Maria Bartiromo: Biden Bribery Allegations the ‘Biggest Political Scandal Any of Us Have Ever Seen

Maria Bartiromo has weighed in on the mounting allegations of corruption against Democrat President Joe Biden and his family.

During her Sunday Morning Futures show, Bartiromo was joined by Republican Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

The GOP lawmakers gave updates on the ongoing investigations into the Bidens over allegations they accepted millions of dollars in bribes from foreign nationals.

During the discussion, Bartiromo underscored the severity of the allegations.

“Of course, it is the biggest political scandal any of us have ever seen,” she noted.

Republicans continue to discover more concrete evidence of the multi-million dollar Biden family bribery scandal with foreign governments including Ukraine and China.

Rep. Biggs added that more evidence is coming.  The Ukrainian oligarch who recorded Hunter Biden and Joe Biden discussing their illicit business dealings also has MORE EVIDENCE to produce according to Biggs.

The two US lawmakers also pointed out Chris Wray’s role in hiding evidence from Congress on the Biden family’s illegal activity.


As Slay News reported last week, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) revealed that investigators are currently reviewing newly-obtained bank records.

Comer revealed that his Committee has already uncovered evidence of $10 million in illegal bribes.

The top Republican says, while serving as Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden and his son Hunter received $5 million each from a Ukrainian oligarch.

However, Comer said the team of investigators now expects the bank records will expose “$20-30 million” in bribes.

Banky panky! Hunter Biden gave his passport details and income statements to Burisma executives to set up ACCOUNT with a corrupt foreign bank that was shut down for breaking money laundering rules

Hunter Biden and Burisma set up an account with a corrupt foreign bank

Ukrainian gas firm Burisma worked with Hunter Biden to set up an account in Malta at Satabank, emails from the First Son’s laptop reveal. Satabank was shut down in 2018 after an investigation found ‘gross deficiencies’ in its adherence to the country’s anti-laundering and terror financing laws. Emails show Hunter gave income statements, passport details and utility bills to a Burisma executive to set up an account at the now-defunct bank in 2016.