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‘There were multiple steps that were slow-walked at the Department of Justice’: IRS whistleblower breaks cover after claiming Hunter Biden was given preferential treatment during federal tax probe

Gary Shapley, a 14-year IRS agent, said he immediately saw deviations in Hunter’s tax probe investigation when he was assigned the case in January 2020. ‘When I saw the egregiousness of some of these things, it no longer became a choice for me. It’s not something that I want to do,’ he said. Shapley blew the whistle three years after the investigation has started, which is being lead by Trump-appointed US Attorney in Delaware, David Weiss. The investigation is looking into potential outstanding tax debt for Hunter’s stint as a board member of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, while his father was VP, as well as, a possible false statement for a gun purchase. He also claimed to have faced retaliation from IRS leadership after speaking out and Hunter’s team has accused him of breaking the law.