Dating Sites Hacked Globally

.and yet ANOTHER dating site gets all of it’s users hacked and outed. is looking very sketchy

700,000 Muslim Match dating site private messages leaked online

150,000 user profiles bared to world+dog as well – report

Hackers have leaked the personal details of 150,000 users of the Muslim Match website after breaking into the niche dating portal.
Almost 150,000 user credentials and profiles, as well as more than 700,000 private messages between users, were posted online.
“These private messages cover a range of subjects from religious discussion and small talk to marriage proposals,” Vice’s Motherboard website reports.
A range of information including logged IP addresses and poorly hashed MD5 passwords was exposed by the breach. Some of the private messages contain Skype handles and other potentially sensitive information.
Troy Hunt has already added data from the leak to his breach notification site “Have I Been Pwned?”.
Circumstantially, evidence such as the format of leaked data suggests that SQL injection may have been used in the attack.
The Muslim Match website is not currently accessible to users, having put up a notice stating it is taking a short break for Ramadan, and had not responded to queries at the time of publication.
Muslim Match has become the latest in a growing list of dating or match-making sites to suffer a data breach. Previous victims have included and eHarmony, among others.