Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on $8.3 MILLION in income and the DOJ REJECTED U.S. attorney bids to bring charges in Washington D.C. and California, IRS whistleblowers reveal in bombshell testimony

DOJ REJECTED  bids to bring  Hunter Biden charges in DC and California, whistleblower says

The powerful House Ways and Means Committee released bombshell new whistleblower testimony claiming that Hunter Biden failed to pay taxes on $8.3 million in income and the Department of Justice denied to bring charges in other states. The testimony revealed that U.S. Attorney David Weiss – the Trump-era holdover who prosecuted the case against Hunter Biden – asked for special counsel status and was denied by the Department of Justice. Weiss also allegedly tried to bring charges against Hunter in Washington D.C. and California in the fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January 2023. Weiss said in a letter to lawmakers earlier this month the DOJ granted him ‘ultimate authority’ on when and where to bring charges.

‘I am sitting here with my father’:  Hunter Biden sent WhatsApp message to Chinese associate while he was with dad Joe to threaten him over a business deal, IRS whistleblower claims

The president’s son was staying at the guest house of Biden’s Delaware home when  he wrote to Henry Zhao on July 30, 2017, threatening him to follow his ‘orders.