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‘-How A Handful of People Take Over Governments: Dark Money

How A Handful of People Take Over Governments: Dark Money

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Dark Money | Mother Jones

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Will Shutter His DarkMoney Fund. By. Andy Kroll … Liberal Group to Fight Dark Money…by Raising $40 Million of It. By. Andy Kroll.

www.motherjones.com/topics/darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Follow the Dark Money | Mother Jones

“There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money and I can’t remember what the second one is.”—Mark Hanna, 19th-century mining tycoon …

www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/06/history-money-american-elections – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Experts: ‘Dark money‘ here to stay | TheHill

4 days ago … Treasury’s move to limit nonprofit groups is unlikely to drive big donors out into the open.

www.thehill.com/ blogs/ ballot-box/ fundraising/ 191537-experts-darkmoney-here-to-stay – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Obama Targets DarkMoney Groups | TIME.com

5 days ago … The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced a proposed revision to federal tax code that would disrupt the loosely …

swampland.time.com/2013/11/26/obama-targets-darkmoney-groups/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The IRS Moves to Limit Dark Money – But Enforcement Still a …

5 days ago … The proposed regulations could dramatically limit how nonprofits spend money. But the proposals aren’t a done deal, and it’s not clear whether …

www.propublica.org/ article/ the-irs-moves-to-limit-darkmoney-but-enforcement-still-a-question – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Treasury Department’s New Crackdown on Dark Money Groups

3 days ago … Anonymous donors, disclosure reports filed late, activities shrouded in secrecy— and it’s all legal. But now the Treasury Department is moving …

www.thedailybeast.com/ articles/ 2013/ 11/ 27/ the-treasury-department-s-new-crackdown-on-darkmoney-groups.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dark Money‘ Nonprofit Political Spending Restricted In Proposed …

4 days ago … WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced on Tuesday new guidelines clarifying the definition of …

www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2013/ 11/ 26/ darkmoney-political-spending_n_4345057.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dark Money – Huffington Post

What You Need To Know About Obama’s Proposed ‘Dark Money‘ Rules … Here’s How One Dark Money Group Keeps Its $22 Million Donor Secret.

www.huffingtonpost.com/news/darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Posts tagged “Dark Money” – Sunlight Foundation Blog

4 days ago … We applaud states that are willing to take on the issue of dark money but urge them to focus their energies on disclosure, the only state-level …

www.sunlightfoundation.com/blog/tag/darkmoney/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Will Obama’s rule stem tide of dark money? | MSNBC

4 days ago … The Obama administration unveiled a new rule aimed at making it harder for groups like Karl Rove’s to pour money into elections. But the …

www.msnbc.com/msnbc/obama-vs-darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

IRS sets its sights on political ‘dark money‘ | Center for Public Integrity

4 days ago … The Internal Revenue Service is proposing new rules that could curb the ability of social welfare nonprofits to influence elections.

www.publicintegrity.org/ 2013/ 11/ 27/ 13819/ irs-sets-its-sights-political-darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Progressive Group Comes Out Against New Proposed Rules For …

2 days ago … So-called dark money groups are organized as tax-exempt “social welfare” organizations under section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code.

www.talkingpointsmemo.com/ livewire/ em-progressive-em-group-comes-out-against-new-proposed-rules-for-darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Stop Dark Money

Stop Dark Money Montana is a ballot initiative that will require disclosure of donors in campaign spending activity.

www.stopdarkmoney.com – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Koch-Linked Dark Money Group Spent $137 Million In 2012

2 days ago … The Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR), the secretive Arizona dark money group that has been tied to the movement of millions of dollars …

www.talkingpointsmemo.com/ livewire/ koch-linked-darkmoney-group-spent-137-million-in-2012 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Mediaite Morning Reading List: Obama Goes After ‘Dark Money

4 days ago … Every a.m., Mediaite publishes a primer of what the interweb machine is writing, talking, tweeting, and blogging about, so that you may fool …

www.mediaite.com/ tv/ mediaite-morning-reading-list-obama-goes-after-darkmoney/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Morning Reads: Obama Takes on Dark Money, NSA Spied On Porn …

2 days ago … Here are some of the stories you might have missed.

www.crooksandliars.com/ susie-madrak/ morning-reads-obama-takes-darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

CRP Presents Panel on Dark Money — Save the Date …

5 days ago … Political activity by nondisclosing nonprofits, often referred to as “Dark Money,” has become a major point of contention – as well as confusion …

www.opensecrets.org/ news/ 2013/ 11/ crp-presents-panel-on-darkmoney—-save-the-date.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

US Seeks to Stem Flood of Political “Dark Money” – Inter Press Service

4 days ago … The U.S. government has proposed strengthening an obscure tax-status designation that supporters say could significantly impact upon the …

www.ipsnews.net/2013/11/u-s-proposes-crackdown-political-darkmoney/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Obama Administration Moves To Squeeze Dark Money Groups

5 days ago … Dark money groups, which can raise unlimited amounts of money without disclosing their donors, are organized as tax-exempt “social welfare” …

www.talkingpointsmemo.com/ muckraker/ obama-administration-proposes-new-limits-to-darkmoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Obama’s Plan to Crackdown on Political Dark Money – The Wire

4 days ago … In an effort to bring secret political spending to light, the Obama Administration on Tuesday announced new rules limiting how tax-exempt …

www.thewire.com/ politics/ 2013/ 11/ obamas-plan-crackdown-political-darkmoney/ 355548/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dark Money – Definition – US Politics – About.com

Learn about the influence of dark money in politics. Read a definition of dark money. See some example of dark money contributions to campaigns.

uspolitics.about.com/od/Money-In-Politics/a/What-Is-DarkMoney.htm – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

IRS to target ‘Dark Money‘ non-profits – Philly.com

5 days ago … The surprise announcement Tuesday that the Internal Revenue Service intends to take aim at campaign spending by so-called social welfare …

www.philly.com/ philly/ news/ politics/ IRS_to_target_Dark_Money_campaign_non_profits_Sunlight_Foundation.htm l – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

California exposes, fines darkmoney scheme – The Washington Post

Oct 27, 2013 … California exposes and fines those who moved millions to influence the 2012 campaign.

www.washingtonpost.com/ opinions/ california-exposes-fines-darkmoney-scheme/ 2013/ 10/ 27/ efe25ed6-3da3-11e3-a94f-b58017bfee6c_story.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Inquiry sheds light on ‘dark money‘ in 2012 election – Los Angeles …

Nov 4, 2013 … Tony Russo had a multimillion-dollar problem.The Republican consultant and his team had raised piles of cash to use in California politics as …

articles.latimes.com/2013/nov/04/local/la-me-secret-money-20131104 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

dark money | BillMoyers.com

The senator has put a hold on the confirmation of the new FCC chief until he’s promised the agency won’t follow the law and disclose the real funders of dark …

www.billmoyers.com/tag/darkmoney/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dark Money Politics – NYTimes.com

Jun 12, 2013 … How corrupt are we willing to allow our campaign finance system to become?

opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/12/darkmoney-politics/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dark Money: Will Secret Spending by a Group of Billionaires Decide …

Jun 22, 2012 … The 2012 presidential election is set to become the most expensive race in history, with spending projected to top $11 billion — more than …

www.democracynow.org/2012/6/22/dark_money_will_secret_spending_by – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Report: Liberals Have Accounted for 70% of ‘Dark Money‘ Spent in …

Nov 7, 2013 … Though Democrats have railed against the influence of money in politics after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, liberals have …

www.breitbart.com/ Big-Government/ 2013/ 11/ 07/ Report-Liberals-Have-Accounted-for-70-of-DarkMoney-Spent-in-Politics -in-2013 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Karl Rove’s dark money group spent more on politics than it reported …

6 days ago … On its 2012 tax return, GOP strategist Karl Rove’s dark money behemoth Crossroads GPS justified its status as a tax-exempt social welfare …

www.rawstory.com/ rs/ 2013/ 11/ 25/ karl-roves-darkmoney-group-spent-more-on-politics-than-it-reported-t o-the-irs/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

California exposes, fines darkmoney scheme – The Washington Post

Oct 27, 2013 … California exposes and fines those who moved millions to influence the 2012 campaign.

www.washingtonpost.com/ opinions/ california-exposes-fines-darkmoney-scheme/ 2013/ 10/ 27/ efe25ed6-3da3-11e3-a94f-b58017bfee6c_story.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Koch Brothers Break New Ground in Dark Money – National Journal

Sep 13, 2013 … On its face, Freedom Partners looks like any of the other darkmoney groups that have proliferated in recent years. Those tax-exempt “social …

www.nationaljournal.com/ politics/ koch-brothers-break-new-ground-in-darkmoney-20130913 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Judge hits ‘dark money‘ group with big penalty

5 days ago … A political group that has gained notoriety for challenging campaign restrictions on corporations was fined $260000 on Tuesday after a judge …

www.helenair.com/ news/ state-and-regional/ judge-hits-darkmoney-group-with-big-penalty/ article_372da32a-0358-51bc-aa75-7c205a320a7f.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Stop Dark Money Montana | Facebook

Stop Dark Money Montana. 234 likes · 26 talking about this. This is the beginning of the end for Dark Money in Montana campaigns. “Like” and “Share” this page …

https://www.facebook.com/StopDarkMoneyView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The National Memo » The IRS Moves To Limit Dark Money — But …

The IRS Moves To Limit Dark Money — But Enforcement Still A Question. November 27th, 2013 12:40 pm Kim Barker. by Kim Barker, ProPublica. The IRS and …

www.nationalmemo.com/ the-irs-moves-to-limit-darkmoney-but-enforcement-still-a-question/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Report: Liberals Have Accounted for 70% of ‘Dark Money‘ Spent in …

Nov 7, 2013 … Though Democrats have railed against the influence of money in politics after the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, liberals have …

www.breitbart.com/ Big-Government/ 2013/ 11/ 07/ Report-Liberals-Have-Accounted-for-70-of-DarkMoney-Spent-in-Politics -in-2013 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Keeping an Eye on Dark Money | CREW | Citizens for Responsibility …

We track down the latest tax returns for some of the most notorious dark money groups. Here’s how CREW is combating the dark money in our system:.

www.citizensforethics.org/pages/darkmoney-501c-groups – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Karl Rove and Other Dark Money Purveyors in Trouble – NPQ …

4 days ago … Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS seems to have misreported its partisan political activities in 2012 by omitting $11.2 million it gave to Grover …

www.nonprofitquarterly.org/ policysocial-context/ 23309-karl-rove-and-other-darkmoney-purveyors-in-trouble.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Karl Rove’s dark money group spent more on politics than it reported …

6 days ago … On its 2012 tax return, GOP strategist Karl Rove’s dark money behemoth Crossroads GPS justified its status as a tax-exempt social welfare …

www.rawstory.com/ rs/ 2013/ 11/ 25/ karl-roves-darkmoney-group-spent-more-on-politics-than-it-reported-t o-the-irs/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Obama trains the spotlight on ‘dark money‘ | Arizona Capitol Times

4 days ago … The Obama administration today proposed strict new rules aimed at curtailing the political activities of “dark money” groups that so far have …

www.azcapitoltimes.com/ news/ 2013/ 11/ 27/ obama-trains-the-spotlight-on-darkmoney/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Judge hits ‘dark money‘ group with big penalty – The Billings Gazette

5 days ago … HELENA — A Montana judge is hitting an elusive political group with a $260000 fine for failing to disclose campaign spending.

www.billingsgazette.com/ news/ state-and-regional/ montana/ judge-hits-darkmoney-group-with-big-penalty/ article_26c30791-bf27-5441-ba7d-f5864334d70a.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dark money” group ATP fined $260K+ for illegal campaign activity …

4 days ago … HELENA – American Tradition Partnership, a political dark money.

www.kxlh.com/ news/ darkmoney-group-atp-fined-260k-for-illegal-campaign-activity/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

White House Targets Dark Money Campaign Donors – Yahoo Finance

5 days ago … From Yahoo Finance: The secretive “social welfare groups” that enjoyed exemption from federal taxation while pouring millions of dollars into …

finance.yahoo.com/news/white-house-targets-darkmoney-213700148.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Karl Rove Provided Inaccurate Information On Dark Money Group …

6 days ago … In 2012 Karl Rove stated to the IRS that his group, Crossroads GPS, was a social welfare organization and would use part of the money the …

news.firedoglake.com/ 2013/ 11/ 25/ karl-rove-provided-inaccurate-information-on-darkmoney-group/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

dark money | Taegan Goddard’s Political Dictionary

Funds used for a political campaign that are not properly disclosed before an election. The term was apparently coined by Mother Jones.

www.politicaldictionary.com/words/darkmoney/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Sen. Whitehouse Applauds Administration’s Effort to Crack Down on …

Whitehouse Applauds Administration’s Effort to Crack Down on “Dark Money” Activities. Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Providence, RI – U.S. Senator Sheldon  …

www.whitehouse.senate.gov/ news/ release/ sen-whitehouse-applauds-administrations-effort-to-crack-down-on-darkmoney-activities- – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight