Home » Bribing Congress-People With “Revolving Door” Job Kick-backs

Bribing Congress-People With “Revolving Door” Job Kick-backs

Bribing Congress-People With “Revolving Door” Job Kick-backs

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Revolving door (politics) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In politics, the “revolving door” is a movement of personnel between roles as … The practice was increasingly viewed as corrupt and a drag on unfastening the …

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolving_door_(politics) – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Stop Congress’ Revolving Door of Corruption – Public Citizen

Stop Congress’ Revolving Door of Corruption. This action is no longer current, but there is plenty more to be done. Visit our Action Center and get involved with  …

www.citizen.org/revolvingdoorView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corruption Confusion and the Revolving Door – Department of …

The Congressional staff revolving door: patterns, causes, and regulatory effects ( work with Lee Drutman,. Sunlight and UCDC). 2. Is it corruption or institutional …

https://politicalscience.stanford.edu/ sites/ default/ files/ workshop-materials/ Corruption_Confusion10.pdf – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

One graph illustrates the revolving door of politics | Corruption Daily

Jul 23, 2013 … Politicians are too concerned about their next job (lobbying) and not concerned enough about their current job (governing). It’s time for us to …

daily.represent.us/ one-graph-illustrates-the-revolvingdoor-of-politics/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Corruption Of The Revolving Door | The Moderate Voice

May 15, 2011 … One of the steps that is supposed to minimize the power of the revolving door is a “wait period”. For the SEC, that means any former employee …

www.themoderatevoice.com/110115/the-corruption-of-the-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corporate power has turned Britain into a corrupt state – The Guardian

Jun 4, 2013 … Seumas Milne: Westminster lobbying is the least of it. Revolvingdoor colonisation of public life is a corrosive threat to democracy.

www.theguardian.com/ commentisfree/ 2013/ jun/ 04/ corporate-britain-corrupt-lobbying-revolvingdoorView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

What we do – Working Paper 06/2010: Regulating the Revolving Door

Jun 1, 2010 … Transparency International the global coalition against corruption … Conflicts of interest, and the ‘revolving door‘ phenomenon that has arisen, …

www.transparency.org/ whatwedo/ pub/ working_paper_06_2010_regulating_the_revolving_doorView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Recent articles on revolving doors, lobbying, corruption etc …

Corporate power over liberal democracy is global and ubiquitous. Even the term ‘ revolving doors’ between corporations and government assumes that there is a …

corporate-rule.co.uk/drupal/government – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Robert Khuzami SEC revolving door: Research says it’s fine. – Slate

Jul 23, 2013 … Robert Khuzami stepped down as director of the Enforcement Division at the Securities and Exchange Commission about six months ago, …

www.slate.com/ blogs/ moneybox/ 2013/ 07/ 23/ robert_khuzami_sec_revolving_door_research_says_it_s_fine.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The revolving door spins for Robert Khuzami : Columbia Journalism …

Jul 23, 2013 … That’s as good a synopsis as I’ve seen on why the soft corruption of the revolving door and the sellout culture is so damaging. Further reading:.

www.cjr.org/the_audit/the_revolving_door_spins_for_r.php?page=all – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower …

World Bank conspiracies of massive corruption are discussed with under-fire whistleblower Karen Hudes. She discusses how she has been charged with …

www.thelip.tv/ the-world-bank-revolvingdoor-of-corruption-with-whistleblower-karen- hudes/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Most States Have Poor Safeguards Against the Revolving Door

Feb 4, 2013 … Report: Most States Have Poor Safeguards Against the Revolving Door. by Angie Schmitt. States do a poor job safeguarding against corruption …

dc.streetsblog.org/ 2013/ 02/ 04/ report-most-states-have-poor-safeguards-against-the-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Tax the revolving door: Column – USA Today

Jan 29, 2013 … We can’t put political corruption out of business, but taxes should make it a bit … In truth, we see the “revolving door” in almost all industries and …

www.usatoday.com/ story/ opinion/ 2013/ 01/ 28/ revolvingdoor-government-ethics/ 1868597/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Mapping Out The Revolving Door Between Gov’t And Big Business …

Dec 22, 2011 … Mapping Out The Revolving Door Between Gov’t And Big Business In Venn Diagrams. from the crony-capitalism-is-corruption dept. Via Larry …

www.techdirt.com/articles/20111221/17561617164/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Moyers: ‘Washington’s revolving door‘ is the core of America’s …

Dec 14, 2012 … In a special comment on Friday’s episode of “Moyers and Company,” the former press secretary to President Lyndon Johnson pointed out what …

www.rawstory.com/ rs/ 2012/ 12/ 14/ moyers-washingtons-revolvingdoor-is-the-core-of-americas-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Amazing Revolving Door – Monsanto, FDA And EPA – Rense

Welcome To The Revolving Door; The “revolving door” – the interplay of personnel that assists the industrial alignment of public service and regulatory …

www.rense.com/general33/fd.htm – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Revolving Doors Matter | The Baseline Scenario

Oct 22, 2012 … In 13 Bankers, the revolving door was one of the three major channels … Corruption, is the only problem and the plethora of things we call …

www.baselinescenario.com/2012/10/22/revolvingdoors-matter/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with … – YouTube

Jun 1, 2013 … World Bank conspiracies of massive corruption are discussed with under-fire whistleblower Karen Hudes. She discusses how she has been …

www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wDcnrIzi3Y – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with … – YouTube

Nov 21, 2013 … world bank documentary,world bank documentary,world bank videos,world bank india,world bank building,world bank headquarters,world …

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kwz7yw5aqxs – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Stories From Washington’s Revolving Door | BillMoyers.com

Dec 14, 2012 … Take a look at some lawmakers and lobbyists who’ve made the switch from Capitol Hill to K Street, and vice versa, in the recent past.

www.billmoyers.com/content/stories-from-washingtons-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Revolving door – Transparency International UK

A Transparency International UK (TI-UK) survey in 2010 revealed that the revolving door between government and business comes a close second in the …

www.transparency.org.uk/our-work/corruption-in-the-uk/revolvingdoorView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Round and Round Spins the Revolving Door, Unimpeded by

Oct 2, 2013 … Round and Round Spins the Revolving Door, Unimpeded by “Obamacare,” ….. We have noted (most recently here ), that health care corruption, …

hcrenewal.blogspot.com/ 2013/ 10/ round-and-round-spins-revolvingdoor.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Max Baucus: Connoisseur of Revolving Door Corruption | MyFDL

Jan 14, 2013 … This is why last night Bill Moyers referred to Max Baucus as, “a connoisseur of revolving door corruption.” The Baucus revolving door cabal …

my.firedoglake.com/ brigham/ 2013/ 01/ 14/ max-baucus-connoisseur-of-revolvingdoorcorruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Revolving Door Lobbyists – the Institute for Business Innovation

Jan 20, 2009 … Washington’s ‘revolving door‘ -the movement from government service … A CNN poll found that ‘corruption‘ was the most important issue for.

businessinnovation.berkeley.edu/ WilliamsonSeminar/ blanes%20i%20vidal031711.pdf – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption: Whistleblower Karen …

Aug 15, 2013 … World Bank conspiracies of massive corruption are discussed with under-fire whistleblower Karen Hudes [major government corporate …

www.beforeitsnews.com/ economics-and-politics/ 2013/ 08/ world-bank-revolvingdoor-of-corruption-whistleblower-karen-hudes-245 5644.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Forum Post: World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with …

Forum Post: World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower Karen Hudes. Posted 6 months ago on June 2, 2013, 12:36 a.m. EST by quantumystic …

www.occupywallst.org/ forum/ world-bank-revolvingdoor-of-corruption-with-whist/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

This week is WisGOP corruption– through the revolving door – Jake’s …

Aug 27, 2013 … A couple of Republican members of the State Assembly announced they were leaving their posts recently, and not surprisingly, both have a …

jakehasablog.blogspot.com/ 2013/ 08/ this-week-is-wisgop-corruption-through.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Problem of the ‘Revolving Door

Feb 5, 2013 … The term ‘revolving door‘ refers to the movement of individuals … However, it is a problem wherever it leads to conflict of interest and corruption, …

www.transparency.ge/en/node/2744 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Regulating the Revolving Door – Commonwealth Parliamentary …

2. What are the corruption risks? 3. What are the remedies? Regulating the. Revolving Door. In recent years, the public sector has developed an increasingly.

www.cpahq.org/ CPAHQ/ CMDownload.aspx?ContentKey=42bb70f2-3ef7-4d3d-a76b-c482c0762f47 &ContentItemKey=1212bdf6-f685-4a45-9a84-5b175cb56cbe – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Florida lawmakers-turned-lobbyists fuel revolving door of politics …

Jun 1, 2013 … Florida lawmakers-turned-lobbyists fuel revolving door of politics …. public corruption charges, said in an interview with the Tampa Bay Times …

www.tampabay.com/ news/ politics/ national/ florida-lawmakers-turned-lobbyists-fuel-revolvingdoor-of-politics/ 2124133 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Against Being Against the Revolving Door | CLS Blue Sky Blog

Jun 24, 2013… for the New York Times/DealBook, that the perils of the revolving door, … revolving door, but who have not exhibited the signs of corruption …

clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/ 2013/ 06/ 24/ against-being-against-the-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

At Public Citizen, Jack Abramoff Calls for End of the Revolving Door

Feb 15, 2012 … The revolving door in Washington gives corporate interests and lobbying firms valuable insider access, and breeds corruption in our …

pogoblog.typepad.com/ pogo/ 2012/ 02/ at-public-citizen-jack-abramoff-calls-for-end-of-the-revolvingdoor-. html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Business-Managed Government – National – Revolving Door

The revolving door refers to the interchange of personnel, usually between businesss and government, but also between lobby groups, management …

www.herinst.org/ BusinessManagedDemocracy/ government/ national/ revolving.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower Karen …

WHISTLEBLOWER Former Senior Counsel · World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption with Whistleblower Karen Hudes · WORLD BANKER MAKES STUNNING …

streetdemocracy.wordpress.com/ world-bank-corruption-is-rampant-senior-counsel-karen-hudes/ world-bank-revolvingdoor-of-corruption-with-whistleblower-karen-hude s/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

MR Original – ATK: Pentagon’s Revolving Door | MEDIA ROOTS …

Jul 7, 2012 … Corruption on ATK’s Board of Directors can also occur subtly through the diaphanous, revolving door between private corporations and public …

www.mediaroots.org/ mr-original-atk-pentagons-revolvingdoor-with-war-industry/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dangerous Liaisons: Revolving Door at SEC Creates Risk of …

Feb 11, 2013 … POGO’s report examines many manifestations of the revolving door, … corruption and exploring solutions across the federal government.

www.pogo.org/ our-work/ reports/ 2013/ dangerous-liaisons-revolvingdoor-at-sec.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The MoD’s revolving door, part of systemic corruption in the arms trade

Dec 18, 2012 … A few weeks ago yet another scandal was uncovered at the Ministry of Defence. Sunday Times journalists, pretending to represent a South …

armourersfaith.wordpress.com/ 2012/ 12/ 18/ the-mods-revolvingdoor-part-of-systemic-corruption-in-the-arms-trade / – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Revolving Door Corruption must stop; Rand Paul speaks out – Jan …

Nov 14, 2012 … Revolving Door Corruption must stop if our country is to again gain financial strength. Rand Paul speaks out on revolving door politics and …

www.windeffects.org/revolvingdoorcorruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

CORRUPT: The Government’s Revolving Door with Monsanto

Mar 6, 2012 … I recently saw a Venn diagram chart on Dr. Mercola’s site demonstrating exactly how incestuous the relationship has been between our …

www.sallyhomemaker.com/ journal/ corrupt-the-governments-revolvingdoor-with-monsanto/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Fracking and the Revolving Door in Pennsylvania | Public …

Feb 20, 2013 … The revolving door trend in Pennsylvania raises questions about whether regulators are serving the public interest or private industry interests …

www.public-accountability.org/ 2013/ 02/ fracking-and-the-revolvingdoor-in-pennsylvania/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

ANALYSIS: When a Congressman Becomes a Lobbyist, He Gets a …

Mar 14, 2012 … In many cases, these types of revolving door arrangements …. Corruption Is Why Taxpayers Are Forced To Give Polluters $10 Billion A Year.

www.republicreport.org/2012/make-it-rain-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Government non Enforcement Revolving Door and Quid Pro Quo …

Feb 10, 2008 … One of the most noted cases of Revolving Door Corruption recently, was that of D.D., who served as a government employee, (USAF), for a …

www.worldissues360.com/index.php/view-article/852830/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

the revolving door phenomenon in hungary – Transparency …

Jul 1, 2012 … or even corruption phenomena in connection with the turn of the revolving door. Those who crossed over from one sector to another or have …

www.transparency.hu/uploads/docs/revolving_door_final.pdf – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Twitter / RepresentDotUs: Close the Revolving door, …

Nov 12, 2013 … Close the Revolving door, criminalize corruption Let’s pass the American … RT @ RepresentDotUs: Close Revolving door of corruption!

https://twitter.com/RepresentDotUs/status/400340829203480576 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Take the Anti Corruption Pledge

Close the revolving door between Congress and K Street. When they retire, many members of Congress pass through the “revolving door” to become lobbyists …

www.theanticorruptionpledge.org/take-the-pledge/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The longer term effects of the revolving door… – European Coalition …

Feb 28, 2013 … The longer term effects of the revolving door between public officials and … were under FBI investigation for corruption, Obama’s revolving door …

www.corporatejustice.org/The-longer-term-effects-of-the.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Trouble With That Revolving Door – NYTimes.com

Dec 18, 2011 … The corruption inherent in the open revolving door between Congress and K Street is well described by Lawrence Lessig, a professor of law at …

campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/ 2011/ 12/ 18/ the-trouble-with-that-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Max Baucus: Connoisseur of Revolving Door Corruption

Jan 14, 2013 … “Baucus’ Finance Committee passed a bill in August extending 50 expiring deductions and credits for favored industries. At Obama’s insistence …

www.leftinthewest.com/ diary/ 4801/ max-baucus-connoisseur-of-revolvingdoorcorruptionView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Block the ECB’s revolving door | European Voice

Feb 14, 2013 … Among them are corruption risks, stemming from the close … These are just some of the risks associated with the ‘revolving door‘ – the …

www.europeanvoice.com/ article/ imported/ block-the-ecb-s-revolvingdoor/ 76427.aspx – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The MoD’s revolving door, part of systemic corruption in the arms trade

Dec 18, 2012 … A few weeks ago yet another scandal was uncovered at the Ministry of Defence. Sunday Times journalists, pretending to represent a South …

armourersfaith.wordpress.com/ 2012/ 12/ 18/ the-mods-revolvingdoor-part-of-systemic-corruption-in-the-arms-trade / – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Post-Election Politics of the Revolving Door | NationofChange

Nov 10, 2012 … “This more secret form of corruption tends to generate far less outrage … Translation: regulators are flying through the revolving door, meaning …

www.nationofchange.org/ post-election-politics-revolvingdoor-1352566191 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Karen Hudes: The Revolving Door of Corruption | The Victory Report …

Jun 4, 2013 … Karen Hudes: The Revolving Door of Corruption. Comments [0] · Digg it! Facebook. World Bank conspiracies of massive corruption are …

www.thevictoryreport.org/ 2013/ 06/ 04/ karen-hudes-the-revolvingdoor-of-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

In and Out of the Revolving Door: Making Sense of Regulatory …

tions to go out of the revolving door (to an industry job) that predicts capture. … These data are used to inform a policy analysis of capture and corruption. It is.

https://www.anu.edu.au/ fellows/ jbraithwaite/ _documents/ Chapters/ In_out_revolving_door.pdf – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Sec Revolving Door – Huffington Post

Sec Revolving Door. Page: 1 … Why should individual investors trust they are getting due protection when evidence of regulator corruption is all around them?

www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/sec-revolvingdoorView by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

A Matter of Trust – CleanUpWashington.org

Introduction: The Revolving Door and Industry Influence on Public Policy . . . 10. Chapter 1: The … Conclusion: Reducing Revolving Door Conflicts of Interest .

www.cleanupwashington.org/documents/RevovDoor.pdf – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Goldman Sachs’ Revolving Door – CBS News

Apr 8, 2010 … A CBS News Analysis Finds at Least 4 Dozen Former Goldman Sachs Employees, Lobbyists, or Advisers in Places of Power Washington, DC …

www.cbsnews.com/news/goldman-sachs-revolvingdoor/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Michael Meacher MP » Blog Archive » Revolving door for MoD …

Oct 16, 2012 … Today’s revelations that senior MOD officers have taken up no less than 3,500 jobs in arms companies over the last 16 years go a long way to …

www.michaelmeacher.info/ weblog/ 2012/ 10/ revolvingdoor-for-mod-generals-into-private-sector-links-to-lack-of- uk-regulation-of-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

We should worry about the revolving door for jobs – FT.com

May 29, 2013 … Not because it involves crude corruption, but because the benefits of … In the US, the revolving door between government and the private …

www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0c9554b2-c792-11e2-be27-00144feab7de.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

World Bank Revolving Door of Corruption – RationalSkepticism.org

rationalskepticism.org seeks to promote open and reasonable discussion to support free thinking and free people. The path to free thought is …

www.rationalskepticism.org/ conspiracy-theories/ world-bank-revolvingdoor-of-corruption-t39743.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Washington revolving door helped write SOPA/PIPA …

Dec 10, 2011 … It’s hard not to agree with the new Abramoff who said if we want to shut down corruption, the revolving door has to be closed permanently.

www.americablog.com/ 2011/ 12/ the-washington-revolvingdoor-helped-write-sopapipa.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

RevolvingDoor Politics – Reader Supported News

Jan 11, 2012… but some revolvingdoor hires feel worse and more shameless than … it from the corruption that plagues other great countries such as India, …

www.readersupportednews.org/ off-site-opinion-section/ 83-83/ 9394-revolvingdoor-politics – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Post-Election Politics of the Revolving Door – Truthdig

Nov 9, 2012 … TAGS: 2012 corruption david sirota election government lobby lobbying lobbyist lobbyists money politics revolving door war …

www.truthdig.com/ report/ item/ the_post-election_politics_of_the_revolving_door_20121109 – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The revolving door – Illinois Issues – A Publication of the University of …

Unlike as many as 35 other states, there is no revolving door provision in Illinois that stops or … Says Gladstein: “We have a system that’s ripe for corruption.

illinoisissues.uis.edu/archives/2012/04/revolvingdoor.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Monsanto, the FDA and the Convention against Corruption

Feb 5, 2012 … Michael Taylor exemplifies the revolving door between the food … As a state party to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the …

compliancecampaign.wordpress.com/ 2012/ 02/ 05/ monsanto-the-fda-and-the-convention-against-corruption/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Corporate corruption and collusion | PAN AP

The revolving door between business and government is an effective trick to sway … The public view this practice as tantamount with corrupt activities, which has …

www.panap.net/ issues/ corporate-accountability/ corporate-corruption-and-collusion – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Monsanto Exec Heads FDA, and the Obama Administration’s …

Jan 30, 2012 … In 2009, in a classic revolvingdoor move, President Barack Obama … While most Americans admit the existence of corruption in their …

www.petovera.com/ professional-web-design-blog/ 2012/ 01/ monsanto-exec-heads-fda-and-the-obama-administrations-revolvingdoor– politics/ – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Anti-Corruption Pledge – Lessig Wiki

Apr 17, 2013 … The Anti-Corruption Pledge is a voluntary pledge which can be taken by any … (3 ) Close the revolving door between Congress and K Street.

wiki.lessig.org/The_Anti-Corruption_Pledge – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

Dubious Study Defends SEC Revolving Door « naked capitalism

Aug 6, 2012 … The SEC may not be very good at going after securities fraud because of revolving door corruption, but By God show them a computer with …

www.nakedcapitalism.com/ 2012/ 08/ dubious-study-defends-sec-revolvingdoor.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

The Shocking Statistics Behind The Pentagon’s Revolving Door

Dec 3, 2012 … From Strategic Maneuvers: The Revolving Door from the Pentagon to the … which raises serious concerns not only about ethics and corruption …

www.zerohedge.com/ news/ 2012-12-03/ shocking-statistics-behind-pentagons-revolvingdoor-policy – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight

CityTime Crime From Rudy to Bloomberg Revolving Door of …

Oct 18, 2013 … CityTime Crime From Rudy to Bloomberg Revolving Door of Corruption. SAIC lawsuit did reposting my blog minus poor grammar and typos.

mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/ 2013/ 10/ citytime-crime-from-rudy-to-bloomberg.html – View by Ixquick ProxyHighlight