Mystery as San Francisco reverend who helped devise plan to hand city’s black residents $5m each now REJECTS idea alongside local NAACP chapter

San Fran reverend who helped devise plan to hand city's black people $5m now REJECTS idea

Reverend Amos Brown is the vice chair of Gov Gavin Newsom’s nine-person reparation committee – and is also a member of the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee (AARAC). Dr Brown, 82,  is also quoted on the AARAC proposal, which was published in December, which suggested awarding every black resident $5million, wipe their personal debt, guarantee a $97,000 income for 250 years and $1 homes. But on behalf of the San Francisco NAACP , Dr Brown has now said they reject the $5million reparations idea. He and the anti-racism group are instead calling for the city to redirect their focus onto education, jobs, housing, healthcare and a cultural center for blacks.