For many Americans, it feels as if the 2016 election split the country in two.

To visualize this, we took the election results and created two new imaginary nations by slicing the country along the sharp divide between Republican and Democratic Americas.

Trump’s America

By Tim Wallace/The New York Times



Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly won the cities, like Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City, but Mr. Trump won many of the suburbs, isolating the cities in a sea of Republican voters.

Mrs. Clinton’s island nation has large atolls and small island chains with liberal cores, like college towns, Native American reservations and areas with black and Hispanic majorities. While the land area is small, the residents here voted for Mrs. Clinton in large enough numbers to make her the winner of the overall popular vote.

Land Area

Clinton’s America

15% 530,000 square miles

Trump’s America

85% 3,000,000 square miles


Clinton’s America

54% 174 million

Trump’s America

46% 148 million

Popular Vote

As of Wednesday, Nov. 16.

For Clinton

50.4% 61.8 million

For Trump

49.6% 60.8 million

Note: The illustrations are based on an analysis of county-level voting data to determine where a dividing line between areas that voted Democratic and Republican would fall.

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