Facebook/Google/Twitter Cartel’s Desperate Attacks On The Truth

Facebook/Google/Twitter Cartel’s Desperate Attacks On The Truth




Facebook, Google, Twitter, Linkedin, Snapchat, Ebay are operated by a Cartel of infantile fraternity house yuppie elitist males who will engage in crimes and lies to protect their tax evasion, stock market rigging and political manipulation schemes. They need a complete FTC investigation..”




Fake news and the election: Why Facebook is polluting the media environment with garbage


Fake news and the election: Why Facebook is polluting the media environment with garbage (foxnews.com)


submitted ago by Joker68 to news (+7|-1)



Corporate Medias War on Fake News Is Being Used to Silence Dissent and Alt Media


Corporate Medias War on Fake News Is Being Used to Silence Dissent and Alt Media (thefreethoughtproject.com)


submitted ago by BlackTara108 to news (+139|-0)



Russia has banned LinkedIn


Russia has banned LinkedIn for bing a DNC/Soros front (uk.businessinsider.com)


submitted ago by roznak to technology (+78|-0)





Merkel With Obama: Internet 'Disruptive' Force That Has To Be 'Contained, Managed and Steered' by Government


Merkel With Obama: Internet ‘Disruptive’ Force That Has To Be ‘Contained, Managed and Steered’ by Government (breitbart.com)


submitted ago by fluxusp to technology (+51|-0)



A Non-Trump Supporter Thoroughly Shatters The Media Illusion That Trump Is Racist - Share This With Anyone Who Still Believes It


A Non-Trump Supporter Thoroughly Shatters The Media Illusion That Trump Is Racist – Share This With Anyone Who Still Believes It (slatestarcodex.com)


submitted ago by DinoRider to whatever (+32|-0)



The list of “fake news” sites being spread by MSM. George Soros and Silicon Valley Billionaires Outed As Force Behind “Fake News”, “Immigration”, “Trump is anti-Gay/Anti-Muslim” Campaigns (archive.is)


submitted ago by coinphrase to politics (+26|-0)




This campaign by Progressives attacking Facebook for “spreading fake news” is really about censoring Alternative Media and stinks of George Soros (v/whatever)


submitted ago by HitlerIsBlack to whatever (+31|-0)






Pizzagate: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washingtons Occult Elite


Pizzagate: How 4Chan Uncovered the Sick World of Washingtons Occult Elite (vigilantcitizen.com)


submitted ago by GizaDog to news (+147|-4)





Zero Hedge Targeted On Liberal Professor’s List of “Fake News” Sources | Zero Hedge (zerohedge.com)


submitted ago by Free_Radical to news (+96|-3)



Meet leftist prof who wrote hit list of fake news sites


Meet leftist prof who wrote hit list of fake news sites (wnd.com)


submitted ago by TREDDITFIRST to news (+9|-1)






German minister says Facebook should be treated as a media company


German minister says Facebook should be treated as a media company (reuters.com)


submitted ago by BOARDSISGREAT to news (+10|-0)






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