Ooopsie- Busted!!!- NOTICE TO The United States Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York regarding our position in the Gawker Media Bankruptcy case





The United States Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York sent us a notice stating that lawyer “David Heller” and “Latham and Watkins” are to be cc:d on all communications because they are part of the legal Gawker Bankruptcy Team.



We did a little research.



We object to the involvement of David Heller and Latham and Watkins because they are a fully compromised and conflicted party.



Per the attached, and other extensive evidence and FBI records, this “Latham and Watkins” are the very same ones who threatened us with “media” hit-jobs and other ills . They represent the rogue CIA operations: IN-Q-Tel/New America Foundation who organize “Dirty Tricks Campaigns” like the Dirty Tricks attacks that were put on us, The Trump Campaign, Wikileaks and many others. In-Q-Tel and New America Foundation are one and the same people. The State Department and one of our ex-girlfriends, who worked with them, say so. The forensic tracking says so and law enforcement says so. They are financed by the same people and, Oh MY!: Mr. Eric Schmidt, who we have charged with running the largest part of the Cartel that Gawker Media was part of them and RAN, FINANCED, TOOK MONEY FROM, WAS AN EXECUTIVE OF AND PROMOTED THEM. Google and Gawker are also shown in court and SEC records swapping vast amounts of money and assets with each other. Larry Page of Google and Elon Musk sleep over at each other’s homes and have some sort of strange “special bromance” according to the Press.



In-Q-Tel/New America and possibly Latham And Watkins did the research for the attack articles and movies that Gawker Media made and published about us that Ole’ Eric Schmidt locked on the internet for half a decade in the top spots on Google/YouTube. All of these folks are part of this organized crime operation and we are not comfortable with their participation. The financial and beneficiary connections of the charged parties is now even more confirmed in our favor. IN-Q-TEL looked at our software under confidentiality, hacked our servers, copied our software with New America Foundation (In-Q-Tel’s Alter Ego) and then flooded the market with free copies of the clones timed to coincide with their connected partners Gawker Media’s attacks on us. (See NY Times article “..detours around internet censors..”) We sued In-Q-Tel and made their wanna-be spies fly to California and tell a U.S. Judge who they really were. We made them stand up in Court and watch the Corbett Report’s documentary video expose about who they really are! All of the above, by the way, are investor’s, shareholders and promoters of the lithium ion mining scams which got this whole case started in the first place. Gawker Media made the bullets for Google to fire at us, and the other victims of this travesty of justice!



This David Heller and this Latham and Watkins seem to be in violation of their lawyer licenses, deeply conflicted, targeted against us, paid to harm us and not in any way associated with our best interests.



Bottom line for LW: Our spies are better than your spies and there are more of them. Our federal law enforcement guys are better than your federal law enforcement guys and there are wayyyyy more of them. Are independent news journalists are better than your main-stream news hacks and there are magnitudes more of them. Most of the team of the President-Elect think that Gawker engaged in “crimes” and “social depravity”. The law and ethics are on our side. Some of the opposition in this case belong in federal prison.



Give us the cash restitution that we are owed. Our investigators have tracked down every single person and company that were involved in the hit jobs on us and others. Every one will get Solyndra’d, without breaking a single law and WITH the help of federal law enforcement. Stone-walling, slow walking, facade-dismissal attempts, obfuscation, etc, will only result in the victims tripling down on the fully law abiding use of epic transparency and law enforcement. Those are the only resources needed to wipe out each and every bad guy here! We will just watch the colorful parade go by and marvel as the street sweepers follow-up behind the last clowns to clean up the debris.



Give us our money!



Have a nice day!






p class=”western” style=”margin-bottom:0;line-height:100%;orphans:2;widows:2;”>BCC: FBI, FCC, FTC, VCGCB, House Ethics Committees, President-elect DJ Trump and staff, Senate Ethics Committees, GAO, CFTC, California and U.S. AG, IG, SEC, Trey Gowdy, VP-Elect, et al