How Pedophiles and Electric Car Scandals Are Connected?


How Pedophiles and Electric Car Scandals Are Connected?


When you first heard about both of them, the idea of the most famous politicians, in your country, helping to organize, execute and operate, unspeakable crimes, on a national basis was inconceivable. It sounded “too far out”, “beyond logic” and “too wild”.

Each time those smiley-faced, affable, perfect hair-do-wearing, glad-handing politicians and technology billionaires picked up a baby and held it up before the press camera’s you didn’t shudder with revulsion, or question their ulterior motives…until now!

Later you heard rumors. Then you saw whispers on the alternative news. Then you saw articles in more main-stream news. Then there were documentaries on 60 minutes. In both cases, they began with a whimper and rose to a global out-cry.

In the case of the Famous Politician World Pedophile Ring, the details are hard to stomach:


A Documentary aired which exposed England’s VIP Paedophile ring. Its members included highly ranking individuals, some of which remain in power today. (

submitted 8 hours ago by OhBlindOne


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[–] Imdrasil 50 points (+50|-0) 8 hours ago 

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I’m 7 minutes in, this is just horrifying.

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[–] smoss 30 points (+30|-0) 7 hours ago 

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I’m half-way in….What the fuck. Nothing infuriates me more than taking advantage of others, specially young boys and girls.

How is it possible that these people can live knowing they’ve destroyed these kids, now adults, lives?

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[–] OmniscientGiraffe 52 points (+54|-2) 7 hours ago 

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Many politicians are sociopaths.

They don’t have a conscience like you or I do.

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[–] Totalbabe 16 points (+16|-0) 6 hours ago 

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Now, the infuriating thing will be, who sees punishment? I will guess noone. Yet there are people rotting in cells. Welcome to the world they’ve built. If you are rich, you get a pass. If you’re poor. God help you.

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[–] BaIoo 3 points (+3|-0) 7 hours ago 

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it’s deeply, deeply saddening.

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[–] Ladderjack 42 points (+42|-0) 8 hours ago 

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I’m hearing lots of terrible things about the people involved but. . .I’m not hearing much being done about it. Am I just not looking in the right places for news?

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[–] KinkRaven 39 points (+40|-1) 7 hours ago 

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Pretty much nothing is being done and nothing will.

Money talks and all that…

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[–] blanketswithsmallpox 17 points (+17|-0) 7 hours ago 

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It’d take some pretty huge balls and a good political backing for prosecutors to go after these men. They’d also have to drum up a lot of solid evidence before indictment. I’m sure there are people working on it behind the scenes we don’t know about but it’s hell waiting.

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[–] Guerilla 21 points (+21|-0) 7 hours ago 

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What a ridiculous question. Didn’t you already hear about the porn filter that BY PURE COINCIDENCE also bans political sites? Well, in case you didn’t know the filter is to protect the kids because child porn and porn is just one word difference. Also, they’re spying on you for your protection to find a capture pedophiles and terrorists.

Jesus dude, what more do you want? Actually arrest the pedophiles in their government? That sounds preposterous.

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[–] tazmanian 40 points (+40|-0) 7 hours ago  (edited 7 hours ago)

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I learnt two things from this video.

1.    There are sadistic creepy assholes everywhere in the world

2.    In Australia, 60 minutes only has 30 minutes.

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[–] magzy 11 points (+11|-0) 5 hours ago 

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Australia here. They did a couple of other segments in that show to make up the 60 mins.

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[–] cccmikey 1 points (+1|-0)  

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Including 12+ minutes of ads..

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[–] sneakybells 36 points (+37|-1) 7 hours ago  (edited 7 hours ago)

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Here’s an old post from /r/conspiracy that’s incredibly relevant.

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[–] lbruiser 16 points (+16|-0) 7 hours ago 

Top of Form If you are into that kinda thing.

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[–] sneakybells 8 points (+8|-0) 7 hours ago 

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just edited the post

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[–] Appex 3 points (+3|-0) 5 hours ago 

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Thats so fucked up..

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[–] WhoFramedReaderRabit 6 points (+6|-0) 5 hours ago 

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very interesting read, does anybody know why there are “satanic rituals” in many of these cases. It reminds me of True Detective.

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[–] sneakybells 10 points (+10|-0) 5 hours ago 

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It would make it easy to discredit the victim’s testimony in case they ever told anyone.

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[–] Lives 2 points (+4|-2) 3 hours ago  (edited 3 hours ago)

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It’s because this entire phenomenon is propagated by the psychopathic class of society that has come to be known as “the Illuminati” in popular culture, and these people are deeply involved in occultism. If you are interested in learning about the world view and ideology of these people, William Cooper (the guy who predicted 9/11 three months in advance and was subsequently murdered by the state), perhaps the most important “conspiracy” researcher of all time, did an incredible series about the history of the various secret societies and mystery religions that together form this psychopathic ruling classYouTube. If you’re more into reading, Cooper’s book Behold A Pale Horse is a good place to start getting into this subject.

This cult is a massive, generational, hereditary organization that uses sexual abuse, ritual abuse, and every form of physical and psychological torture, as means of “trauma based mind control” (this is a well researched subject, look it up) to turn the children of the adults involved into psychopaths who will carry on the tradition. These people sit at the top of all branches of society from politics, to academia, media, finance, business, and every other area.

An interview with one of the only people to have ever successfully escaped from the organization.YouTube

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[–] omanomonom 18 points (+18|-0) 7 hours ago  (edited 7 hours ago)

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How is this not on every social media site going, if new sites aren’t going to report it then the least we can do is all post this on sites like facebook and twitter.

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[–] iwillswiminyourblood 19 points (+19|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Comfortable people are easy to distract.

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[–] OmniscientGiraffe 9 points (+9|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Because people say “Well, what good will THAT do?”, fulfilling their own stupid prophesy.

Exposure is the only thing that will bring this scum to the surface.

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[–] losian 3 points (+3|-0) 3 hours ago 

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Oh yeah. It’s sorta like, oh I dunno.. the “yeah do your petitions you armchair activists” sorts, and the “Ron Paul will never be president” and the “Sanders will never be president” and all the other defeatist “why bother” bullshit. It gets spread around a lot online because online we have the ability to see and share stuff that’s a bit harder to control, people can be motivated and mobilized easier, so gotta be sure to get that heavy load of cynicism in there so folks go “yeah, you’re probably right, oh well” and return to their microcosm.

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[–] corrinee 12 points (+12|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Russell Brand’s take on the subject from January, 2015.

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[–] fuckyousantorum 11 points (+11|-0) 6 hours ago  (edited 6 hours ago)

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Yet, the BBC has not covered this documentary at all. Odd. And the MP who began this campaign has had to stop due to ‘depression’.

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[–] knightwarrior41 3 points (+3|-0) 4 hours ago 

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more likely he was blackmailed or menaced to stop.and dont think this just happens to england.i bet that the “network” extends all over the world actually

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[–] HST 5 points (+6|-1) 7 hours ago 

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I’ve never seen any title of an article and thought to myself “What does Russell Brand have to say about this?”

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[–] corrinee 5 points (+5|-0) 6 hours ago 

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Ha! As of one year ago I would have felt the same way! I have been watching his videos for a while and he has a lot legit thoughts and ideas. He is also a results driven individual, I like that in the people I listen to. Take him or leave him. I get it.

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[–] DeliciousGuave 11 points (+12|-1) 7 hours ago 

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Man, I really want to like the brits. I really try. But every time I refresh Voat, there’s some bad headline from the UK government. From the stupid to the depraved. Goddamn it britbros, get your shit together.

I have to add that my own government is a huge gathering of dipshits too. Which makes me feel even more for the UK population.

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[–] kierlan 9 points (+9|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Part of the problem is that the current government got into power with something like 30-40~ of the vote. So the majority did vote against them, but due to the way the system works they got into power regardless 🙁

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[–] DeliciousGuave 2 points (+2|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Gals me to no end. And the culprits keep on living as if nothing is wrong.

The rage!

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[–] obnoxiouscunt 1 points (+1|-0) 3 hours ago 

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I wouldn’t be surprised if this happens everywhere, not just Britain. Whenever powerful people with little empathy are made to feel untouchable and unaccountable they can indulge their most depraved fantasies with no consideration for the harm it causes others.

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[–] toats 0 points (+0|-0) 2 hours ago 

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Canada’s current government got in with a majority on only ~40% of voters.

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[–] DireFire 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago 

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[–] Katya 9 points (+9|-0) 6 hours ago  (edited 6 hours ago)

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In Pennsylvania Ex-sheriff Edward Bullock’s child sex assault case

Former county officers gave depositions claiming Bullock’s sexual transgressions were widely known among county workers and were often used as a subject for jokes, but nothing was done to stop Bullock from preying on boys.

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[–] HexTq 8 points (+8|-0) 6 hours ago  (edited 6 hours ago)

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–Looks at David Icke —

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[–] unixfreak 7 points (+8|-1) 6 hours ago 

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As each day unfolds, i would not be surprised if lizards really do control everything. I respect Icke for many of his controversial views, particularly with politics.

I just certainly hope that justice is served before more of these vile excuses die out. Leon Brittan was on the prosecuting table shorting before he died. The disgusting mug got away with it. Same as Cyril Smith and Jimmy Saville.

I’m just hoping the authorities start looking into the royal family. If there were any real justice in this world, Prince Charles would have been detained and questioned by now for his involvement with Saville.

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[–] j0b 2 points (+2|-0) 6 hours ago 

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He’s consistent. We’ll researched. Nutcase…

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[–] HexTq 2 points (+2|-0) 6 hours ago 

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More like you know shit happens when hes right

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[–] lbruiser 6 points (+6|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Download this now, this is so going to be pulled from youtube. Might I suggest youtube-dl

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[–] EchoingHell -1 points (+0|-1) 6 hours ago 

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That website is dodgy as hell

I would recommend against it

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[–] lbruiser 3 points (+3|-0) 5 hours ago 

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Dude it’s a github. The source code is open. If you don’t like the website pull it from your repository.

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[–] OmniscientGiraffe 6 points (+6|-0) 7 hours ago  (edited 7 hours ago)

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Mixed emotions.

This stuff absolutely kills me on the inside, however, I have massive amounts of hope that Voat will be instrumental in rooting out these kinds of evil people.

This is the kind of thing was suppressed, and only able to be found on /r/conspiracy due to corrupt admins/mods, and government requests to reddit to remove posts. There is a HUGE problem here, and a large part of the world coming to its next stage will be addressing these people.

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[–] OfficerBribe 1 points (+1|-0) 5 hours ago 

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It’s currently at the top of /r/documentaries – great sub

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[–] OmniscientGiraffe 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago  (edited 3 hours ago)

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Great site. We’re in the right place.

Take these inhuman animals down.

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[–] BritMilRep 5 points (+5|-0) 7 hours ago 

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It is majorly fucked up. I don’t get how people went along with the cover up. If I was a police officer and knew that someone was a pedophile and was ordered to shut down an investigation I would go to an alternate police force to report it. If they shut me down I would have no qualms about passing the information on to the media.

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[–] OmniscientGiraffe 8 points (+8|-0) 7 hours ago  (edited 7 hours ago)

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They kill people. Not trying to scare people off from taking a stand against this, but these pieces of shit have lots of money, and make people disappear (as you can see by the disappearances of kids).

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[–] klongtoey 2 points (+2|-0) 6 hours ago 

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“they kill people”

Jill Dando was looking into this. She was killed.

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[–] carnetarian 1 points (+1|-0) 6 hours ago 

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And then what do you do once you pass it onto the media, they report it, and nothing happens? That’s what’s already happening in real life

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[–] Deepfreezed 4 points (+4|-0) 7 hours ago 

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But they block all porn sites over there by default. How can such a think happen?

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[–] Toomanylamps 3 points (+3|-0) 6 hours ago 

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I can’t even imagine the intense suffering of these little ones. They have no clue why they’re suffering so much and don’t know how to stop it. I’m going to continue to pray for their hearts to be strong in the midst of suffering, that there would be escape for the little ones somehow, and that those in positions of authority would grow a pair and stop being despicable cowards! This is shameful that it is happening and no one is doing anything! Argh!

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[–] Pierogi 3 points (+3|-0) 6 hours ago 

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That guy from PIE is deeply disturbed. I found it very difficult to watch him.

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[–] I_Has_A_Hat 3 points (+3|-0) 6 hours ago  (edited 6 hours ago)

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I was a bit thrown there when they started playing the intro music for House of Cards at the beginning of the actual story.

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[–] Lives 2 points (+2|-0) 3 hours ago  (edited 3 hours ago)

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I’m glad this is getting some exposure on VOAT as it was always censored on Reddit. If you honestly, diligently look into this issue it will likely change your entire world view.

The cult perpetrating these crimes is a massive, generational, hereditary organization that uses sexual abuse, ritual abuse, and every form of physical and psychological torture, as means of “trauma based mind control” (this is a well researched subject, look it up) to turn the children of the adults involved into psychopaths who will carry on the tradition. These people sit at the top of all branches of society from politics, to academia, media, finance, business, and every other area. They are the group that has come to be known as the “Illuminati” in popular culture.

An interview with one of the only people to have ever successfully escaped from the organization.YouTube

A lecture by a woman who was used as a sex slave by prominent American politicians and controlled via trauma based mind control for decadesYouTube

As other commenters have noted, these crimes often have “satanic” or dark occult aspects. The secret societies and mystery schools that form the so called “Illuminati” are deeply involved in occultism and a dark occult world view ultimately motivates their entire project. If you are interested in learning about the world view and id
eology of these people, William Cooper (the guy who predicted 9/11 three months in advance and was subsequently murdered by the state), perhaps the most important “conspiracy” researcher of all time, did an incredible series about the history of the various secret societies and mystery religions that together form this psychopathic ruling classYouTube. If you’re more into reading, Cooper’s book Behold A Pale Horse is a good place to start getting into this subject.

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[–] Asstronaut 1 points (+1|-0) 7 hours ago 

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I can’t watch it before the suspects have been either cleared of the charges or sentenced. Else it’s just gonna leave me fuming.

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[–] OmniscientGiraffe 0 points (+0|-0) 7 hours ago 

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You can bet it won’t be “cleared”…

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[–] onlyinwisconsin 1 points (+2|-1) 7 hours ago 

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I don’t think I can watch this.

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[–] lifealert 1 points (+1|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Very Important Pedophiles… I’m so sorry.

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[–] PhKGn00bE 1 points (+1|-0) 7 hours ago 

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WTF UK? Seriously? wow

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[–] darkrit3 1 points (+1|-0) 7 hours ago 

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[–] Ebenbane 1 points (+1|-0) 6 hours ago 

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I hope this story never dies. I

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[–] Sosacms 0 points (+0|-0) 7 hours ago 

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Those Australian documentaries, come into other countries and have a go at their paedophiles.

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[–] BRockShooter 0 points (+0|-0) 7 hours ago  (edited 7 hours ago)

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I just…I don’t even know anymore.

This hurts to watch.

I don’t even know if this is anything appropriate for /v/TIL

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[–] PuppyChunks 0 points (+0|-0) 6 hours ago 

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Those few seconds of the “House of Cards” theme kind of threw me off for a second. I’m a little less than 5 minutes in, and damn, this is really, really fucked up.

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[–] WalrusTales 0 points (+1|-1) 6 hours ago 

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holy shit. this is just straight up terrifying. how is this not everywhere?


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[–] Vorontsov 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago  (edited 3 hours ago)

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Because they have lots of money and power, and the people are too concerned about the rights to go balls to balls, a confederate flag and trannies chopping their dicks of at their moment instead of real issues.

·         Also I don’t understand the point of a signature.

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[–] WalrusTales 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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Also, it’s b/c 2 of us use this account


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[–] Ladygnome 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago 

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… How can others in power justify not going after these monsters…?

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[–] FatFreddyFreekowtski 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago 

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Why didn’t they shoot that PIE fucker twice in the forehead like within 2 minutes.

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[–] Ladygnome 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago  (edited 5 hours ago)

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Someone was possibly/probably murdered for bringing this info to light.

I didn’t watch this documentary yet(although I think I’ve gathered the gist of it just through paying attention to folks comments here and elsewhere.) I’ll watch it after work, but I don’t know if the documentary included this bit on the killed guy.

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[–] CaptainJeanLucPicard 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago  (edited 5 hours ago)

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I’ve been looking through the lists of leading members of political parties who stood down at the recent election and there are some household names there. I’ve been generally looking at senior figures who are at the very least in their fifties or sixties. There’s a couple names where I’m thinking “I really hope it isn’t you”. This is the danger with the amount of speculation this documentary is giving us.

I can see why media companies in Britain might be wary about reporting on this. Even just looking at this shortlist you risk accusing the wrong person. If it’s true that one of those people raped this woman, then this is going to blow British politics apart. If any senior Tories were involved, then it will end the Prime Minister’s career.

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[–] Appex 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago 

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That show seems really sensationalistic. Or am i the onlyone thinking like that?

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[–] j0b 0 points (+0|-0) 5 hours ago 

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More at Ax3oyYGJEPU america

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[–] mburke1124 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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What the fuckGIF. Get your shit together UK. How is no one being held responsible. It’s Jerry Sandusky in the US only like hundreds of times worse.

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[–] Wasq 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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Working link please?

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[–] not-impressed 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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Can someone upvote my comment so I can upvote this?

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[–] chundernuts 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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Their parents send them off the the Paedophile Factory (Boarding School) at an early age.

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[–] 123_456 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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Upvoat so these fuckers get their reputations soiled.

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[–] MCFII 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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I often wonder if Stanley Kubricks Eyes Wife Shut was based off of this

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[–] Nicktdot 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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So the woman points to a photo, and the interviewer says: “this persion, until the recent election was a fairly senior member of a political party.”

So is Nick Clegg, or Ed Miliband a pedo?

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[–] GreenEye92 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago  (edited 4 hours ago)

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Was really going to post this but apparently it’s already here 😉

I’m not from England and this disgusts me. The guy saying age of consent should be 4? WTF?

PS: People from England post this on social media, and share with your relatives.

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[–] xX720-noscopeXx 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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I have always said that all the elite and especially the royals are in some sort of pedophile ring.

In my own experience where I am (Australia) police don’t really care about pedophiles and worry more about weed this may not be the rule but I once reported a guy that was trying to do pedo stuff to me and my friend and police where more worried about why I had given him money (for weed) they didn’t even give a fuck about some man trying to lure us into the toilets or touching my friend….

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[–] forgetmyname 0 points (+0|-0) 4 hours ago 

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“if he is good enough to keep voting, he should be good enough to stand trial “

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[–] praguepride 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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The creepy thing is that none of this is new news: Reported Nov. 14

It seems like there is this reoccuring theme where everyone KNOWS this is going on but the police in UK refuse to do anything to stop it and the press can’t report it for fear of libel.

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[–] Triquetrag 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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This is so disgusting, there has to be a different kind of person that just doesn’t have morals.

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[–] albatrosv13 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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Why no anons taking electronic evidence?

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[–] Pattoe 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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This does not surprise me. I’m a British citizen, I know that my country is horribly corrupt and lacks morals or ethics. I hate it but there is nothing I can do about it.

It seems most Brits care more about non-issues like immigration than the actual issues.

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[–] KelsoCal 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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Let us not pretend like something is going to happen. Aparently that made zero headway in the news when the “are you beach body ready?” Campaign hit. Talk about being upset about the wrong thing. This has nothing to do with fat vs thin either. It’s just wrong to view body shamming as news worthy when pedophiles walk the streets and run your country.

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[–] carloem 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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Is that the “Homeland” theme I hear?

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[–] carloem 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago 

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Q: What constitute consent?

A: The willing involvement of the child, it’s really quite simple.

A child cannot give consent, you perve!

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[–] Apathy 0 points (+0|-0) 2 hours ago 

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Happened in the US as well.YouTube Then it just sort of went away with nothing happening.

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[–] Tangent-love 0 points (+0|-0) 2 hours ago 

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say what you want about America, but if this documentary was about American government officials they would be arrested. money or no that shit would not stand here.

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[–] carlip 0 points (+0|-0) 2 hours ago 

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This is not just a British problem. It is global, when the power to govern is given to certain people, inevitably corrupt people will seek that power and use it for their enjoyment. This is why you cannot actually have a government of any sort.

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[–] lorlipone 0 points (+0|-0)  

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While this is important, I’m only here to bitch about you limeys’ use of extra letters. Come on, leave that to the french.

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[–] uncivilengineer 0 points (+0|-0)  

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I remember reading something about child abuses, non indexed websites, extensive surveillance and blood cults in a thread about bitcoin on 8chan a few years ago. Someone also made the connection between Shadowrun and the real world. Given the “colourful” nature of that website, I didn’t think nothing of it. But now… nothing is off the table.

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[–] craschnet 0 points (+0|-0)  

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I guess economic feudalism is truly in affect.

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[–] machina70 0 points (+0|-0)  

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Whom, it’s whom remain in power today.

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[–] magzy 0 points (+0|-0)  

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David Icke was right all along. It goes deeper – however. (cough royal family cough)

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[–] jlg97 0 points (+0|-0)   (edited )

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What’s also interesting is a solicitors firm called Farrer & Co are sending a shit load of takedown [notices] ( google to sites that have these allegations and far worse. It is worth bearing in mind though that some of these have stuff on there which complete nonsense.

However is this same firm is the one that the royal family and other VIP’s use so somebody must be worried.

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[–] magzy 0 points (+0|-0)  

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One of the reasons why they decided to do this story was because they couldn’t believe that so much of the English media wasn’t. I think to a large degree a large percentage of the British media has been complicit in covering it up

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[–] GizaDog 0 points (+0|-0) 34 minutes ago  (edited 33 minutes ago)

Top of Form even was all over this but still nothing happened. I mean really…what can you do about it? The government owns the law, the police, the judges and has endless amounts of money. If that does not work, they know how to make people disappear by “suicide”.

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[–] NothingIs0ver 0 points (+0|-0) 31 minutes ago 

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The fourth ring of the ninth circle of hell awaits these people.

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[–] goatHe -1 points (+0|-1
7 hours ago 

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Did the House of Cards ThemeYouTube throw off anyone else?

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So you have famous politicians raping and murdering young boys on an organized crime basis as part of a high-income perversion club.

Next you have famous politicians raping and American taxpayers on an organized crime basis as part of a high-income perversion club.

The similarities are shocking. Elitist billionaires, who controlled politics, went off and rigged government process, in a private criminal scheme, in order to put their fingers in places they didn’t belong. In one case they were rigging the system for sexual madness, in the other they were rigging the system for stock market madness. Many of the same characters are involved. Gawker’s Nick Denton worked with, knew and did political hit jobs for, participants in both cases. The same bankers, at HSBC and Goldman Sachs, ran banking conduits for the activities of both groups. The same people knew Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and other convicted felons… on, and on… Why do these arrogant billionaires try so hard to do the most disgusting things?

Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy, was placed in office by John Doerr’s Kleiner Perkins Cartel in order to effect an organized crime operation to steer taxpayer funds to John Doerr, Elon Musk and a cadre of Silicon Valley VC’s.

White House staff Rahm Emanual, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Bill Daley and Robert Gibbs, assisted in the scam by redirecting federal policy in order to implement the crimes. All of these staff suddenly quit the White House, when confronted about these suspicions.

A large portion of the crime involved manipulating mining stocks, with help from Goldman Sachs. In particular, Afghan lithium for Tesla and Fisker, and Afghan indium for the notorious FBI-raided Solyndra and Abound. Kleiner had relationships with Russian mobsters, for a portion of the middle-east commodities deals. Steven Chu gave federal money to Russian controlled companies as part of the scam. Goldman has now been caught doing the same kind of mining commodity stock manipulation.

Kleiner and Sachs promoted an extensive set of media releases entitled: “Afghanistan is the Saudi Arabia of Lithium” and “A TRILLION DOLLARS OF LITHIUM in Afghanistan” in order to market their profiteering scam. The scam was intended to provide the Silicon Valley Cartel with trillions of dollars of personal profits and the Reid, Feinstein (Who are shareholders in the stock deals) and Obama political campaigns, with back-door financing.

All competitors, to the Kleiner Perkins Cartel, had “hit-jobs” put on them by Chu, Doerr, Gibbs and Musk. The hit-jobs ranged from character assassination via Gawker Media, Media Matters and Think Progress, to economic attacks by In-Q-Tel, to political attacks via Sidney Blumenthal and New America Foundation. Every Dept. of Energy applicant that competed with Kleiner’s holdings was sabotaged by Steven Chu. History has proven that only Cartel companies received the DOE funding, and that all competitors, to Kleiner companies, were targeted by government officials, and Kleiner operatives, and terminated, or black-listed. A number of strange deaths of whistle-blowers are also under investigation.

All of the evidence from leaks, Chinese hacks, eye-witness reports, investigators, emails, HSBC and Welles Fargo leaks, offshore tax records, financial water-fall analysis, forensic accounting, surveillance, phone records, Senate testimony, and a host of other sources, appears to extensively confirm these charges and validate an organized cover-up.

Every single one of the suspects has received financial and career benefits from their crimes, which has now been tracked, and proven, by forensic legal accountants and FOIA disclosures.

Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians – Judicial 

… today released its 2012 list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians … Steven Chu: “The final … of Chu’s incompetence and corruption in a ……

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Steven | The Green Corruption Files

The Green Corruption Files. THE BIG GREEN CON: Exposing the largest, most expensive and deceptive case of crony capitalism in American history…

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Secretary of Energy Steven Chu – 10 Most Wanted

“The final decisions on Solyndra were mine,” said Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in his testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Oversight Committee on …

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Steven Chu Corruption Archives –

Dept. Of Energy Boss Goes “Full Crony” in Broad Daylight While the L.A. Times, and other recent articles, have exposed Elon Musk as the “King of the Kickbacks …

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Top 10 “Most Corrupt” List Dominated by Obama Administration

Top 10 “Most Corrupt” List Dominated by Obama Administration … Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, … on the widely respected corruption list was the use of …“most-c…

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Was Steven Chu “The Secretary of Corruption”? Where did that ..

It’s about CRIME Not About Politics. This case has nothing to do with political parties. It is entirely about organized crime and the theft of federal funds.…

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Steven Chu Reaches for the ‘Master Switch’ – POLITICAL …

Steven Chu Reaches for the ‘Master Switch … FIFA Corruption Scandal: The Best Memes – Hollywood Reporter; Jon Stewart Slams FIFA for 24 Years of Alleged …

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CORRUPTION NEWS: DC BEAT TOP NAMES IN THE ARTICLES: Robert Gibbs, Nick Denton, Adrian Covert, John Herrmann, David Plouffe, Dianne Feinstein…

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Steven Chu Corruption Archives – GOOGL

How Google’s owners use their company for revenge, political paybacks, and economic retribution attacks.

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Steven Chu must go – Energy Dept. Disaster | The SUA Blog …

Abysmal testimony before Congress, the scandals like Solyndra, gasoline prices, Chevy Volts, and the disastrous “green agenda” – Steven Chu must go now.…

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Steven Chu | National Legal and Policy 

National Legal and Policy Center is a nonpartisan foundation promoting ethics in public life through investigation, research, education and legal action.

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Steven Chu Corruption Archives – 


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10 Most Corrupt Politicians of 2012 – 

“The final decisions on Solyndra were mine,” said Secretary of Energy Steven Chu in … Chu’s incompetence and corruption … Corrupt Politicians for ……

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Steven Chu | National Legal and Policy Center

Steven Chu. GM-Funded EV Company Gives Up on DOE Loan, Ends Operations. Submitted by Paul Chesser on Mon, 03/05/2012 – 11:03 . In administrating its stimulus-fed loan …

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AMERICAN INNOVATION! – Egotistical billionaire control-freaks should not get to buy Washington and shut down inventors because they are not smart enough to invent new …

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Steven Chu Not Stepping Down As Secretary Of Energy …

Energy Secretary Steven Chu is planning to leave his cabinet post, Bloomberg reports. Chu, who was criticized for defending a $500 million federal loan to ……

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Steven Chu – Wikipedia, 

Steven Chu is an American physicist who served as the 12th United States Secretary of Energy from 2009 to 2013. Chu is known for his research at Bell Labs in cooling …

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Another Obama Green Project Folds after Getting Millions from …

Judicial Wat
ch • Another Obama Green Project Folds after Getting Millions from … you about all of our efforts to fight corruption, … (Steven Chu) guaranteed ……

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COLLUSION, CORRUPTION, YOUR MONEY: Home; In Honor of David Deitz; … Solyndra-Inc , Corruption,, Steven Chu , Westly Group , Politics …

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Newt Gingrich Calls For Steven Chu To Be Fired Over SolyndraYo

WASHINGTON — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Monday called for Energy Secretary Steven Chu to be fired for his decision to allow Solyndra to keep ……

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America’s Main Problem: Corruption Washington’s Blog

Corruption at the FBI lab led to the execution of scores of innocent people; … Secretary of Energy Steven Chu had assisted in the scam at the same time …


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Steven Chu Corruption Archives – THE NEWSY

WHITE HOUSE STAFF, TESLA MOTORS, GOLDMAN SACHS AND AN ORGANIZED CRIME SCHEME! Investigators say that, political operatives David Plouffe, Rahm Emanual, Steven Rattner …

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Solyndra Scandal’s Stench of Corruption and Incompetence …

Steven Chu; Solyndra Scandal’s Stench of Corruption and Incompetence. Use your key for the next article. Next: ……

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Will Solyndra Scandal Sink Obama’s Credibility With Voters .

… including Solyndra. One of those fundraisers was Steven Spinner, … Corruption is inherent to … We now know that Steven Chu was pushing hard to have ……

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Watchdog: 10 Most Corrupt Politicians – Fox NationYo

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, … • Secretary of Energy Steven Chu…

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Was Steven Chu “The Secretary of Corruption”? Where did that ..

Was Steven Chu “The Secretary of Corruption“? Where did that ……

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National Freedom Forum: Time To FIRE Secretary of Energy …

Egghead Secretary of Energy Steven Chu should be FIRED NOW. Chu is a Nobel prize winning physicist and radical environmentalist. In testimony before Congress, Chu…

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Steven Chu: No apology for Solyndra – Darren Samuelsohn …

Energy Secretary Steven Chu on Thursday declined an opportunity to issue a direct apology for Solyndra. “Based on what you know and what’s happened, who has to …

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White House Email: Energy Secretary Chu Must Go ‘As Soon As …

New internal White House emails reveal that a scathing critique of Energy Secretary Steven Chu by a former Obama political advisor was widely circulated at ……

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Solyndra Archives – CORRUPTION 

Why did Steven Chu give U.S. tax money to Ener1, Severstal and other Russian companies? Type “Dianne Feinstein Corruption” into the top 5 search engine windows and read the results.

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Steven Chu. Posted May 30, 2013 on Patriot or Traitor. Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) Energy and Oversight Committee exposed the full extent of Chu’s incompetence and corruption in a report citing “numerous…

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Steven Chu – Biographical

Steven Chu – Biographical. My father, Ju Chin Chu, came to the United States in 1943 to continue his education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in chemical engineering, and two years later……

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Steven Chu – Latest Headlines –

Steven Chu (born February 28, 1948) is an American physicist and the 12th United States Secretary of Energy. Honduras court orders corruption arrest of Congress vice president.

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Steven Chu

Fox News Guest Accuses Network Of Creating ‘Cloud Of Corruption’ Around Hillary Clinton490. GET UPDATES FROM Steven Chu.

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Steven Chu – Conservapedia

Steven Chu (b. February 28, 1948, St. Louis, Missouri) is a 1997 Nobel Prize-winning physicist, former director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and former Secretary of Energy. The Department of Energy is at the center of U.S. efforts to end the U.S.’s dependence on foreign oil…

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Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism..

…green-energy junk bond portfolio Energy Secretary Steven Chu Government Accountability Office government corruption green corruption Issa Obama bundlers Obama campaign backers Ohio…

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Steven Chu and his associates took specific action to damage any industry that competed with the – Rahm Emanuel’s senior aide in charge of finance was indicted for corruption and racketeering.…

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