Valarie Jarett’s Delusional Rant That “Obama is Scandal Free” is destroyed by the Web

Here Are Every Single One Of President Barack Hussein Obama’s 633 Scandals

Remember when President Barack Obama and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett claimed that their administration has been devoid of any scandals?

The brilliant, hard-working geniuses at GRABIEN have compiled a list of 633 scandals — some of which are admittedly about as scandalous as Rosie O’Donnell eating a salad — that proves otherwise.

Take a look at the first 100 below:

  Agency Date Description Source
1 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 04/01/2010 Obama’s ATF, in tandem with the DoJ, arranged for thousands of heavy assault rifles to make their way into the hands of Mexican narco warlords, setting the stage for a mass slaughter of Mexicans (more than 300 to date). The Washington Times
2 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 06/28/2011 The Obama Administration fired the ATF whistleblower who exposed the Fast and Furious scandal. Fox News
3 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 12/07/2011 Documents reveal Obama’s ATF used “Fast and Furious” as part of a campaign for more gun control. CBS News
4 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 12/15/2011 More than 1,000 guns from Obama’s “Fast and Furious” program remain lost. The Washington Times
5 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 12/09/2013 Obama’s ATF used mentally disabled teens to run drug-and-gun stings. Reason
6 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 09/25/2013 The DoJ’s internal watchdog says the ATF let a confidential informant keep as much as $5.2 million from illicit cigarette sales. CBS News
7 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 09/25/2013 The DoJ’s internal watchdog says the ATF somehow “lost track” of 420 million cigarettes CBS News
8 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 08/04/2015 Guns from Obama’s “Fast and Furious” programs were used in the killings of at least two Americans, and probably more. National Review Online
9 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms 09/20/2015 Obama’s ATF is using its resources to threaten the makers of kombucha, a fermented tea with trace amounts of alcohol. The Denver Post
10 AmeriCorps 07/10/2009 After AmeriCorps’ Inspector General uncovered corruption in the office of an Obama ally, Sacramento’s major Kevin Johnson, Obama fired the IG. The Washington Times
11 AmeriCorps 07/10/2009 In firing AmeriCorps’ IG for doing his job too effectively, Obama broke a law that he as a senator sponsored. The Washington Examiner
12 Amtrak 05/31/2010 After Amtrak’s inspector general uncovered waste, fraud, and abuse within Amtrak, Obama fired him. The Washington Times
13 Barack Obama White House 09/11/2001 As recounted in his autobiography, Obama reacted to 9/11 by worrying it might dampen his political career on account of his middle name. The Audacity of Hope
14 Barack Obama White House 12/09/2008 Before he was even in office, Obama was enmeshed in scandal. He was accused of consorting with then-Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich over who would get his Senate seat, although he denied making contact with the governor’s office. However a witness says this wasn’t true, and Obama was pushing for Valerie Jarrett. TIME
15 Barack Obama White House 03/18/2009 When British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visited the White House, Obama gave him a bunch of DVDs as a gift (worse: they were in the wrong format). The Daily Telegraph
16 Barack Obama White House 03/24/2009 Despite running on a promise to go through the budget “line by line” to cut wasteful spending, Obama quadrupled the deficit in his first year of office. The Heritage Foundation
17 Barack Obama White House 04/15/2009 When one of his staffers referred to the pope as a “discredited leader,” Obama refused to say if he agreed. CNS News
18 Barack Obama White House 04/07/2009 Obama seemed to think Austrians speak “Austrian” The Washington Post
19 Barack Obama White House 04/17/2009 After enduring hours of anti-American speeches from crackpot South American leaders at the 2009 Summit of the Americas conference, Obama said … nothing. Bloomberg
20 Barack Obama White House 04/19/2009 When the Grateful Dead was in D.C. for a show, Obama made sure they paid him a secret visit in the Oval Office. The Washington Post
21 Barack Obama White House 04/19/2009 After Iran convicted an American journalist in a sham trial, the Obama White House was mute. Yahoo News
22 Barack Obama White House 07/09/2009 Breaking a decades long precedent, Obama happily met with then-Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi at a G8 Summit. Tripoli Post
23 Barack Obama White House 07/21/2009 After committing to cut a mere $100 million in spending in 90 days (around 1/10th of 1 percent of the budget), Obama missed his deadline. CNN
24 Barack Obama White House 07/29/2009 Despite publicly asking federal agencies to look for places to cut costs, Obama arranged a massive spending boost for a legal aid agency whose own inspector general accused it of wasting money on goodies for its execs. The Washington Times
25 Barack Obama White House 08/24/2009 Obama tried turning 9/11 into some kind of national holiday for liberalism. The American Spectator
26 Barack Obama White House 02/04/2010 Barack Obama, commander in chief, pronounced Navy “corpsman” like “corpse-man.” YouTube
27 Barack Obama White House 04/22/2010 While Obama hosted an Earth Day celebration in the Rose Garden, the Deepwater Horizon, which had been burning for two days, sank into the Gulf The Daily Caller
28 Barack Obama White House 04/23/2010 The Coast Guard announces 11 Deepwater workers are dead; Obama travels to N.C. for a vacation, where he eats BBQ with Michelle. The Daily Caller
29 Barack Obama White House 04/24/2010 Coast Guard announces oil is spewing into the Gulf; the Obamas continued their vacation The Daily Caller
30 Barack Obama White House 04/26/2010 After an attempt at stopping the leak fails, the spill is now the size of Rhode Island; Obama hosts a ceremony with the Yankees and then plays a round of golf The Daily Caller
31 Barack Obama White House 04/28/2010 The spill rate is upgraded to 5,000 barrels/day; Obama spends the day doing political events in Illinois The Daily Caller
32 Barack Obama White House 04/29/2010 Louisiana Gov. declares a state of emergeny as the 600 mile spill is just 16 miles off the coast; Obama delivers a speech on cybersecurity and meets with FEMA — about hurricane preparedness The Daily Caller
33 Barack Obama White House 05/01/2010 Efforts at stopping the leak continue to fail; Obama attends the White House Correspondents Dinner to tell jokes. The Daily Caller
34 Barack Obama White House 05/08/2010 BP’s “containment dome” fails to contain the leak; Obama plays golf at Arkansas’ Fort Belvoir The Daily Caller
35 Barack Obama White House 05/09/2010 Tar balls begin reaching the Alabama coastline; Obama delivers a commencement address at Hampton Univ. The Daily Caller
36 Barack Obama White House 05/17/2010 By now the spill rate has been upgraded to 50,000 barrels/day; Obama hosts UCONN’s women’s basketball team at the White House The Daily Caller
37 Barack Obama White House 05/18/2010 Oil balls are now washing ashore in Fla.; Obama meets with members of the Democratic Caucuses The Daily Caller
38 Barack Obama White House 05/22/2010 The spill continues unabated; Obama announces a renovation project at the White House and delivers another commencement address The Daily Caller
39 Barack Obama White House 05/26/2010 The spill continues unabated; Obama hosts the U.S. World Cup soccer team and Duke’s basketball team The Daily Caller
40 Barack Obama White House 05/28/2010 Obama makes a brief visit to Loisiana to inspect the recovery efforts, then heads on vacation The Daily Caller
41 Barack Obama White House 05/29/2010 Obama tried to illegally bribe a Democratic senatorial candidate (Joe Sestak) out of running. CNN
42 Barack Obama White House 09/13/2010 After the Gulf disaster was finally contained, Obama commissioned a taxpayer funded study to see what Americans thought of his handling of the crisis Yahoo News
43 Barack Obama White House 12/17/2010 When Obama met with elementary school children in Virginia, he read them his own book. USA Today
44 Barack Obama White House 01/10/2011 He called France, not Britain, America’s strongest and oldest ally. The Daily Signal
45 Barack Obama White House 01/22/2011 Against advice, Obama invited China’s government to a White House state dinner; the Chinese pianist ended up playing an anti-American tune during the event. The Epoch Times
46 Barack Obama White House 02/08/2011 Under Obama, regulations soared to more than 1,500/year (by contrast Congress averages 200 laws/year). The Competitive Enterprise Institute
47 Barack Obama White House 02/14/2011 For months Obama deflected calls to act on the deficit/debt by creating a commission to handle the issue; when the commission issued its report, Obama ignored it entirely. The Heritage Foundation
48 Barack Obama White House 02/17/2011 After Obama touted China’s high-speed rail system as a model for America, the system announced it’s fighting corruption and insolvency. The New York Times
49 Barack Obama White House 02/23/2011 Despite taking credit for disposing of Gaddafi, Obama was the last Western leader to speak in favor of regime change. The Washington Post
50 Barack Obama White House 03/08/2011 Since taking office, Americans’ share of the debt increased $50/day. The Washington Times
51 Barack Obama White House 03/10/2011 Obama said he would like to be president of China so that criticism of him could be outlawed. The New York Times
52 Barack Obama White House 06/16/2011 When business leaders came to meet Obama at the White House to discuss improved relations, they left “infuriated” with his behavior. The Washington Post
53 Barack Obama White House 07/23/2011 During a debt ceiling debate, Obama claimed 80 percent of Americans wanted higher taxes as part of the deal; a Rasmussen poll that week showed that just 34 percent thought so. Human Events
54 Barack Obama White House 08/11/2011 After Obama touted China’s electric car makers, they soon thereafter began focusing on gas engines. Future of Capitalism
55 Barack Obama White House 10/11/2011 Obama wanted to apologize to Japan for America dropping nukes during WW2, but Japan told him not to. Investors Business Daily
56 Barack Obama White House 10/25/2011 GAO report says Obama broke the law in using taxpayer funds to host bilateral China talks focused on aerospace The Washington Examiner
57 Barack Obama White House 10/31/2011 Bypassed Congress on student loans, contracts, drugs, and mortgage legislation. The Daily Caller
58 Barack Obama White House 11/08/2011 Generally ignored South America despite consequential developments during his presidency. The Washington Post
59 Barack Obama White House 12/10/2011 Despite campaign promise to retain ban on slaughtering horses for meat, he ended the ban. NewsBusters
60 Barack Obama White House 01/25/2012 During his State of the Union address, Obama misquoted Lincoln. Human Events
61 Barack Obama White House 02/20/2012 The Obama White House somehow spelled Rhode Island as “Road Island.” The Daily Mail
62 Barack Obama White House 02/21/2012 Two of Obama’s three biggest bills were only accomplished through political bribery. The Daily Signal
63 Barack Obama White House 02/22/2012 He threatened Israel not to protect itself against Iran’s nuclear threat. The Wall Street Journal
64 Barack Obama White House 03/01/2012 During an interview with Grantland’s Bill Simmons, Obama claimed to have known about then sensation Jeremy Lin before anybody else in the world. New York Magazine
65 Barack Obama White House 03/01/2012 Despite a recent scandal involving throwing like a girl on national TV, Obama boasted Bill Simmons he’s actually an incredible athlete. NewsBusters
66 Barack Obama White House 03/01/2012 During an interview with Grantland’s Bill Simmons, Obama claimed he was “way ahead of the curve on the podcast thing.” Grantland
67 Barack Obama White House 03/07/2012 More than half of Obama’s big money contributors received plum payouts or positions. The Washington Post
68 Barack Obama White House 03/08/2012 Tried to bribe Israel to promise not to challenge Iran while he was running for re-election. Reuters
69 Barack Obama White House 03/15/2012 While mocking Republicans’ lack of historical knowledge, Obama mangled history himself. ABC News
70 Barack Obama White House 03/19/2012 On the campaign trail, Obama often talked about how his cancer-stricken mother had to battle insurance companies to receive payments; in fact that was not true. The Washington Post
71 Barack Obama White House 04/03/2012 Despite having taught constitutional law, Obama badly misstated the Constitution during an unscripted effort at defending ObamaCare (eventually forcing the DoJ to issue a “correction”). The Wall Street Journal
72 Barack Obama White House 04/09/2012 Obama’s senior adviser, David Plouffe, violated the Hatch Act by participating in campaign activities. He went unsanctioned. The Washington Free Beacon
73 Barack Obama White House 04/13/2012 After repeatedly bemoaning the injustice of Warren Buffett’s secretary paying a higher net tax rate than Warren Buffett, it was revealed Obama also pays a lower rate than his White House secretary. ABC News
74 Barack Obama White House 04/17/2012 Obama signed an executive order giving himself power to regulate anything to do with water (even non-waters) Human Events
75 Barack Obama White House 04/22/2012 As a candidate, Obama ran afgainst the use of signing statements and executive orders; as president he did a 180. The New York Times
76 Barack Obama White House 05/02/2012 A pro-life Chinese dissident sought protection from the U.S.; the Obama State Dept. tricked him into coming to our Beijing embassy, where he was promptly returned to the Chinese (facing possible execution). HotAir
77 Barack Obama White House 05/02/2012 Obama admitted having invented a central character in his supposedly nonfiction autobiography (his girlfriend). Politico
78 Barack Obama White House 05/09/2012 While still supposedly opposed to gay marriage, Obama lectured North Carolina about his “disappointment” in their constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. The Hill
79 Barack Obama White House 05/10/2012 As a candidate, Obama ran on an anti-gay marriage platform; once in office, he announced he supports gay marriage. CNN
80 Barack Obama White House 05/15/2012 Obama’s White House quietly inserted him into existing biographies of past presidents. Commentary Magazine
81 Barack Obama White House 05/20/2012 Despite his promise to keep lobbyists away from his administration, visitor logs showed their visits were frequent. The Washington Post
82 Barack Obama White House 05/24/2012 If the government used the same budgeting rules it forces on the private sector, it’s annual deficit would actually be $5 trillion (not $1.3 trillion). USA Today
83 Barack Obama White House 07/04/2012 Despite boasting of imposing tough sanctions on Iran, his administration granted waivers to all 20 of Iran’s primary trading partners The Wall Street Journal
84 Barack Obama White House 07/12/2012 Obama’s “jobs council” was packed with companies known for outsourcing. The Huffington Post
85 Barack Obama White House 07/26/2012 The White House Facebook page somehow misspelled “Americans” The New York Daily News
86 Barack Obama White House 09/12/2012 Under Obama, the number of regulators grew more than 25 percent. The Washington Post
87 Barack Obama White House 09/20/2012 Obama’s White House staff was also caught up in the Colombia prostitution scandal. Fox News
88 Barack Obama White House 09/20/2012 Obama Admin. regulations cost businesses $1.8 trillion in lost revenue, more than 20 times the White House’s estimate The Washington Examiner
89 Barack Obama White House 09/23/2012 Obama kicked off his Middle East foreign policy by condemning U.S. foreign policy in the region until his presidency; by 2012, opinions of America in the Middle East were worse than when Obama arrived. Reuters
90 Barack Obama White House 09/25/2012 At a United Nations meeting, Obama skipped out on meeting with his counterparts so he could instead focus on his re-election campaign. Associated Press
91 Barack Obama White House 10/04/2012 Obama touted his “balanced approach” to debt reduction, but it was actually 88 percent percent tax hikes. AEI
92 Barack Obama White House 10/10/2012 Obama crafted a tax plan that would have lowered taxes on the millionaires working in the White House. The Washington Free Beacon
93 Barack Obama White House 10/25/2012 When Obama met the father of one of the men who died trying to save America’s consulate in Benghazi, the father described Obama as cold, impersonal, and ungrateful. The Weekly Standard
94 Barack Obama White House 11/01/2012 The Obama Administration regularly ignored a law requiring information about the impact of proposed regulations. The Daily Signal
95 Barack Obama White House 11/23/2012 The number of Americans on food stamps outnumbers the population of 24 states combined. Breitbart
96 Barack Obama White House 01/03/2013 Obama’s vice president quickly developed a reputation for copping feels whenever meeting the wives of his colleagues, at one point even saying “Spread your legs I’m going to frisk you.” HotAir
97 Barack Obama White House 01/19/2013 On a per-household basis, Obama’s first term raised the national debt more than 42 presidents in 53 terms combined. CNS News
98 Barack Obama White House 01/26/2013 Despite promising to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term, Obama actually did the opposite, doubling it to $1.1 trillion. Congressional Budget Office
99 Barack Obama White House 02/11/2013 Under Obama, food stamp rolls have grown to more than 47 million — greater than the entire population of Spain. CNS News
100 Barack Obama White House 04/22/2013 An official with the UN Human Rights Council said Americans got what they deserved in the Boston Marathon bombing; the Obama Administration did not respond. Breitbart

To see the remainder of the scandals, please head over to GRABIEN. I tried posting all of them here, but then my browser began to repeatedly crash …


As I indicated earlier, some of these “scandals” are clearly non-scandal scandals. That Obama once accidentally called France, versus Britain, America’s strongest and oldest ally does not concern me too much.

However, the underlying point is this: The claim that the president’s administration has been scandal-free is some straight-up FAKE NEWS!