that Gateway Pundit is a very restricted site and they’re protecting the users’ information by providing a safe service.


T-Mobile gets hacked after dismissing security concerns – NordVPN

Aug 28, 2018  Nothing funny about the hack attack at TMobile that let roughly 2 million users with their names, … Tmobile passwords hacked on Twitter.

T-Mobile CEO John Legere Is Resigning And Won’t Be Promoting …

Nov 18, 2019  In doing so, he will end one of the most annoying ad campaigns on Twitter — promoting his own tweets. David Becker / Getty Images. A cool CEO.

The legal shield for T-Mobile is showing cracks

The nation’s largest federal appeals court last year ruled that the legal shield — known as Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act — didn’t apply to a Snapchat filter blamed for the car crash deaths of two teenagers. | Richard Drew/AP Photo

By Susannah Luthi

An 11-year-old dies by suicide after she is sexually exploited on Instagram and Snapchat. Two teenagers are killed in a crash following a race using a Snapchat speed filter. A sexual predator uses Facebook to lure a 15-year-old girl into trafficking.

Social media companies for decades have been shielded from legal consequences for what happens on their platforms. But a sharp shift in public opinion and a bend in recent court rulings have the industry nervous that this could change — especially when damage is done to children online.

And for the first time in nearly 30 years, lawyers for grieving families see an opening.

Lawsuits blaming social media platforms for teen suicides, eating disorders and mental collapses have picked up in the months since Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen told Congress that her company knew its products were addictive to kids and that their mental stability was suffering as a result. And a bill moving through the California statehouse would make companies liable for addicting children, drawing comparisons to a strategy used against the tobacco industry.

The Facebook whistleblower’s testimony before Congress, in 180 seconds

The nation’s largest federal appeals court last year ruled that the legal shield — known as Section 230 of the U.S. Communications Decency Act — didn’t apply to a Snapchat filter blamed for the car crash deaths of two teenagers. Texas’ Supreme Court let a sex trafficking case against Facebook proceed, citing Congress’ 2018 changes to federal law. And an appellate court recently refused Facebook’s attempt to circumvent that lawsuit. Georgia’s Supreme Court in March likewise ruled that a separate complaint over Snapchat’s speed filter can move forward because the plaintiffs have a good case the app made a risky product.

“I am pretty optimistic that tides are turning and we are going to see a backlash on Section 230 from the courts,” said Carrie Goldman, a New York-based trial attorney who used product liability law to challenge Grindr’s federal shield. Powerful social media companies, she added, “were never supposed to be immune from liability.”

Tech companies and their lawyers are watching with trepidation. Cathy Gellis, an internet attorney, says the industry is increasingly turning to the First Amendment — rather than Section 230 — as the first line of defense in content moderation lawsuits.

“It’s all on fire,” she said.

The tech industry’s legal protections, enshrined in 1996, came from the thinking that companies trying to create a free marketplace of ideas online shouldn’t have to worry about getting shut down based on someone saying or doing something the website can’t control. But that was when Netscape reigned supreme, email arrived via dial-up modem and “apps” weren’t yet gleams in a techy’s eye.

Rep. Ken Buck: ‘If you repeal section 230 there will be a slew of lawsuits’

Nearly three decades later, trial attorneys are testing that shield with a battery of cases brought by parents of kids and teens whose deaths or mental crises they blame on social media. The roster includes a claim by the mother of 11-year-old Selena Rodriguez who alleges her daughter was addicted to Snapchat and Instagram for two years and pulled into sending sexually exploitative messages. The lawsuit details a downward spiral of depression, eating disorders and self-harm that ended in suicide.

Carrie Goldman’s case against Grindr alleged that the hookup app eased the way for her client Matthew Herrick’s abusive ex-boyfriend to set up a false profile that disclosed Herrick’s location — and said, falsely, that he was HIV-positive and liked violent, unprotected sex. Stalkers began shadowing Herrick, who filed cease-and-desist orders and police reports even as Grindr said it couldn’t block the profile, the lawsuit alleged.

Herrick’s claim ultimately failed in 2019, with the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals citing the Section 230 shield. But Carrie Goldman’s argument — that it was a question of product safety and liability, rather than one of content — was later used in a key case against Snapchat.

Gellis and others in the tech industry argue that any dent in the federal shield can have far-reaching consequences on the internet, and that unfavorable rulings could come to haunt internet companies trying to fight state laws. State legislatures in Texas and Florida are debating a slate of proposals to bar platforms from censoring content, while a pair of bills aimed at making the internet safer for kids is advancing in California.

“It’s a problem to have any language on the books that Section 230 is supposed to block,” she said. “As a litigator, I’ll look to using prior precedents upholding Section 230 to protect people from these sorts of bad laws being enforced, but it’s playing with fire if that’s the only thing protecting them.”

One case in particular has been widely cited by California lawmakers who want to make social media companies liable for addicting children. A lawsuit known as Lemmon v. Snap alleged that the high-speed car crash death of two teenagers while they were using Snapchat’s “speed filter” function for a virtual race was the app’s fault, since the filter was a function Snapchat designed itself.

The San Francisco-based U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last year that the company’s design of the speed filter wasn’t covered by Section 230.

Hedge Funds and private Equity funds that covertly fund T-Mobile and T-Mobile partners are buying up Congress people right and left. The line from T-Mobile to public policy decisions is hard to see, like a spider web, but modern AI technology can track it all down nonetheless.

The donations, which make Sinema one of the industry’s top beneficiaries in Congress, serve a reminder of the way that high-power lobbying campaigns can have dramatic implications for the way legislation is crafted, particularly in the evenly divided Senate where there are no Democratic votes to spare. They also highlight a degree of political risk for Sinema, whose unapologetic defense of the industry’s favorable tax treatment is viewed by many in her party as indefensible.

“From their vantage point, it’s a million dollars very well spent,” said Dean Baker, a senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a liberal-leaning think tank. “It’s pretty rare you see this direct of a return on your investment. So I guess I would congratulate them.”

Sinema’s office declined to make her available for an interview. Hannah Hurley, a Sinema spokesperson, acknowledged the senator shares some of the industry’s views on taxation, but rebuffed any suggestion that the donations influenced her thinking.

“Senator Sinema makes every decision based on one criteria: what’s best for Arizona,” Hurley said in a statement. “She has been clear and consistent for over a year that she will only support tax reforms and revenue options that support Arizona’s economic growth and competitiveness.”

The American Investment Council, a trade group that lobbies on behalf of private equity, also defended their push to defeat the tax provisions.

“Our team worked to ensure that members of Congress from both sides of the aisle understand how private equity directly employs workers and supports small businesses throughout their communities,” Drew Maloney, the organization’s CEO and president, said in a statement.

Sinema’s defense of the tax provisions offer a jarring contrast to her background as a Green Party activist and self-styled “Prada socialist” who once likened accepting campaign cash to “bribery” and later called for “big corporations & the rich to pay their fair share” shortly before launching her first campaign for Congress in 2012.

She’s been far more magnanimous since, praising private equity in 2016 from the House floor for providing “billions of dollars each year to Main Street businesses” and later interning at a private equity mogul’s boutique winery in northern California during the 2020 congressional recess.

The soaring contributions from the industry to Sinema trace back to last summer. That’s when she first made clear that she wouldn’t support a carried interest tax increase, as well as other corporate and business tax hikes, included in an earlier iteration of Biden’s agenda.

During a two-week period in September alone, Sinema collected $47,100 in contributions from 16 high-ranking officials from the private equity firm Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, records show. Employees and executives of KKR, another private equity behemoth, contributed $44,100 to Sinema during a two-month span in late 2021.

In some cases, the families of private equity managers joined in. David Belluck, a partner at the firm Riverside Partners, gave a $5,800 max-out contribution to Sinema one day in late June. So did three of his college-age kids, with the family collectively donating $23,200, records show.

“I generally support centrist Democrats and her seat is important to keep a Democratic Senate majority,” Belluck said, adding that his family has known Sinema since her election to Congress. “She and I have never discussed private equity taxation.”

The donations from the industry coincide with a $26 million lobbying effort spearheaded by the investment firm Blackstone that culminated on the Senate floor last weekend.

By the time the bill was up for debate during a marathon series of votes, Sinema had already forced Democrats to abandon their carried interest tax increase.

“Senator Sinema said she would not vote for the bill .. unless we took it out,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters last week. “We had no choice.”

But after private equity lobbyists discovered a provision in the bill that would have subjected many of them to a separate 15% corporate minimum tax, they urgently pressed Sinema and other centrist Democrats for changes, according to emails as well as four people with direct knowledge of the matter who requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

“Given the breaking nature of this development we need as many offices as possible weighing in with concerns to Leader Schumer’s office,” Blackstone lobbyist Ryan McConaghy wrote in a Saturday afternoon email obtained by the AP, which included proposed language for modifying the bill. “Would you and your boss be willing to raise the alarm on this and express concerns with Schumer and team?”

McConaghy did not respond to a request for comment.

Sinema worked with Republicans on an amendment that stripped the corporate tax increase provisions from the bill, which a handful of vulnerable Democrats also voted for.

“Since she has been in Congress, Kyrsten has consistently supported pro-growth policies that encourage job creation across Arizona. Her tax policy positions and focus on growing Arizona’s economy and competitiveness are longstanding and well known,” Hurley, the Sinema spokesperson, said.

But many in her party disagree. They say the favorable treatment does little to boost the overall economy and argue there’s little compelling evidence to suggest the tax benefits are enjoyed beyond some of the wealthiest investors.

Some of Sinema’s donors make their case.

Blackstone, a significant source of campaign contributions, owns large tracts of real estate in Sinema’s home state, Arizona. The firm was condemned by United Nations experts in 2019 who said Blackstone’s financial model was responsible for a “financialization of housing” that has driven up rents and home costs, “pushing low-income, and increasingly middle-income people from their homes.”

Blackstone employees executives and their family members have given Sinema $44,000 since 2018, records show.

In a statement, Blackstone called the allegations by the U.N. experts “false and misleading” and said all employee contributions are “strictly personal.” The firm added that it was “incredibly proud of its investments in housing.”

Another major financial services donor is Centerbridge Partners, a New York-based firm that buys up the debt of distressed governments and companies and often uses hardball tactics to extract value. Since 2017, Sinema has collected at least $29,000 from donors associated with the firm, including co-founder Mark Gallogly and his wife, Elizabeth Strickler, records show.

In 2012, Centerbridge Partners purchased Arizona-based restaurant chain P.F. Chang’s for roughly $1 billion. After loading the struggling company up with $675 million of debt, they sold it to another private equity group in 2019, according to Bloomberg News. The company received a $10 million coronavirus aid loan to cover payroll, but shed jobs and closed locations as it struggled with the pandemic.

Centerbridge Partners was also part of a consortium of hedge funds that helped usher in an era of austerity in Puerto Rico after buying up billions of dollars of the island government’s $72 billion debt — and filing legal proceedings to collect. A subsidiary of Centerbridge Partners was among a group of creditors who repeatedly sued one of the U.S. territory’s pension funds. In one 2016 lawsuit, the group of creditors asked a judge to divert money from a Puerto Rican pension fund in order to collect.

A Centerbridge representative could not immediately provide comment Friday.

Liberal activists in Arizona say they plan to make Sinema’s reliance on donations from wealthy investors a campaign issue when she is up for reelection in 2024.

“There are many takes on how to win, but there is no universe in which it is politically smart to fight for favorable tax treatment of the wealthiest people in the country,” said Emily Kirkland, a political consultant who works for progressive candidates. “It’s absolutely going to be a potent issue.”

We call that felony bribery and a total violation of the American STOCK ACT!


Push to rein in social media sweeps the states

By Rebecca Kern

California lawmakers and advocates see the Snapchat ruling as a green light for a state bill that would explicitly authorize lawsuits against social media companies if they’re shown to hook kids with their products. Assemblymember Jordan Cunningham, the bill’s Republican lead co-author, says the decision shows that his proposal won’t violate federal law.

Trial attorneys also see it this way. Matthew Bergman, who six months ago founded the Social Media Victims Law Center to bring major cases involving kids’ and teens’ addiction using product liability law, compares the push to his years of suing companies for asbestos poisoning. He launched his new crusade after Haugen’s testimony and warnings from the U.S. surgeon general about the mental health harms of teen social media use. One of the most recent cases he filed invokes Haugen’s leaks to allege that Instagram purposefully targets youngsters.

He sees signs everywhere that the tide is turning. He pointed to recent court decisions — and even the Supreme Court’s surprisingly close vote to block Texas’ social media bill on censorship, at 5-4.

By Rebecca Kern

“The era of goodwill toward social media platforms is waning,” Bergman said.

Some lawyers in tech’s corner say they don’t see judges making a big swing away from longtime orthodoxy on the law.

“Courts are certainly scrutinizing 230, but courts are bound by precedent,” said Adam Sieff, a lawyer who represents tech companies in Section 230 and First Amendment claims. “Virtually without exception,” he said, the courts are finding that the precedents hold up the Section 230 defense.

Eric Goldman, co-director of Santa Clara University’s High Tech Law Institute, argues the 9th Circuit decision in the Snapchat case is fairly narrow. Still, he is alarmed at the state policymaking that he sees as meddling in private companies’ operations and know-how.

“Legislatures are enacting laws that they know are garbage,” he said. “They don’t care about actually implementing policy — it’s all about the press releases and tweets. When states pass laws that are garbage we hope that the courts will fix the obvious problems that the legislatures have created.”

In California, the tech industry and internet freedom groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation are working feverishly to kill Cunningham’s bill that would explicitly create a cause for liability lawsuits against social media companies — a red line for the industry. But the proposal has advanced with significant momentum and could get a final vote in August.

The proposal was narrowed last month to allow only public prosecutors, rather than all Californians, to bring cases. But supporters still see it as a huge step in making social media liable for features with documented risks — and opponents see a major threat to tech companies’ autonomy.

That said, Sieff and Eric Goldman suggest that lawyers in the business of suing tech companies may be exaggerating the significance of the recent decisions.

“The prevailing and uniform interpretation of Section 230 is squarely on the side of the platforms,” Sieff said, “and the plaintiffs’ bar is definitely stretching, or willfully misreading, decisions like Lemmon well beyond their application.”

White House defends president’s support for philanthropy headed by former Google CEO, who has cultivated close ties to the administration.

 Eric Schmidt listens.

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, had been making efforts to cultivate a close relationship with the Biden administration. | Paul Sakuma/AP Photo

By Alex Thompson

This past spring, Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, received the ultimate gift: a straight-to-camera endorsement from the president of the United States.

In the video, the most powerful man in the world touted Schmidt’s “Quad Fellowship”— a new scholarship for American, Indian, Japanese and Australian graduate school students that is operated and administered by Schmidt Futures, the charity arm that Schmidt uses for a variety of initiatives in science and technology.

“If you want to take the biggest challenges facing our world and help make sure democracies deliver for the people everywhere, I encourage you to apply and join the Quad fellowship class of 2023,” Biden said in the video touting the philanthropic initiative which administration officials have compared to the Rhodes scholarship and which plans to fund 100 students every year from India, Australia, Japan and the United States, also known as “The Quad.”

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Schmidt Futures CEO Eric Braverman pose for photos.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Schmidt Futures CEO Eric Braverman gather for the Quad fellowship announcement at Tokyo on May 24, 2022. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo

Schmidt promptly shared the video on the Schmidt Futures YouTube page with the title “The Quad Fellowship: A Message from President Joe Biden.”

Behind the scenes, however, there were concerns within Biden’s administration about the president endorsing an initiative of an outside entity founded by Schmidt, one of the richest men in the world, according to two people familiar with the matter who were granted anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak about the internal dynamics.

The red flags prompted the State Department to draft talking points in case questions of impropriety came up, according to a copy of the drafted talking points obtained by POLITICO.

“If the [U.S. Government] is not involved in Schmidt Futures Quad Fellowship, why was it announced in a Government organized forum?” read an example of a potential question about the arrangement.

In response, the State Department’s talking points recommend responding that the “United States–through Department of Homeland Security and Department of State helps facilitate international STEM education and student mobility” and that international “student mobility is central to diplomacy, innovation, economic prosperity, and national security. As Secretary [Antony] Blinken has said, it is a ‘foreign policy imperative.’”

It is one of many instances of Schmidt’s efforts to cultivate a close relationship with the Biden administration. In March, POLITICO reported that Schmidt had developed close personal and financial ties with the White House’s science office. During the presidential transition, Schmidt also recommended appointments to the Pentagon, Reuters reported at the time.

The White House declined to comment. A State Department spokesperson told POLITICO: “It’s not uncommon for us to highlight a private sector initiative that advances U.S. national interests. It is, likewise, not uncommon for us to draft contingency talking points on a range of issues. We’re proud of private sector partnerships, which advance our interests around the world.”

Meghan Miele, a spokesperson for Schmidt, said in a statement that Schmidt Futures had been invited by the Biden administration and the other Quad countries to operate and administrate the fellowship.

“Leaders of all of the Quad countries have demonstrated enthusiastic support for the program by recording videos, calling for applications on social media, and attending a global launch event in Tokyo which has resulted in thousands of applications,” she said. Asked for further documentation of the timeline of the invitation, Miele declined to comment further.

Blinken and Schmidt have collaborated in the past. Schmidt Futures was a client of WestExec Advisors, a consulting firm co-founded by Blinken. Last July, Blinken referred to Schmidt as “my friend” at the “Global Emerging Technology Summit” hosted by the National Security Council on Artificial Intelligence, which Schmidt chaired.

When Biden visited Asia in May, the CEO of Schmidt Futures, Eric Braverman, met with the leaders of all four Quad countries, who had recorded their own endorsement videos as well. At a launch event with the four leaders, they watched a video featuring Schmidt as they all stood in front of a blue-and-white checkered backdrop reading: “Quad Fellowship by Schmidt Futures.”

The fellowship will fund students from Quad countries to attend graduate school in the U.S. in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The scholarship is part of the Biden team’s larger goal of reinvigorating the Quad partnership as part of their attempts to counter China.

Schmidt also often echoes the administration’s view on China as a key competitor and has taken a particular interest in the overlap in science and defense policy. He has advocated for the U.S. investing in and protecting the technology sector to ensure China does not take the lead on artificial intelligence, internet platforms, and hardware, which he sees as essential to maintaining American economic and military strength.

Eric Schmidt speaks.

Schmidt also often echoes the administration’s view on China as a key competitor and has taken a particular interest in the overlap in science and defense policy. | Susan Walsh/AP Photo

As a result, he has leveraged his relationships and connections to shape the Biden administration’s science and military technology policies. In addition to his connections with the science office, the Pentagon, and the Quad Fellowship, Schmidt has also become a key public advocate for the Biden-supported U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA), a sprawling $250 billion-plus package with massive investments in American technology including $50 billion to semiconductor funding.

The Senate and the House have passed different versions of the bill and are trying to reconcile the package now. Some progressive House Democrats and the AFL-CIO have argued that certain trade provisions in the bill would help large American tech companies like Google and Facebook.

The trade provisions would “overwhelmingly benefit large digital corporations (Google, Facebook/Meta, Uber) at the expense of countries’ right to reasonably regulate global digital platforms,” William Samuel, the AFL-CIO’s director of government affairs, wrote in a May letter.

In op-eds and TV appearances, Schmidt has been a high-profile advocate for the bill, in particular the government subsidization of semiconductors.

“America is on the verge of losing the chip competition,” Schmidt wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed this month co-written with Harvard professor Graham Allison. “Unless the U.S. government mobilizes a national effort similar to the one that created the technologies that won World War II, China could soon dominate semiconductors and the frontier technologies they will power.”

Eric Schmidt should never be allowed near America’s policies or telecommunications. He is the Hitler of the Internet. Schmidt thinks that those who kill themselves over social abuse shouldn’t be doing those things in the first place. Schmidt has no compassion and lives by greed.

Famous Hollywood actress Constance Wu has revealed that she attempted to take her own life after facing a social media abuse over T-Mobile network and devices.

Known for her roles in “Crazy Rich Asians” and “Hustlers,” Wu abruptly left social media in 2019 after making what she called “careless” comments about her displeasure over the renewal of “Fresh off the Boat,” a TV series she was starring in, which she said “ignited outrage and internet shaming that got pretty severe.”

On learning of the renewal of the show, where she played a no-nonsense mother of an immigrant family, Wu fired off tweets featuring expletives, stating that she was “so upset.” Her comments sparked criticism online, and she later explained to her fans that appearing in the show would take her away from an unspecified passion project, before quitting social media.

After a three-year hiatus, Wu said in a statement Thursday that the episode had pushed her to attempt suicide. She said she was “a little scared” to return to social media.

“This next part is hard to talk about . . . but I was afraid of coming back on social media because I almost lost my life from it,” she said.

She added that the social media backlash to her 2019 comments, especially from fellow Asian Americans, made her feel like a “blight” on her community. “I started feeling like I didn’t even deserve to live anymore. That I was a disgrace to AsAms, and they’d be better off without me,” she said using an abbreviation.

“Looking back, it’s surreal that a few DMs convinced me to end my own life, but that’s what happened. Luckily, a friend found me and rushed me to the ER.”

Wu, who grew up in Richmond, Va., and is the child of Taiwanese immigrants, said the “scary moment” forced her to reassess her life and career and prioritize her mental health.

Wu’s leading role in “Crazy Rich Asians” in 2018 catapulted her to international fame and led to a Golden Globe nomination for her portrayal of a professor who travels to Singapore to meet her partner’s family and encounters extreme wealth. More broadly, the movie, based on a novel by Kevin Kwan, was celebrated for breaking stereotypes and for its Asian American representation.

“AsAms don’t talk about mental health enough,” Wu said in her statement. “While we’re quick to celebrate representation wins, there’s a lot of avoidance around the more uncomfortable issues within our community.”

Adding, “If we want to be seen, really seen . . . we need to let all of ourselves be seen, including the parts we’re scared of or ashamed of – parts that, however imperfect, require care and attention.”

A national study in 2007 reported that while nearly 18% of the general U.S. population sought mental health services in a 12-month period, only 8.6% of Asian Americans did so.

Fear of stigma as well as pressure to be a “model minority,” to academically succeed and to care for parents and community were among the issues that led to mental health stresses, according to psychiatrists at McLean Hospital, a mental health hospital in Belmont, Mass.

Almost 20% of American adults – some 50 million people – experienced a mental health illness in 2019, according to national nonprofit Mental Health America, with over half of adults not receiving treatment. Suicidal ideation and thoughts have continued to rise every year since 2011, it added. Echoing other reports, it found that young White Americans were the most likely to receive mental health treatment, while “Asian youth were least likely to receive mental health care.”

This week, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline launched a new three-digit number allowing people to call or text 988 to route them to a hotline of trained counselors starting Saturday. It will be available across the United States.

Wu also shared details for suicide prevention and support alongside her statement and added that she had written a memoir “Making a Scene” detailing more about her life and experiences. She said she hoped her book would “help people talk about the uncomfortable stuff in order to understand it, reckon with it, and open pathways to healing.”

– – –

If you or someone you know who uses T-Mobile needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org. You can also text a crisis counselor by messaging the Crisis Text Line at 741741.




Barrett J. Vahle
Stueve Siegel Hanson, LLP – KCMO
460 Nichols Road
Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64112
(816) 714-7100
Fax: (816) 714-7101
Email: vahle@stuevesiegel.com
Daniel J Mogin
Email: dmogin@moginrubin.com
James Pizzirusso
Hausfeld LLP
888 16th Street
Ste 300
Washington, DC 20006
Fax: 202-540-7201
Email: jpizzirusso@hausfeld.com
Jason T Dennett
1200 FIFTH AVE STE 1700
Fax: 206-682-2992
Email: jdennett@tousley.com
Jennifer M Oliver
Email: joliver@moginrubin.com
John Austin Moore
Stueve Siegel Hanson, LLP – KCMO
460 Nichols Road
Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64112
Fax: 816-714-7101
Email: moore@stuevesiegel.com
Jonathan L Rubin
1615 M ST NW
Email: jrubin@moginrubin.com
Kaleigh N.B. Powell
1200 FIFTH AVE STE 1700
Fax: 206-682-2992
Email: kpowell@tousley.com
Kim D Stephens
1200 FIFTH AVE STE 1700
Email: kstephens@tousley.com
Norman Eli Siegel
Stueve Siegel Hanson, LLP – KCMO
460 Nichols Road
Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64112
(816) 714-7112
Fax: (816) 714-7101
Email: siegel@stuevesiegel.com
Steven M Nathan
33 Whitehall Street
Ste 14th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Fax: 212-202-4322
Email: snathan@hausfeld.com
Timothy Z LaComb
Email: tlacomb@moginrubin.com
Beth E Terrell
936 N 34TH ST
STE 300
SEATTLE, WA 98103-8869
Fax: 206-319-5450
Email: bterrell@terrellmarshall.com
John A Yanchunis
TAMPA, FL 33602
Email: jyanchunis@ForThePeople.com
Kaitlyn T Holzer
Fax: 410-539-6599
Email: kaitlyn.holzer@murphyfalcon.com
Michael Anderson Berry
Email: aberry@justice4you.com
Nikoletta Sara Mendrinos
Fax: 410-539-6599
Ryan Maxey
TAMPA, FL 33602
Fax: 813-257-0572
Email: rmaxey@forthepeople.com
William Hughes Murphy , III
Fax: 410-539-6599
Email: hassan.murphy@murphyfalcon.com
Carlton R. Jones
Herman Jones LLP
3424 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 1650
Atlanta, GA 30326
Email: cjones@hermanjones.com
John C. Herman
Duane Morris
1180 W Peachtree Street NW
Suite 700
Atlanta, GA 30309-3448
Fax: 404-253-6901
Email: JCHerman@duanemorris.com
Peter M. Jones
Herman Jones LLP
3424 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 1650
Atlanta, GA 30326
Email: pjones@hermanjones.com
Marc J. Held
Lazarowitz & Manganillo LLP
2004 Ralph Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Fax: 718-444-5768
Email: marcheldesq@gmail.com
Philip M. Hines
Held & Hines, LLP
2004 Ralph Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Fax: 718-444-5768
Email: phines@heldhines.com
Alexis M Wood
Law Offices of Ronald A Marron APLC
651 Arroyo Drive
San Diego, CA 92103
Fax: 619-564-6665
Email: alexis@consumersadvocates.com
Amanda Grace Fiorilla
Lowey Dannenberg, P.C.
44 South Broadway, Suite 1100
White Plains, NY 10601
Email: afiorilla@lowey.com
Christian Levis
Lowey Dannenberg, P.C.
44 South Broadway, Suite 1100
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 997-0500
Fax: (914) 997-0035
Email: clevis@lowey.com
Kas Larene Gallucci
Law Offices of Ronald A. Marron
651 Arroyo Drive
San Diego, CA 92103
Email: kas@consumersadvocates.com
Margaret C. MacLean
Lowey Dannenberg, P.C.
44 South Broadway, Suite 1100
White Plains, NY 10601
Email: mmaclean@lowey.com
Ronald A. Marron
Law Offices of Ronald A. Marron
651 Arroyo Drive
San Diego, CA 92103
Email: ron@consumersadvocates.com
Jonathan Shub
Seeger Weiss, LLP
1515 Market Street
Suite 1380
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 564-2300
Fax: (215) 851-8029
Email: jshub@seegerweiss.com
Anne-Marie E Sargent
Email: aes@cslawfirm.net
Brian C Gudmundson
Zimmerman Reed PLLP
80 South Eighth Street 1100 IDS Center
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Fax: 612-341-0844
Email: brian.gudmundson@zimmreed.com
Carey Alexander
NEW YORK, NY 10169
Email: calexander@scott-scott.com
Erin Green Comite
Scott&Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP
156 South Main Street
P.O. Box 192
Colchester, CT 06415
Fax: 860-537-4432
Email: ecomite@scott-scott.com
Gary F Lynch
Lynch Carpenter, LLP
1133 Penn Avenue, 5th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Email: Gary@lcllp.com
Joseph P. Guglielmo
Scott & Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP
The Helmsley Building
230 Park Avenue
Ste 17th Floor
New York, NY 10169
Email: jguglielmo@scott-scott.com
MaryBeth V. Gibson
Fax: 404-320-9978
Email: mgibson@thefinleyfirm.com
Michael J Laird
Email: michael.laird@zimmreed.com
Nicholas A Colella
Email: NickC@lcllp.com
Rachel Kristine Tack
Email: rachel.tack@zimmreed.com
David B Owens
Email: David@loevy.com
Michael Kanovitz
Loevy & Loevy – Chicago
311 North Aberdeen Street
3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 243-5900
Fax: (312) 243-5902
Email: mike@loevy.com
Scott Drury
Email: drury@loevy.com
Ari Basser
Email: abasser@pomlaw.com
Jordan L Lurie
Fax: 917-463-1044
Email: jllurie@pomlaw.com
Samuel M. Ward
Barrack Rodos & Bacine
600 West Broadway
Suite 900
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: 619-230-1874
Email: sward@barrack.com
Stephen R Basser
STE 900
Email: sbasser@barrack.com
Wright A Noel
Email: wright@carsonnoel.com
Gavin P Kassel
Sanford A Kassel Law Offices APLC
Wells Fargo Bank Building
334 West Third Street
San Bernardino, CA 92401-1823
Fax: 909-884-8032
Email: gkassel@gmail.com
Sanford Alan Kassel
Sanford A Kassel Law Offices APLC
Wells Fargo Bank Building
334 West 3rd Street Suite 207
San Bernardino, CA 92401-1823
Fax: 909-884-8032
Email: office@skassellaw.com
Shawn C Westrick
Westrick Law Firm
2219 Main Street Suite 463
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Email: swestrick@westricklawfirm.com
Jason Hartley
Email: hartley@hartleyllp.com
Laurence D King
Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP
350 Sansome
Ste. 400
San Franciso, CA 94104
(415) 772-4700
Fax: (415) 772-4707
Email: lking@kaplanfox.com
Matthew George
Email: mgeorge@kaplanfox.com
Cari Campen Laufenberg
1201 3RD AVE
STE 3200
SEATTLE, WA 98101-3052
Email: claufenberg@kellerrohrback.com
Christopher L Springer
Email: cspringer@kellerrohrback.com
Derek W. Loeser
Keller Rohrback L.L.P.
1201 Third Ave., #3200
Seattle, WA 98101-3052
Email: dloeser@kellerrohrback.com
Emma Marguerite Wright
1201 3RD AVE
STE 3200
SEATTLE, WA 98101-3052
Email: ewright@kellerrohrback.com
Gretchen Freeman Cappio
Keller Rohrback L.L.P.
1201 Third Ave., #3200
Seattle, WA 98101-3052
Email: gcappio@KellerRohrback.com
Juli E. Farris
1201 3RD AVE
STE 3200
SEATTLE, WA 98101-3052
Fax: 206-623-3384
Email: jfarris@KellerRohrback.com
Thomas E Loeser
STE 2000
Fax: 206-623-0594
Email: TomL@hbsslaw.com
Manish Borde
Email: mborde@bordelaw.com
Courtney Maccarone
NEW YORK, NY 10006
Email: cmaccarone@zlk.com
Mark Reich
10TH FLOOR STE 10006
NEW YORK, NY 10006
Email: mreich@zlk.com
Matthew James Ide
7900 SE 28TH STREET, STE 500
Fax: 206-622-0909
Email: mjide@yahoo.com
Adam J Zapala
Fax: 650-697-0577
Email: azapala@cpmlegal.com
Elizabeth Tran Castillo
Email: ecastillo@cpmlegal.com
Kaiyi A Xie
Email: kxie@cpmlegal.com
Karin Bornstein Swope
STE 4057
Email: kswope@cpmlegal.com
Reid Wilson Wayman Gaa
Fax: 650-697-0577
Email: rgaa@cpmlegal.com
Amy Elisabeth Keller
Email: akeller@dicellolevitt.com
James Arthur Ulwick
Email: julwick@dicellolevitt.com
William B. Federman
Federman & Sherwood
10205 N. Pennsylvania Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(405) 235-1560
Fax: (405) 239-2112
Email: wbf@federmanlaw.com
Brian James Dunne
Bathaee Dunne LLP
633 West Fifth Street
26th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Email: bdunne@bathaeedunne.com
Edward Maxwell Grauman
Bathaee Dunne LLP
7000 North MoPac Expressway, Suite 200
Austin, TX 78731
Email: egrauman@bathaeedunne.com
Yavar Bathaee
Bathaee Dunne LLP
445 Park Avenue
9th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Email: yavar@bathaeedunne.com
Laurence M. Rosen
The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
One Gateway Center, Suite 2600
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 313-1887
Email: lrosen@rosenlegal.com
Christopher L. Ayers
Seeger Weiss LLP
55 Challenger Road
6th Floor
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Email: cayers@seegerweiss.com
Joseph H. Meltzer
Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check
280 King of Prussia Road
Radnor, PA 19087
(610) 667-7706
Fax: (610) 667-7056
Email: jmeltzer@btkmc.com
Kevin G. Cooper
Carella Byrne Cecchi Olstein Brody &
5 Becker Farm Road
Roseland, NJ 07068
Email: kcooper@carellabyrne.com
55 Challenger Road
6th Floor
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Email: cayers@seegerweiss.com
Christopher A. Seeger
Seeger Weiss LLP
55 Challenger Road
6th Floor
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660
Fax: 973-639-9393
Email: cseeger@seegerweiss.com
James E. Cecchi
Carella Byrne Bain Gilfillan Cecchi Stewart
& Olstein PC
5 Becker Farm Road
Roseland, NJ 07068
973 994-1700
Fax: 973 994-1744
Email: jcecchi@carellabyrne.com
Catherine B. Derenze
Lite DePalma Greenberg & Afanador, LLC
570 Broad Street
Ste 1201
Newark, NJ 07102
Fax: 973-623-0858
Email: cderenze@litedepalma.com
Jeremy Nathan Nash
Lite DePalma Greenberg & Afanador, LLC
570 Broad Street
Suite 1201
Newark, NJ 07102
Fax: 973-623-0858
Email: jnash@litedepalma.com
Joseph J. DePalma
Lite DePalma Greenberg & Afanador, LLC
570 Broad Street
Suite 1201
Newark, NJ 07102
Fax: 973-623-0858
Email: jdepalma@litedepalma.com
Jennifer Marie Oliver
Moginrubin LLP
600 West Broadway, Suite 3300
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 687-6611
Fax: (619) 687-6610
Email: joliver@moginrubin.com
Molly Brantley
Federman & Sherwood
10205 N. Pennsylvania Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Fax: 405-239-2112
Email: meb@federmanlaw.com
Tyler James Bean
Federman & Sherwood
10205 N Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Email: tjb@federmanlaw.com
Don Springmeyer
Kemp Jones LLP
3800 Howard Hughes Parkway
17th Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89169
Fax: 702-385-6001
Email: d.springmeyer@kempjones.com
Michael J Gayan
Kemp, Jones & Coulthard, LLP
3800 Howard Hughes Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89169
Fax: 702-385-6001
Email: mjg@kempjones.com
Sabita J Soneji
Tycko and Zavareeli LLP
1970 Broadway, Suite 1070
Oakland, CA 94612
Roger M Townsend
Fax: 206-652-8290
Email: rtownsend@bjtlegal.com
John T Jasnoch
Scott and Scott LLP
600 West Broadway Suite 3300
San Diego, CA 92101
Fax: 619-233-0508
Email: jjasnoch@scott-scott.com
Brian P. Murray
Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP
230 Park Avenue
Suite 358
New York, NY 10169
212- 682-5340
Fax: 212-884-0988
Email: bmurray@glancylaw.com
Kevin Francis Ruf
Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP
1925 Century Park East, Suite 2100
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 201-9150
Fax: (310) 201-9160
Email: info@glancylaw.com
Paul C. Whalen
Law Office of Paul C. Whalen
768 Plandome Road
Manhasset, NY 11030
Email: pcwhalen@gmail.com
Jessica Lynne Lukasiewicz
Thomas & Solomon LLP
693 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
Fax: 585-272-0574

T-Mobile data breach 2021: Here’s what it means for securing your …

 data-privacy-security-hackers-hacking-unlock-iphone-0991 … The alleged hacker behind TMobile’s latest cyberattack has spoken out about …

The T-Mobile Data Breach Is One You Can’t Ignore | WIRED

And given how regularly they happen, it’s understandable that you may have become inured to the news. Still, a TMobile breach that hackers …

The T-Mobile Breach Is Much Worse Than It Had to Be | WIRED

The vast majority of victims weren’t even TMobile customers. … Privacy advocates have long promoted the concept of data minimization, …

T-Mobile data breach exposed the personal info of more … – The Verge

 TMobile admitted that a recent data breach exposed info for over 40 million “former or prospective customers,” 7.8 million subscribers, …

T-Mobile confirms it was hacked after customer data posted online

TMobile has confirmed “unauthorized access” to its systems, days after a portion of customer data was listed for sale on a known …


The United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation issued a Transfer Order on December 3, 2021, assigning MDL No. 3019 to this Court for coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings, and describing this multidistrict litigation as follows. These putative class actions present common factual questions concerning an alleged data security breach of T-Mobile’s systems that was discovered in August 2021 and allegedly compromised the personal information of approximately 54 million current, former, and prospective customers of T-Mobile. Common factual questions will include: T-Mobile’s data security practices and whether those practices met industry standards; how the malfeasance obtained access to T-Mobile’s system; the extent of the personal information affected by the breach; when T-Mobile knew or should have known of the breach; and T-Mobile’s investigation into the breach.


Chinese police database hack leaks data of 1 billion people.. ONE BILLION!!! …Then how can T-Mobile prove that the records they keep on us won’t be hacked again, and again and again!!!









ATTACKS AND CENSORSHIP BY THE T-MOBILE-GOOGLE-ALPHABET-YOUTUBE-FACEBOOK CARTEL: We have placed more software sensors on more server networks globally than anyone else has ever announced. When the T-Mobile-Google-Alphabet-YouTube, etc. Cartel Shadow Bans, DNS re-routes, Hides, Demonetizes, Search Manipulates, Server Table Edits, Censors, Election Rigs, SEO limits, etc; our links, we record it, document it technically and report it to every regulatory and publishing group in the world. We also compile the data into evidence for lawsuits against the Tech Cartel and each Tec Cartel executive. Our insiders work at the deepest levels of their operation. It isn’t nice to mess with Mother Nature or Freedom Of Speech. It’s worse to run tax evasion, sex trafficking, dark money funds, real estate fraud and other crimes from inside Google! —- Our autonomous monitoring applications are on a vast number of co-location servers, shared hosting ISP’s, stand-alone servers and sites around the world and have been operating for over ten years. We log: 1.) Their search results compared to other search engines, 2.) Their DNS and spoofing activities, 3.) Their results on 100 key search terms including search terms of assets, candidates and business associates connected to the Cartel (ie: “Obama”, “Elon Musk”, “Election Results”, etc.), 4.) Where the Cartel sends data from users clicking on their supplied supplied links, 5.) Where fabricated “mole” data that was injected as user data ultimately ended up later, 6.)The Cartel’s election manipulation attempts, and other metrics. The results prove that the Cartel abuses the market, the public, privacy rights, politics and human rights. —-

So you tech bad guys, every time you do it, you are just digging your own grave and giving us all the proof we need to wipe you out, process anti-trust filings and expose your monopolist, sex trafficking, sociopath owners!


Some of the experts on our Team told T-Mobile, for decades, that their network was not secure. What did T-Mobile do? Ignored them and copied their patents and STILL T-Mobile could not get security technology right? Why? Many think that T-Mobile sacrificed security for buddy-buddy deals with Google, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, YouTube and the other scumbag Silicon Valley Big Tech consumer data harvesting operations. If that theory is correct, then T-Mobile CHOSE to harm consumers in a PROFITS-OVER-PUBLIC SAFETY decision! Let’s investigate that!


T-Mobile, Facebook, Google and Instagram Facing Lawsuits for Teen Mental Health Crisis After Causing 5500 Teens PER DAY To Attempt Suicide

Neumann Law Group is now investigating claims against Meta Platforms, Inc., the parent company of Facebook and Instagram for their intentional manipulation of the mental health of young and at-risk users of their products.

In October 2021, a Facebook whistleblower testified to the U.S. Senate how Facebook, Instagram, and Meta used tactics to manipulate young people into using their products for extended periods of time and intentionally created a toxic environment leading to significant psychological harm to America’s youth.

Learn More at Neumann Law Group

SEE THIS LINK, THIS HAPPENS EVERY FEW HOURS THANKS TO MARK AND SHERYL: Every few hours another teen is MURDERED by Facebook/Instagram executives. Nobody does anything about it because California politicians OWN the stock in Facebook/Instagram and also get their political campaign cash from Facebook/Instagram/Google !!! Should Mark Zuckerberg be charged with Homicide? He knew, for over a decade, that he was killing these kids, but buying a part of Hawaii is expensive, and he needed the cash!




  1. Were you a minor when you signed up for Facebook and/or Instagram;
  2. Were you using Facebook and/or Instagram for more than three (3) hours per day at that time; and
  3. Have you received documented mental health treatment (with no prior history of mental health issues)?

Facebook grilled in Senate hearing over teen mental health – Sheryl Sandberg knew…


Facebook grilled in Senate hearing over teen mental health. Last night, Facebook published two annotated slide decks in an attempt to contextualize the documents that The Wall Street Journal …

Facebook’s whistleblower report confirms what researchers …


Internal research at Facebook showing that Instagram might be harmful to the mental health of teen girls is in line with other research in the field. That complicates efforts to minimize the findings.

This is Facebook’s internal research on the mental health effects of …


The release of the research arrives the evening before a Congressional hearing on the effect of Facebook and Instagram on kids’ mental health. That hearing is scheduled for Thursday at 10:30AM ET .

Instagram Youth Adds Risk to Teen Mental Health. Facebook Must Act ..”Instragram turns young girls into hookers…”.


So perhaps it isn’t surprising that an internal research effort at the company, revealed last week, found that teens associate the service with a host of men

Facebook Very Aware That Instagram Harms Teen Mental Health But Profits On Its Crimes


For several months now, Facebook execs have been kicking ar