Let’s say that the stories that Elon Musk spends all day sending out press releases and “Troll Farm” blasts proclaiming that “Elon Musk is the greatest CEO in history” are true.

Let’s just say, for the sake of the discussion, that Elon Musk really was a shill for Silicon Valley’s multi-trillion dollar Afghanistan lithium mining scam. You know, the one that Silicon Valley, and Goldman Sachs, sent out all of pitches about there being “A Trillion dollars of lithium in Afghanistan” and “Afghanistan is the Saudi Arabia of Lithium”… So, we all do know that Musk took over Tesla (No he didn’t create Tesla, he took it away from the founders) and is building the Nevada factory with Harry Reid to exclusively exploit Lithium mining, right? That fact is inarguable.

Let’s say all of the scandal with mining magnate Frank Guistra, and foreign mining deals, really is a thing and that the mining deals that Solyndra, and all of those bankrupt Steven Chu companies had, was just part of a bigger scam are true…just for arguments sake.

Let’s say the revelations that the LA Times began, and hundreds of other journals have followed up on, about Musk being a professional Federal “kick-back King” and “Government trough feeder” are true.

So, it is hard to say if these things are this way, or that way, unless you could really get to the meat of the situation. Because Musk and the Silicon Valley mucky-mucks would have needed executives at top federal agencies to help them in such an epic scam, the only way to really know for sure is if the Chinese had broken into The Departments of Energy, Treasury, Justice, Defense, The CIA and The DNI.

But those Chinese guys aren’t that insidious are they? They wouldn’t just expose an epic crime just to cause trouble would they?

Guess what?

The Chinese have now posted the login and password information, across the whole internet, for The Departments of Energy, Treasury, Justice, Defense, The CIA and The DNI. The IN-Q-TEL domestic surveillance company: Recorded Future (See The Corbett Report story on them) has just revealed that all of those agencies files have been found to be wide open and under scouring by the Chinese, as well as any hacker that wants to deep dive into the darkness of political corruption..


Musk.. you are so screwed!