The White House, California Senator’s offices and their Silicon Valley corporate Big Tech oligarch financier/order-givers have a standardized cyber-stalking program and provider-operatives to carry out those revenge/reprisal/vendetta/payback attacks using taxpayer provided resources and tools. Defendants agents and shill ‘reporters’ have mocked the idea that any government entity would engage in character assassination and vendetta. The last laugh is on those who mock, though. Recently news and Congressional reports have proven that standardized revenge/reprisal/vendetta/payback attacks are a weekly, if not daily, occurrence with Defendants. For example, in this article we see that the #1 financiers of White House and Senate political campaigns are also the #1 attackers:

EBAY, TESLA, FACEBOOK and GOOGLE Executives Operate Cyber-stalking And Attack Campaigns Against Whistle-Blowers

Per Lorenz Duchamps : David Harville (L) arrives at Moakley Federal Court in Boston on Sept. 29, 2022; James Baugh (R) in Boston on Sept. 29, 2022. (Lane Turner/The Boston Globe via AP)

Two former eBay Inc. executives were jailed on Thursday for their role in a cyberstalking campaign that targeted a Massachusetts couple whose online newsletter was perceived as critical of the e-commerce company and viewed as a threat to its business.

James Baugh, 47, of San Jose, California—who served as eBay’s former senior director of safety and security—was sentenced to 57 months in prison, while David Harville, 50, of Las Vegas, Nevada—who served as a former director of global resiliency—was given two years in prison.

Additionally, U.S. District Judge Patti Saris, who imposed the sentences, ordered Baugh to also pay a fine of $40,000 and Harville a $20,000 fine.

The two executives are among seven former eBay employees who have pleaded guilty to charges in the case. Philip Cooke, Brian Gilbert, Stephanie Popp, Veronica Zea, and Stephanie Stockwell previously pleaded guilty to their roles in the harassment campaign.

The California-based e-commerce company executives, former employees, and co-conspirators, became frustrated with the online newsletter—EcommerceBytes—written and published by Massachusetts couple, David and Ina Steiner.

In August 2019, the group hatched a scheme to terrorize the creators of the pamphlet.

Corporate Harassment Campaigns

Investigators said the defendants “executed a three-part harassment campaign intended to intimidate the victims and to influence their reporting about eBay.”

The campaign included sending disturbing deliveries to the couple’s home such as live spiders, cockroaches, a funeral wreath, and a fetal pig, among other things. It also involved posting harassing and sometimes threatening Twitter messages to criticize the newsletter’s content, as well as strange emails from groups like an irritable bowel syndrome patient support group and the Communist Party of the United States, authorities said.

“The defendants’ toxic brand of online and real-world harassment, threats, and stalking was outrageous, cruel and defies any explanation—all the more because these men were seasoned and highly paid security executives backed by the resources of a Fortune 500 corporation,” U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins said in a statement.

Authorities portrayed Baugh as the mastermind of the scheme and said he directed eBay employees to use prepaid debit cards, disguises, and overseas email accounts to hide the company’s involvement.

Prosecutors said in court documents that although Harville wasn’t at the initial meetings about the scheme, “he was aware enough of the harassment by the time he was in Boston to joke with Baugh about delivering a bag of human feces, a running chain saw, and a rat” to their porch.

Baugh’s lawyers said their client had faced “intense, relentless pressure” from executives—including former eBay CEO Devin Wenig—to do something about the Steiners. They described Baugh as a “tool” who was used by eBay and then discarded when “an army of outside lawyers descended to conduct an ‘internal investigation’ aimed at saving the company and its top executives from prosecution.”

Wenig, a former CEO of Thomson Reuters Corp., stepped down as the president of eBay in September 2019 and was not criminally charged in the case, but faces a civil lawsuit from the couple.

“At this point, an independent investigation has said that Mr. Wenig had no knowledge and the prosecutors in the case have made it clear that Baugh was responsible,” a spokesperson for Wenig said. “[He] never told anyone to do anything unethical or illegal and if he had known about it, he would have stopped it.”

The Steiners say the terror campaign stole their sense of safety and caused devastating consequences to their business and finances. Pierre Omidyar funds Presidential political campaigns and owns EBAY.

Plaintiff hereby does swear, warrant and certify that the Court can find THOUSANDS of such examples on PACER, in the news and in law enforcement records. It is now impossible for any of the Defendants, or their agents, to state that they do not engage in standardized revenge/reprisal/vendetta/payback attacks and that they did so against Plaintiff fir whistle-blowing and competing with companies that White House staff and their families, United States Senators and their families and government heads and their families held covert securities interests in.

White House staff and their families, United States Senators and their families and government heads and their families illicitly make legislative rules, regulations, decisions, laws and policy based on how much money in profits they will make off of their personal stock market, career position and asset investments. They sabotage competitors, in violation of antitrust, RICO and other laws

Those public servants, and their family members, shared those schemes with Plaintiff, not realizing that Plaintiff reports to law enforcement entities. Plaintiff held U.S. awarded patents, companies and products which competed with and obsoleted the products that the crooked politicians covertly owned. In exchange for competing with, and reporting the crimes of, these notorious politicians, United States government officials used United States government, taxpayer financed, resources to attack, harm and sabotage the income of Plaintiff.

There are now a vast number of federal laws moving through Congress in recognition of these facts (ie: THE STOCK ACT, The Elizabeth Warren laws, etc.)

As of today, thousands of news report investigations, Congressional hearings, Court records and Congressional research reports have proven that many United States Government officials have a scheme to exploit the government for personal profiteering at the expense of taxpayers like Plaintiff.

No party can ever use the misdirect of calling the assertion a “conspiracy theory” as the assertion is now backed up by more forensic facts than this Court has ever seen. It is not a “theory” when one has millions of pages of indisputable hard-evidence third-party produced FACTS, such as Plaintiff has provided.

These days, every citizen has the same research database resources as the FBI, CIA, NSA, FINCEN, INTERPOL and KGB, combined. It is easy for any public researcher to use: A.) ICIJ.ORG’s Panama Papers, Swiss Leaks and CPA databases; B.) The Axciom database; C.) The PACER database; D.) The XKEYSCORE derivative database; E.) Kroll database; F.) Stratfor Database, ; G.) TransUnion’s TLOxp database, and Accurint (from LexisNexis), Clear (Thompson Reuters), Delvepoint. DataTrac, IntelliCorp, BeenVerfied, Intelius, Pipl and Spoke.. etc. which are easily cross referenced to show which public figures did which crimes with which sociopath Silicon Valley oligarchs. The old adage of “follow-the-money”, has never been easier and the money has now been followed by the FBI, DOJ, SEC, FCC, FTC, FEC and many other law enforcement and regulatory entities.

The United States Government harmed Plaintiff in the manners listed in the original complaint. Plaintiff is owed compensation for the harms listed.

It is impossible for Defendants to any longer deny these facts that are on every news outlet in the world. Hunter Biden, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and other notorious politicians, are well documented having: A.) Owned Plaintiff’s competitors, B.) lobbied intensely for public policy which exclusively benefited those competitors that they owned, C.) hired attack services like Fusion GPS, Black Cube, John Podesta, Gizmodo Media, Google, etc., D.) threatened Plaintiff via their staff, E.) ordered ‘favored nations’ status in government process for just their friends, F.) engaged in covert stock market manipulations with those competitors and against Plaintiff, G.) been placed under surveillance by law enforcement and intelligence services who have evidence of the criminal acts of those public officials, H.) other compromising conflict-of-interest metrics which validate the illicit actions of those government representatives.

Plaintiff, and his peers, have placed all of the evidence proving these crimes and illicit activities by public officials on public Court records and internet servers around the globe forever. These records are available for any citizen sleuth or forensic investigator to continue the investigation and prosecution of the corrupt individuals that have damaged our Democracy.

Even though tens of millions of dollars of vast resources have been expended by the crooked politicians to dismiss, delay, defer, distract and obfuscate this case, it will never go away for them.

In that respect, Plaintiff has won!
When Plaintiff is dead, any single citizen among the 8 billion people that now reside on the planet can pick up the gauntlet and move forward in these investigations and corruption interdiction’s. All of the “How To”, Do-It-Yourself, forensic and citizen sleuth investigation instructions are now published online, in hundreds of thousands of locations, using un-deletable torrent and file segmentation technology. Anybody, ANY MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, now has the resources, software, tools and peer-to-peer networking to join with any other citizens to take political corruption to it’s knees. James Bronkema, Gary D. Conley, Rajeev Motwani, Tom Perkins, James Damore, Frances Haugen, the deepest members of the Feinstein and Pelosi families and White House staff have shared (Some of it recorded) the ‘dirty secrets’ of how the schemes all work. Now the public knows, too.
Plaintiff is simply seeking his harms and back-pay compensation, now, since the facts of the assertions have been proven by many others.

Onward and upward!

Additional Reference Evidence:

Tesla Case Lawsuit Filed By:





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840 Malcolm Road

Burlingame, CA 94010

Telephone: (650) 697-6000

Fax: (650) 697-0577



National analysis of the Silicon Valley Cartel email and text leaks have proven, beyond any doubt, that:

A. The Silicon Valley Cartel Exists;
B. The members operate monopolitistic, market rigging, political manipulations and attacks on others;

C. Who the members in government and industry of the Cartel are;

D. And the insidious organized crime, criminal, RICO-violating, anti-trust law-breaking crew of scumbags that they really are…

Plaintiff has asserted that The White House, California Senator’s offices and their Silicon Valley corporate Big Tech oligarch financier/order-givers have a standardized cyber-stalking program and provider-operatives to carry out those revenge/reprisal/vendetta/payback attacks using taxpayer provided resources and tools. Defendants agents and shill ‘reporters’ have mocked the idea that any government entity would engage in character assassination and vendetta. The last laugh is on those who mock, though. Recently news and Congressional reports have proven that standardized revenge/reprisal/vendetta/payback attacks are a weekly, if not daily, occurrence with Defendants. The 151 page Court document reads like a “who’s who” of Big Tech mobsters. It is the Rosetta Stone of High Crime in Big Tech. In – We see that these oligarchs fight over their ability to rig elections. In , and thousands of other articles, we see that Mark Zuckerberg has spent billions of dollars of cash and web manipulation to rig elections. These guys will kill to accomplish their goals because they know they never get arrested. Elon Musk’s investment boss even told Plaintiff: “We can have you killed and nobody can stop us…”. Gary D. Conley, A Silicon Valley whistle-blower on these people, actually was found with a bullet in his head behind Beale Air Force Base in Northern California. Conley said, before he died: “The Cartel wants me dead…”

We see Antonio Gracias, one of the heads of Tesla threaten to go all mobster on the effort.

We see all of the people that have financed The White House, appeared in group show-off photos with the White House and been on White House special groups and Boards exposing the fact that they rig government and industry in these leaks.

For example, in this other article we see that the #1 financiers of White House and Senate political campaigns are also the #1 attackers:

Elon Musk’s Texts Shatter the Myth of the Tech Genius And Reveals Silicon Valley Cartel To Be Pack Of Asshole Frat Boys”

The world’s richest man has some embarrassing friends.

By Charlie Warzel

Yesterday, the world got a look inside Elon Musk’s phone. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO is currently in litigation with Twitter and trying to back out of his deal to buy the platform and take it private. As part of the discovery process related to this lawsuit, Delaware’s Court of Chancery released hundreds of text messages and emails sent to and from Musk. The 151-page redacted document is a remarkable, voyeuristic record of a few months in the life of the world’s richest (and most overexposed) man and a rare unvarnished glimpse into the overlapping worlds of Silicon Valley, media, and politics. The texts are juicy, but not because they are lurid, particularly offensive, or offer up some scandalous Muskian master plan—quite the opposite. What is so illuminating about the Musk messages is just how unimpressive, unimaginative, and sycophantic the powerful men in Musk’s contacts appear to be. Whoever said there are no bad ideas in brainstorming never had access to Elon Musk’s phone.

In no time, the texts were the central subject of discussion among tech workers and watchers. “The dominant reaction from all the threads I’m in is Everyone looks fucking dumb,” one former social-media executive, whom I’ve granted anonymity because they have relationships with many of the people in Musk’s texts, told me. “It’s been a general Is this really how business is done? There’s no real strategic thought or analysis. It’s just emotional and done without any real care for consequence.”

Appearing in the document is, I suppose, a perverse kind of status symbol (some people I spoke with in tech and media circles copped to searching through it for their own names). And what is immediately apparent upon reading the messages is that many of the same people the media couldn’t stop talking about this year were also the ones inserting themselves into Musk’s texts. There’s Joe Rogan; William MacAskill, the effective altruist, getting in touch on behalf of the crypto billionaire and Democratic donor Sam Bankman-Fried; Mathias Döpfner, the CEO of Axel Springer (and the subject of a recent, unflattering profile); Marc Andreessen, the venture capitalist, NIMBY, and prolific blocker on Twitter; Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, who was recently revealed to have joined a November 2020 call about contesting Donald Trump’s election loss; and, of course, Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s co-founder and former CEO. Musk, arguably the most covered and exhausting of them all, has an inbox that doubles as a power ranking of semi- to fully polarizing people who have been in the news the past year.

Few of the men in Musk’s phone consider themselves his equal. Many of the messages come off as fawning, although they’re possibly more opportunistic than earnest. Whatever the case, the intentions are unmistakable: Musk is perceived to have power, and these pillars of the tech industry want to be close to it. “I love your ‘Twitter algorithms should be open source’ tweet,” Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of Palantir, said, before suggesting that he was going to mention the idea to members of Congress at an upcoming GOP policy retreat. Antonio Gracias, the CEO of Valor Partners, cheered on the same tweet, telling the billionaire, “I am 100% with you Elon. To the mattresses no matter what.”

Read: Elon Musk, baloney king

Few in Musk’s phone appeared as excitable as the angel investor Jason Calacanis, who peppered his friend with flattery and random ideas for the service. In the span of 30 minutes, not long after Musk’s bid to take the company private, Calacanis suggested a five-point plan for Twitter that would introduce a membership tier, creator revenue splits, algorithmic transparency, and changes to the company’s operations—including but not limited to moving the company from San Francisco to Austin. After pledging his loyalty (“You have my sword,” he texted Musk), Calacanis pushed new ideas for weeks. “Just had the best idea ever for monetization,” he wrote out of the blue, before suggesting a way that users could pay Twitter in order to spam their followers with promotional DMs.

“Imagine we ask Justin Beaver to come back and let him DM his fans … he could sell 1m in merchandise or tickets instantly. Would be INSANE,” he wrote, apparently adding an unfortunate instance of autocorrect to the historical record. According to the court document, Musk didn’t respond. Later on, Musk chastised Calacanis for trying to whip up public investments to finance Musk’s acquisition. This leads to a string of messages that read straight out of Succession:


Morgan Stanley and Jared think you are using our friendship not in a good way

This makes it seem like I’m desperate.

Please stop.


Only ever want to support you.

During Musk’s April media frenzy, the billionaire frequently demonstrated a shallow understanding of Twitter, suggesting contradictory policies such as banning spam and bot armies but also leaving up all content that is “legal.” (Spam, bot armies, and crypto scam hawkers are all technically legal.) Many of the ideas coming from his peanut gallery were equally poor. Döpfner, who is in charge of numerous media companies, including Insider and Politico, offered to run Twitter for Musk but seemed woefully unprepared for the task. In a novel-length text, Döpfner laid out his “#Gameplan” for the company, which started with the line item: “1.),, Solve Free Speech.” He alluded to vague ideas such as making Twitter censorship resistant via a “decentralized infrastructure” and “open APIs.” He’s similarly nonspecific with his suggestion that Twitter have a “marketplace” of algorithms. “If you’re a snowflake and don’t want content that offends you pick another algorithm,” he wrote Musk.

At one point in early April, Musk appears infatuated with his own idea to replace Twitter with a blockchain-based payment-and-message system. In a string of texts to his brother, the entrepreneur Kimbal Musk, he manages to convince himself that the idea could be huge and a way to crush spam while preserving free speech. In this preposterous scenario, users would have to pay a fractional amount of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin to post or retweet. Roughly 10 days later, Musk sends a different text noting that “blockchain Twitter isn’t possible.”

Read: Elon Musk already showed us how he’ll run Twitter

The texts also cast a harsh light on the investment tactics of Silicon Valley’s best and brightest. There’s Calacanis’s overeager angel-investing pitches, and then you have the more chill tactics of people like Andreessen, who in a tossed-off Twitter DM offered Musk “$250M with no additional work required.” “Thanks!” Musk responded. In a separate exchange, Musk asks Ellison if he’d like to invest in taking Twitter private. “Yes, of course,” Ellison replies. “A billion … or whatever you recommend.” Easy enough.

“This is one of the most telling things I’ve ever seen about how investing works in Silicon Valley,” Jessica Lessin, the founder of the tech publication The Information, tweeted of the Andreessen exchange. Indeed, both examples from the document offer a look at the boys’ club and power networks of the tech world in action. Is it surprising that rich people (including one of the world’s 10 richest men) are throwing money at their friends the way you might on a low-stakes poker night? Not really—and especially not when that man is the richest man in the world. But the eagerness to pony up for Musk and the lazy quality of this dealmaking reveal something deeper about the brokenness of this investment ecosystem and the ways that it is driven more by vibes and grievances than due diligence. Looking at these texts, it seems much easier to understand Andreessen Horowitz’s recent $350 million investment in WeWork founder Adam Neumann’s new real-estate start-up, or Bankman-Fried’s admission that most venture-capitalist investments are not “the paragon of efficient markets” and driven primarily by FOMO and hype. “Like, all the models are made up, right?” he infamously told Bloomberg last April.

What’s immediately clear is that many of the men in Musk’s phone are having fun with his Twitter escapade. It is an opportunity to blithely throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. They toss out phrases like “hard reboot” and “Day Zero. Sharpen your blades boys”—to cleave through what they see as an unnecessary and ineffective workforce, perhaps. They imagine massive revenue opportunities and sweeping changes that only they can usher in. For this crew, the early success of their past companies or careers is usually prologue, and their skills will, of course, transfer to any area they choose to conquer (including magically solving free speech). But what they are actually doing is winging it.

“I’m on 20 threads with people,” the former social-media executive told me. “And it’s literally like, Damn, they were just throwing shit at the wall. The ideas people were writing in, in terms of who would be CEO—it’s some real fantasy-baseball bullshit.” Despite all the self-mythologizing and talk of building, the men in these text messages appear mercurial, disorganized, and incapable of solving the kind of societal problems they think they can.

There is a tendency, especially when it comes to the über-rich and powerful, to assume and to fantasize about what we can’t see. We ascribe shadowy brilliance or malevolence, which may very well be unearned or misguided. What’s striking about the Musk messages, then, is the similarity between these men’s behavior behind closed doors and in public on Twitter. Perhaps the real revelation here is that the shallowness you see is the shallowness you get. Charlie Warzel is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the author of Galaxy Brain, a newsletter about the internet and big ideas.

These big tech oligarchs are proven to be sick, spoiled frat boys who think they are above the law and think that The White House and California Senators will never allow them to be arrested, indicted, exposed in #METOO, or interdicted. The leaks and the evidence we have provided to the FBI, FINCEN and INTERPOL may prove them wrong.