The Trailer Park Trash Biden Family Corruption Infests Every Member Of The Clan

Crack cocaine every fifteen minutes, bedding his dead brother’s wife, booze and hookers: TOM LEONARD on the ‘non stop debauchery’ of the President’s son – as Hunter’s gun trial begins


When Hunter Biden went out in his father’s black Cadillac one evening in October 2018 and bought a Colt Cobra revolver from a local gun shop, it was perhaps the least disturbing detail of his darkly chaotic life.

He admits he was so addicted to crack cocaine that he was smoking it every 15 minutes and so careless of discovery that he left crack pipes lying around for his estranged wife and children to find.

He was simultaneously drinking ‘insane amounts of alcohol‘, frequently hiring prostitutes and obsessively trawling the internet for pornography.

Six years later, however, it is the .38 Special calibre gun purchase rather than the drug addiction or the tawdry sexual habits that have landed Hunter — and the re-election efforts of his devoted father President Joe Biden — in serious trouble.

Yesterday, 54- year-old Biden Jnr became the first child of a serving US President to face criminal prosecution when opening statements were delivered in his trial for illegally buying a gun while a drug addict.

Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend an NCAA basketball game between Georgetown University and Duke University in Washington, U.S, in 2010

Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend an NCAA basketball game between Georgetown University and Duke University in Washington, U.S, in 2010

Hunter Biden arrives at the federal court with his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, during the second day of his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington

Hunter Biden arrives at the federal court with his wife Melissa Cohen Biden, during the second day of his trial on criminal gun charges in Wilmington

A federal court in Wilmington, Delaware, the town where Hunter Biden was born and raised, heard that he bought the gun and ammunition while addicted to crack and living a life of ‘non-stop debauchery‘.

Biden denies the three charges: he has been accused of lying to a federally licensed gun dealer, making a false claim on the application by saying he was not a drug user, and illegally possessing the gun for 11 days.

Prosecutors say he committed a crime by ticking a box indicating ‘No’ next to a question asking if he was an unlawful user of a controlled substance, or addicted to a controlled substance.

If convicted, he faces up to 25 years behind bars but, whatever the verdict, the trial is likely to dwell in depth on his addiction problems and on the inner workings of the Biden family — just when its patriarch least needs such attention as he tries to woo a sceptical electorate.

The temperamental President has frequently been taunted by his nemesis, Donald Trump, about Hunter, and faces his first TV debate with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee just days after the expected end of Hunter’s trial.

Ordinary Americans, still recovering from Mr Trump’s historic conviction last week in the Stormy Daniels hush-money trial, now face several more weeks of unedifying courtroom evidence about the grubby conduct of their once vaunted ‘First Family’.

First lady Jill Biden and her senior advisor Anthony Bernal arrive for the trial of Hunter Biden

First lady Jill Biden and her senior advisor Anthony Bernal arrive for the trial of Hunter Biden

Law enforcement and secret service agents stand outside of the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building where the trial of Hunter Biden is taking place

Law enforcement and secret service agents stand outside of the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building where the trial of Hunter Biden is taking place

Some have also expressed fears about its emotional effect on the President, who has warned that his son might start using again if he is convicted and sent to prison.

Prosecution lawyer Derek Hines said Hunter lied when buying the gun and was ‘addicted to crack before, during and after his purchase of the gun’.

He told jurors Biden wasn’t in court because he was an addict, adding: ‘We’re here because of the defendant’s lies and choices. No one is above the law. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your name is.’

Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell told the court they weren’t disputing any of the salacious details about his sordid life at the time. But he stressed that prosecutors had to prove Biden knowingly broke the law, and he argued that, in the grip of his addiction, Biden hadn’t known.

The defence reportedly feels encouraged by the selection of a jury which has seven black members and a number of jurors have revealed they had close family members who had struggled with drug and alcohol problems.

In his opening remarks, Lowell appealed for sympathy for a hopeless drug addict, telling the jury about a tragic life in which Biden had lost his mother and younger sister in a car crash when he was a child, followed by his brother, who died of brain cancer in 2015 at the age of 46.

He also revealed the defence would be calling the President’s brother, James Biden, as a witness. James and Hunter are close, with the uncle helping his nephew through rehab stints in the past.

Hunter Biden is on trial at a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware, the town where he was  born and raised

Hunter Biden is on trial at a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware, the town where he was  born and raised

James Biden (right), a financier is pictured with his brother Joe in October 2008

James Biden (right), a financier is pictured with his brother Joe in October 2008

Meanwhile, prosecutors say they’ll be calling a string of Biden’s exes, including first wife Kathleen Buhle, Hallie Biden — widow of his brother Beau — and Zoe Kestan.

All are expected to testify that he was using crack cocaine around the time he bought the revolver from Wilmington shop StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply. Ms Kestan says she saw him smoke the drug every 15-20 minutes except when he was asleep, the court heard.

Hallie Biden — his lover at the time he bought the gun — didn’t just know it existed, she reportedly found it and disposed of it by putting it in a bin behind a grocery shop for fear that Biden would use it on himself. Prosecutor Hines said Hallie ‘had been a drug user, too’ after Hunter ‘introduced’ her to crack cocaine. ‘Hallie will testify about her own crack use,’ with Hunter, he said, acknowledging that the testimony will be ’embarrassing’.

The jurors heard the first excerpts, narrated by Biden himself, from from his candid 2021 memoir, Beautiful Things, that prosecutors say they intend to rely on as evidence that he was in thrall to crack cocaine around the time he bought the gun.

Among excerpts they plan to mention, he describes returning home to Delaware — ‘in no shape to face anyone or anything’ — in the month he bought the gun.

He goes on: ‘All my energy revolved around smoking drugs and making arrangements to buy drugs — feeding the beast.’ Prosecutors quoted him in court describing in his book his ‘superpower of finding crack anywhere, any time’.

The Bidens had hoped to avoid the spectacle of such a trial so close to this November’s Presidential election but a plea deal collapsed last year after Inland Revenue Service whistleblowers claimed the Justice Department had given Hunter favourable treatment while investigating alleged tax fraud.

Hunter has claimed he has been ‘the target of the unrelenting Trump attack machine’ for six years. Republicans counter that for even longer America’s pro‑Democrat media has dutifully left the troubled and feckless President’s son alone, often justifying this by arguing it had to be sensitive towards a family racked by tragedy.

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley said this week that the trial ‘is an albatross around President Biden’s neck and weighs very heavily on his psyche’.

He remains deeply protective of his wayward son, the only survivor of his marriage to first wife Neilia, and in recent weeks they have been spotted together so much — from a state dinner for the president of Kenya to a bike ride last weekend — that conservatives have accused the President of trying to signal to the Justice Department that he remains devoted to his son.

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, speaks during a news conference outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C

Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden talk during a college basketball game between Georgetown Hoyas and the Duke Blue Devils in 2010

However, while First Lady Jill Biden sat in court — highly visible in the front row of the public benches — on Monday and again yesterday, the President has stayed away from the trial and refused to comment on it. The White House said yesterday that the trial will ‘absolutely not’ interfere with his ability to do his job.

On Monday, however, Biden Snr released a statement saying: ‘I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery are inspiring to us.’

After graduating from Yale Law School in 1996, Biden Jnr worked as a lawyer and lobbyist but — he claims — was a ‘functioning alcoholic’ within a few years. He was discharged from the US Navy Reserve in 2014 after testing positive for cocaine but says his substance abuse drastically increased after brother Beau died.

Critics contend that his failings cannot all be blamed on addiction and an unhappy past. They have accused of him of shamelessly exploiting his father’s name, influence-peddling and pursuing shady business ventures in Ukraine, China and Romania that earned him millions of dollars. Both Hunter and Joe Biden deny there was ever any conflict of interest.

While Biden faces a second trial in September, this time on tax fraud charges in Los Angeles, the Delaware case is confined to the gun purchase. Biden’s first wife Kathleen Buhle could prove a particularly unhelpful witness for him. In 2022, she published a memoir that was excoriating about Hunter’s behaviour.

They married in 1993 after they met while working for the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Oregon. He later spent years in and out of rehab, leaving her to make excuses to their daughters — Naomi, Finnegan and Maisy — all now adults, she said.

Ms Buhle, who says she would find crack pipes lying around his car, asked for a divorce from Biden in 2015. She says she later discovered he had started an affair with his brother’s widow after their children saw incriminating text messages on his phone.

Biden has defended that shocking fling ‘as built on need, hope, frailty and doom’, partly blaming incessant media attention for the relationship not lasting.

Protesters stand behind a police barrier as they wait for the arrival of Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Delaware, in October 2023

Protesters stand behind a police barrier as they wait for the arrival of Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building in Delaware, in October 2023

A now notorious laptop Biden left in a repair shop has been submitted as evidence in the trial. The contents of the so-called ‘laptop from hell’ have already proved enormously humiliating for Biden, particularly when it was found to contain dozens of homemade porn videos in which he’d filmed himself having sex with prostitutes. He then posted the videos on the porn site Pornhub.

Biden says he got sober after meeting a South African filmmaker named Melissa Cohen in 2019. They married and had a son they named Beau. Melissa was also in court this week.

Not all of the President’s colleagues apparently share his immense sympathy for his son. Some senior Democrats have reportedly tired of Hunter’s sleazy behaviour and the ammunition it’s given the Trump camp.

And if Biden Jnr goes to prison, even if only for a short time as seems most likely, it would take the sting out of Trump’s claim that he is the victim of a partisan Justice Department out to get him.

A diamond from the Chinese, millions from Ukraine and a gun that could land him 10 years in jail: EVERYTHING to know about Hunter Biden’s crazy life in dad’s shadow – that could get Joe impeached and ruin them BOTH

VIDEO: President Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been at the center of an extremely lucrative multi-million dollar influence peddling scheme spanning decades – which could take down his father’s political career say Republicans. But how did Hunter get his hands on a 2.8-carat diamond from the Chinese, $83,000 a month from Ukrainians and $1 million from mysterious Romanians? By trading in on the Biden family’s influential ‘brand,’ say Republicans.

“The dam is starting to break” on the Biden family corruption, multiple New York Times best-seller author Peter Schweizer said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Schweizer, a senior contributor at Breitbart News and president of the Government Accountability Institute, spoke about the recent Hunter Biden whistleblower revelations.

“This is really, really important. The dam is starting to break — truly the first time you’ve had somebody from inside the government who has said, ‘Wait a minute, the way this is being handled is wrong,’” he said, praising the whistleblowers who could otherwise retire and have comfortable lives.

“Based on what they’ve told us, is that under ordinary circumstances, Hunter Biden would, right now, be facing indictments not only for tax evasion charges, which are felonies,” but also for violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), Schweizer explained.

“The U.S. Attorney in Delaware wanted to bring charges in both of those areas and was blocked by the Department of Justice (DOJ),” he said, explaining that the revelations also reveal that the DOJ not only failed to do its job but applied a different set of standards to Hunter.

“We’re gonna call the person that is the subject of the search warrant. We’re going to call their lawyer and let them know a couple of days in advance that the search is coming,” he said, speaking of the special treatment issued to Hunter Biden.

Describing it as an “enormous breakthrough,” Schweizer added, “I don’t think these whistleblowers would come forward, except for the fact that this is true, and as they said, all of this can easily be corroborated based on correspondents and based on the information that’s available.”

“It is a devastating blow, and if you look through American history — whether it’s Watergate or other scandals — oftentimes it’s a cover-up that gets them because they get arrogant. They get greedy. They think they can get away with it, and that’s usually when they get caught,” the Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win author said.

Schweizer also weighed in on the new statement issued by a White House Council spokesman, who now said President Joe Biden was never in business with his son. The author described this as the “continued erosion of their position.”

“When we first exposed, in 2018, their deals in China, their initial response was there are no deals in China. Then it became well, there might be deals in China, but Hunter Biden didn’t make any money in China. And then, of course, that. So you see this continue to erosion,” Schweizer said, also pointing to the defense of the Biden team on Hunter’s involvement with Burisma.

“The defense from the Biden team was always this was a legitimate enterprise, as Hunter is a highly trained lawyer and an international businessman. Now their position has evolved during the same time period to say, ‘Well, look, Hunter was a drug addict. He didn’t really know what he was doing. He didn’t really know what he was saying,’” he said.

“The point is, they are flipping and flopping because they know that the noose on this entire enterprise is starting to tighten. And I think that this is going to have major repercussions not just for the Biden family, but for the 2024 election,” he said, adding that he would not be shocked to see someone such as California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) jumping into the presidential race “not just on some of the questions about where the President is mentally because of his age, but also because this scandal has legs.”

Indeed, recent surveys indicate that the American electorate view Biden himself as corrupt, “involved with his son in an illegal influence peddling scheme,” and Schweizer also pointed to that fact.

“We already see polls, Harvard Harris poll, showing a comfortable majority of Americans, including independents, fundamentally believe that he was engaged in criminal activity to aid and help his family’s business,” he added.

Strip Clubs, Girlfriends, Porn: Here’s How Hunter Allegedly Spent His Money Instead Of Paying Taxes

Rantingly hunter biden laptop 40





Arjun Singh |


  • A recent indictment of Hunter Biden reveals that he took business tax deductions on personal expenditures.
  • Hunter Biden allegedly spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on payments to women, strip clubs, a sex club membership and pornographic websites, the indictment reads.
  • Among the biggest expenditures Hunter Biden made was “Payments – Various Women,” totaling $683,212 spent between 2016 and 2019.

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, took tax deductions for membership fees in a “sex club,” payments to women with whom he had sexual relationships and on pornographic websites, according to a federal indictment issued on Thursday for his conduct.

Hunter Biden has been charged with nine felony counts of tax evasion, tax fraud and failure to file taxes in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, relating to over $1.4 million of taxes that he allegedly owed to the federal government but did not pay. Instead of paying taxes, Hunter Biden allegedly used the money, exceeding $4.9 million over four years, for various personal expenditures.

Apart from cash withdrawals of the money, the biggest expenditure Hunter Biden allegedly made was “Payments – Various Women,” totaling $683,212 spent between 2016 and 2019. Many of these women were allegedly individuals with whom Hunter Biden had a sexual relationship, according to testimony from a whistleblower before the House Ways and Means Committee in June.

Indictment of Robert Hunter Biden – December 7, 2023 by Daily Caller News Foundation on Scribd

Hunter Biden’s sexual relationships with various women have been documented in extensive pornographic imagery leaked from his discarded laptop, which was recovered from a Delaware-based computer repair shop in 2020. The laptop’s data included emails to his business associates, which have formed the basis of a separate investigation of his father’s potential involvement in his business dealings in Ukraine and China.

Hunter Biden was married to Kathleen Buhle from 1993 until 2017. The alleged payments dramatically increased after their divorce, which was finalized in 2017, to $138,837 that year up from just $4,400 in 2016.

“Adult entertainment” accounted for $188,960 of Hunter Biden’s spending during the period, according to the indictment. This allegedly included $10,000 to a sex club.

Hunter Biden also spent $309,277 on “Tuition/Education/Extracurriculars,” coinciding with the period that his daughter, Naomi Biden, was enrolled in law school at Columbia University. The whistleblower testified that Hunter Biden sought to deduct a portion of Naomi’s law school tuition from his tax burden.

Hunter Biden also spent $397,530 on clothes and personal accessories — including at “high-end” clothing stores, such as Rag & Bone — and $237,496 on “Health, Beauty, Pharmacy,” according to the indictment. The indictment states that he paid the healthcare and health insurance expenses of three women with whom he had sexual relationships, though it does not specify whether these are included in the “Health, Beauty, Pharmacy” expenditures or “Insurance” expenditures, with the latter amounting to $203,815 over four years.

The indictment alleges that Hunter Biden used a business line of credit to pay at least $27,316 to an unspecified pornography website, with subsequent payments from his business bank accounts. It also indicates that he spent money at strip clubs, one of which was “M Street Management” in Washington, D.C., and included a $1,500 payment to one exotic dancer via “Venmo,” which he described on his tax returns as “artwork.”

Hunter Biden also spent just $71,869 on rehabilitation services for his drug and alcohol addictions, according to the indictment.

Hunter Biden had previously pled guilty to misdemeanor charges of failure to pay income tax issued on Jul. 20, though his plea was withdrawn amid criticism of the deal’s alleged leniency, and after a dispute between the parties on whether it would encompass future charges. He was separately indicted on federal firearm charges on Sept. 14, to which he pled not guilty.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Blackmail fears for President Biden as naked selfie of his younger brother Frank, 69, wearing only cap and glasses shows up on gay dating site

EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay has obtained a naked selfie allegedly showing Frank Biden, President Joe Biden’s younger brother. The photo was uploaded to a gay dating website in 2018 when Frank was 64. When approached by, Frank conceded he was the man in the photo but denied posting it online, saying his phone must have been hacked.

How Biden’s tension with Secret Service goes back to his VP years when he skinny-dipped in front of female agents – and the dog biting has just made things worse

How Biden's tension with Secret Service goes back to his VP years when he skinny-dipped in

Joe Biden’s tension with his Secret Service detail goes back to his years as vice president when he made female agents uncomfortable by skinny dipping in front of them but it’s gotten worse during his White House years after his German Shepherds bit several agents. Biden’s new two-year-old dog Commander, has bitten at least a dozen agents plus people who work in the White House residence, requiring a few to get medical attention. And the first couple’s former dog Major was so aggressive and biting that he was rehomed to friends in Delaware. ‘It’s outrageous, just outrageous for those agents who risk their lives every day to protect the president,’ Ronald Kessler, the author of several books on the Secret Service, including In the President’s Secret Service,  told ‘They never know when they’re gonna get shot and they have to put up with with the fear of being bitten by a dog. It’s just unthinkable that it went on this long.’

IRS whistleblower wanted GPS locations to check Hunter and Joe Biden were in the same room after WhatsApp claim to China businessman but prosecutor BLOCKED request, attorney says

Mark Lytle, an attorney for IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, said that they had asked to confirm with GPS whether Hunter Biden was sitting next to Joe on July 30, 2017 when he sent a WhatsApp message.

‘We were psychologically, spiritually, and morally raped’: Victims of obscure Pro-Biden New York City SEX CULT that lured in members with promises of debauched parties and cheap rent reveal horrific abuse they were subjected as a form of new-age ‘therapy’

The sinister story of a psychotherapeutic sex cult that existed almost entirely in secrecy on the Upper West Side of NYC, where members were encouraged to have sex every night

Biden and Obama financier Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt wins auction for $67.6M Sex Yacht fitted with swimming pool that turns into a helipad after 267ft vessel was seized from Russian oligarch following invasion of Ukraine

The Alfa Nero, one of the most expensive and luxurious superyachts in the world (pictured), was snapped up in a lucrative auction for $67.6 million by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

And you thought the Trumps were bad! The shady business deals, credit card fraud and crack cocaine addiction at the heart of President Biden’s clan – as son Hunter’s gun trial heats up

And you thought the Trumps were bad! The shady business deals, credit card fraud and crack

All eyes are on Delaware as Hunter Biden stands trial this week, accused of lying about his drug use on application forms when he bought a gun in 2018. It is the first time the child of a sitting president has found themselves a defendant in a criminal case – and if found guilty, Hunter, 54, could face 25 years in prison. Yesterday, his ex-girlfriend and the widow of his late brother, Beau, testified that she had found a gun and ‘remnants of crack’ cocaine in his truck in 2018 after he disappeared for ‘weeks’ in the latest shocking insight into his personal life.