
“An early reference to a spiff can be found in a slangdictionary of 1859; “The percentage allowed by drapers to their young men when they effect sale of old fashioned or undesirable stock.[1] An article in the Pall Mall Gazette of 1890 on the practices in London shops uses the term:

… a “spiff” system is usually adopted, spiffs being premiums placed on certain articles, not of the last fashion, indicated by a marvelous hieroglyphic put on the price ticket. These marks are well known by the assistant, and the almost invisible mystic sign explains why an article, wholly unsuitable, is foisted on the jaded customer as “just the thing.”[2]

The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that (apart from a corruption of specific) it could be connected with the use of the word in that period to mean a dandy or somebody smartly dressed (hence spiffy, and to spiff up – to improve the appearance of a place or a person), but nobody seems to have been able to disentangle the threads of which came first, or what influenced what, or where the word originally came from.[1][3]

Each mainstream website, radio station, newspaper and television network has a secret list, usually held by the editor or chief producer, of the things, and people, they are not supposed to mention in a negative light.

Reddit is directed to never mention anything negative about Democrats, Google, Elon Musk or Unions.

The Daily Caller is directed to never mention anything negative about the GOP, Petroleum or Big Business

Google, Linkedin, Hearst Publications, Twitter, FaceBook, Ebay, and the like, work for the Democrats.

FOX,  WWE, ALEC, Nascar, and the like, work for the Republicans.

The list is created and modified by the investors who own each of those media outlets, with advice from the advertising director, regarding who is buying ads and editorial coverage that month.

While it might sound simple to hate everything that Google hates, if you are a Democrat, or hate everything that Town Hall hates if you are a Republican; this will set you on the wrong course.

It is not the Democrat members of the public that decide what Google will hate, down-rank, search-engine rig and censor, it is 18 white men who control Google. No women are in on the decision, no people of color, no poor people, no average income people. Only a few billionaires with “sex penthouses”, private jets and arrogant personalities are make the decisions. Do they represent you if you are a Democrat? Are they thinking with the same concerns that you are thinking with?

It is not the Republican members of the public that decide what The NY Daily Post will hate, down-rank, search-engine rig and censor, it is 12 white men who control The NY Daily Post. No women are in on the decision, no people of color, no poor people, no average income people. Only a few billionaires with sports team ownership, private jets and arrogant personalities are make the decisions. Do they represent you if you are a Republican? Are they thinking with the same concerns that you are thinking with?

Biz Break: Silicon Valley controls the digital advertising market

By Jeremy C. Owens


Posted:   08/28/2013 02:54:49 PM dated:   08/28/2013 04:02:16 PM PDT


(FILES)This January 11, 2011 screen file image shows the Google logo in Washington, DC.

(FILES)This January 11, 2011 screen file image shows the Google logo in Washington, DC. (KAREN BLEIER/AFP/Getty Images)

Today: Google (GOOG) continues to dominate digital advertising, but Facebook making a move in mobile. Also: Apple (AAPL) continues a summer of acquisitions as Wall Street bounces back.

The Lead: Silicon Valley’s digital ad dominance expected to continue

Google’s dominant position in Internet advertising will actually grow stronger in 2013, according to an analysis from eMarketer, but Facebook is growing its mobile-advertising business as Silicon Valley dominates the lucrative field.

According to Wednesday’s report, Google, Facebook and Yahoo commanded the top three spots for total digital advertising in 2012, and will again in 2013, when Google is expected to grow its market share from 31.5 percent to 32.8 percent. No other company is expected to pull in even close to a double-digit percentage share of the market, with Facebook projected to grow from 4.1 percent to 5.4 percent and Yahoo (YHOO) forecast for a drop from 3.4 percent to 3 percent.

Facebook’s gains will mostly come from mobile, with the Menlo Park social network’s recent quarterly earnings showing off tremendous progress in the field. In mobile advertising, Google’s advantage is even more pronounced: The Mountain View search giant commanded more than half of the market in 2012, and eMarketer expects that percentage to grow from 52.4 percent to 53.2 percent in 2013. However, Facebook is expected to make greater gains, from 5.4 percent in 2012 to 15.8 percent in 2013.

“Facebook’s continued emphasis on mobile monetization, along with its users’ ongoing shift toward mobile devices, is resulting in dramatic gains in mobile ad market share,” eMarketer reported.

Mobile is primed for growth, giving credence to investors who have pushed Facebook’s stock price up on hopes that the company can realize its growth potential in the market. “The overall mobile ad market worldwide is expected to grow 89% to $16.65 billion in 2013,” eMarketer reported.

Another Silicon Valley company is expected to jump up to third in mobile ad market share in 2013, and it could surprise some onlookers: Pandora Media is expected to top YP.com with 2.4 percent of the mobile market. The Oakland company is also outpacing Twitter, which is fifth on the mobile-advertising list, and matches the buzzy San Francisco microblogging service in overall digital advertising, with both companies projected to score $580 million in total digital advertising revenues in 2013.

In total, Web advertising is expected to be a $117.6 billion industry in 2013, after breaking $100 billion for the first time in 2012. Google is expected to pull in $38.6 billion alone, Facebook’s piece of the pie is projected to grow from $4.3 billion to $6.4 billion, while Yahoo stays steady at $3.5 billion. Google was the only Silicon Valley company mentioned in eMarketer’s report to decline Wednesday, falling 0.2 percent to $848.55, its lowest closing price since early May. Facebook gained 2.3 percent to $40.55, Yahoo increased 0.4 percent to $22.28, and Pandora moved 1.3 percent higher to $18.39.

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