How You Know That The U.S. Justice System Currently Offers No Hope For U.S. Citizens:

In an election year, one would think that the current Administration would, at least make some effort to keep the public happy. You would think that they would make the slightest attempt to end corruption and crimes and provide restitution to Obama Administration managed victims of their executives crimes… NOT SO MUCH!

In the famous “XYZ CASE”, also known as “THE CLEANTECH CRASH” (HTTP://XYZCASE.XYZ  and HTTP://WWW.SLUSH-FUND.COM ) the absolute stone-walling efforts have become a public joke.

Victims of the crimes have tried every avenue of justice only to be thwarted by White House ordered cover-ups. They have tried:






Hard-Drives and/or thumbdrives and/or DVD file sets and/or web repository file sets have been provided to the following along with requests for justice, via either certified, time-stamped or delivery documented means.



Witnesses have filed the following time-stamped crime reports and witness interviews in this matter with the following parties. This is not an all-inclusive list. Media, public and intra-agency personnel should contact each party for status updates. Most would agree, Witnesses, plaintiffs and victims have attempted to seek justice through “all proper channels”:


Office Of The Special Counsel –
– Case opened and case numbers assigned


Mr. James Comey – Director – FBI
– Cases under way. No comment available on active cases.


Ms. Patricia Rich – San Francisco FBI
– Cases under way. No comment available on active cases.


Mr. David J. (DJ) Johnson – Chief – San Francisco FBI
– Cases under way. No comment available on active cases.


Duty Officer – San Francisco FBI
– Cases under way. No comment available on active cases.


Mr. Eric Holder – Attorney General – United States Of America
– Suddenly resigned or fired


Senator Barbara Boxer
– Refused to respond


Senator Mark Leno
– Refused to respond


Senator Jared Huffman
– Refused to respond


Representative David Chiu
– Refused to respond


Senate Department of The Environment (Over-Seeing Agency for U.S. Dept. of Energy)
– Senate agency office and Senator Bingaman sent copy of complaint to Steven Chu for his response. Chu ignored.


Mr. Chester L. Jordan, Esq. – Department of the Army Patent Counsel, Regulatory Law and Intellectual Property Division, U.S. Army Legal Services Agency
– Forwarded charges to superiors at Pentagon. Investigation under way. Multiple top level Pentagon executives, related to Afghan corruption, have now been fired. More are under investigation by Inspector Generals


Ms. Kristin Kohler – U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, JALS – RL/IP
– Forwarded charges to superiors at Pentagon


Mr. John Forrest, Esq. – Department of the Navy Patent Counsel
– Investigation begun


Mr. Barry A. Edelberg – Investigator, Office Of Naval Research
– Investigation begun


Ms. Kamala Harris – California Attorney General
– Refused to respond


Mr. Ken Alex – California Department of Justice
– Met witnesses for lunch, then refused to respond


Mr. Bill Lockyer – California Controller and California Attorney General
– Arranged tax give-aways to Tesla, Google and Solyndra, engaged in sex scandal, refused to supply same benefits to witnesses, forced out of politics


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
– Sent letter stating he was already invested out. Later found to have invested in witness competitors


Senator Darryl Issa
– Launched investigations and condemned suspects actions in public


Senator Chuck Grassley
– Launched investigations and condemned suspects actions in public


Senate Ethics Committee
– Launched investigations and condemned suspects actions in public


Rahm Emanual – White House Chief Of Staff
– Reported incident to Emanual senior staff. Emanual then quit White House


San Francisco Police Department – Northern Station, Case # Documented
– Opened active case files with active case numbers


Governor Jerry Brown
– Refused to respond


Securities and Exchange Commission
– Opened case. Investigation under-way. Received Do-not-investigate requests from West Wing


California Public Utilities Commission
– No response


Ms. Carol Battershel – U.S. Department Of Energy
– Quit


U.S. Government Accountability Office
– Interviewed witnesses and wrote multiple damning reports against suspects


Central Intelligence Agency
– No response from primary offices. Witnesses sued associated entity IN-Q-TEL for attacks on witnesses. Some agency staff provided assistance to Congressional investigators


Mr. Robert Gibbs – White House Press Secretary
– Witnesses provided Mr. Gibbs, and his full staff, with a complete written report of charges and asking for help. Mr. Gibbs suddenly resigned upon receipt of the report


Mr. Erick Strickland – Director, National Highway Safety and Transportation Agency
– Witnesses provided Mr. Strickland, and his full staff, with a complete written report of charges and asking for help. Mr. Strickland suddenly resigned within 48 hours upon receipt of the report


Mr. Steven Chu – Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
– Steven Chu resigned in shame after receiving witness demands for corruption investigation and was sued for corruption


Mr. Ernest Moniz – Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
– Refused to respond


Mr. Lachlan Seward – Loan Director, U.S. Department of Energy
– Lachlan Seward resigned in shame after receiving witness demands for corruption investigation and was sued for corruption


Mr. Daniel Cohen – Attorney, U.S. Department of Energy
– Daniel Cohen resigned in shame after receiving witness demands for corruption investigation


Senator Nancy Pelosi
– Refused to respond
– No response
– No response
– No response


– Conducting investigation
– No response


– No response
– Will look into the matter
– Will forward to superiors
– Taking a look
– It is outside of their authorization
– Will look into
– Cases are in development
– Reviewing
– Feds need to arrest them first


Ms. Marie A. O'Rourke - Victims' Rights Ombudsman, United States Department of Justice
- Not able to assist yet but accepted charges on federal employee

The Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board
- “We can't help”. Told victims they need to find at least $3 million to pay to sue the State of California
- Opened case

And hundreds more documented communications, almost all resulting in NO ACTION for justice and recovery for victims …







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