Wherefore Art Thou Nick Denton’s Soul (NSFW)

Wherefore Art Thou Nick Denton’s Soul (NSFW)

Editorial By Susan Duncan

Other publications have referred to Nick Denton as an “accused pedophile”. They appear to be referring to the fact that Nick Denton has been parading a man around who he says is his “legal husband”, Denton’s association with the British Pedophile Scandal and friends of head-pedophile Epstein, the many blogs by young boys who Denton abused, the news articles about the young boy who claims that Denton pried his butt cheeks open and drove his penis into his rectum followed by having the lad take his ejaculation in his mouth (That boy put a brick through Denton’s window, according to news publications). Denton, himself has admitted to his homosexual cravings in national media.

While the intern lawsuits and sexual scandals of Denton may be making top slots in the tabloids, that isn’t the top story with Denton. There is so much more.

Well-known-pedophile Nick Denton sells hit jobs on people.

The notorious Silicon Valley attack rag, a facade of Denton’s, called ValleyWag, was shut down. Valleywag relied on naive young 22-somethings to write up the dirt they could find on the insane, misogynistic, intern-raping, anti-black frat house Silicon Valley billionaires. They did what they were supposed to do but they dug to long and too deep and they woke the Balrog.

Alas, for the starving interns, it turned out to be a case of Biting the Hand That Feeds.

Denton shut ValleyWag down and fired most of those starving 22-somethings, who were under the impression that they were doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. That didn’t go over well with the 22-somethings. As with other intern disasters at Gawker Media, the interns revolted and are now spilling the beans on Nick Denton.

It turns out, ValleyWag was beating up on the very people that Nick Denton was paid by. Denton decided ValleyWag had to die. The naive interns were finding out too much about the pack of dogs that Denton shared his bowl with.

After years of network metric analysis, a detailed archive of Gawker editorial content and publishing charts and the loose lips of some very pissed-off former interns and employees, the truth is out on Denton and it is bigger than his buggering. TAKI Magazine began the age of exposure on Denton with a flaming screed on Denton. Over 7 concurrent lawsuits against him, and Gawker Media, with even bigger litigation on the way, blew the flames into an inferno.

The reality turns out to be that Nick Denton’s Gawker Media is a front for a certain group of extremist left-wing billionaire campaign financiers, but Denton takes orders directly from The White House for the hit jobs and character assassination articles he runs against Obama’s enemies.

John Doerr, Elon Musk, Tom Steyer, Eric Schmidt, Steve Jurvetson and the other insane billionaires of Silicon Valley conduit cash to Denton, who sends it to his Cayman Islands accounts, who launder it through HSBC and other off-shore tax evasion routes, who send it into PACS as campaign contributions. In fact Larry Page and Eric Schmidt are now under investigation, by numerous entities around the world, for tax evasion. Already in those investigations, it has been shown, on financial records that tens of millions of dollars from Google accounts were transferred to Gawker Media. Google says that the money was “just for advertising, blogging services and outreach” but it is now clear that Google was conduit-ing cash for White House hit-jobs.

The head of EBAY funds the White House. Now Denton has stated that Gawker is moving into his New York offices and will become a “political journal”. This has to be the biggest joke of the century. All Gawker ever did was publish covert political screed shrouded by rudimentary two-headed baby supermarket tabloid stories, designed to act as cover for Gawker’s true purpose: to kill people’s brands and careers on the say so of the White House.

Denton and Silicon Valley spread some of their character assassins around to their other left-wing extremist media outlets. Denton’s cabin-boy character assassin: Adrian Covert was sent to CNN MONEY to help direct business attacks against GOP business owners and to help glorify White House mooch Elon Musk. Nick Cook was sent to control Glen Greenwald’s THE INTERCEPT. (He was soon fired, though, when Greenwald realized he was a planted shill)

The FBI, The SEC and Interpol, along with international anti-trust and tax evasion investigators, have a new-found interest in Denton. The EU is keenly interested in his relationship with the deeply hated Google. More potently, a number of lawsuits are flowing, like a tsunami, at Denton. Most interesting is the Hulk Hogan lawsuit. It appears that Gawker set Hogan up in a hidden camera sex video sting in order to kill his brand and prevent him from becoming a spokesperson for a candidate in the 2016 elections. This lawsuit is very important to Hulk Hogan and, also the Entire GOP administration.

Denton has openly stated that the Hogan lawsuit alone could wipe out Gawker.

What Denton means, though, is not so much that a court award to Hulk Hogan will financially wipe out Gawker Media, and Denton, but that the revelations that will come out in the Hogan trail, or over 9 other follow-on law suits, will expose the emails, texts, HSBC records and phone dockets that prove that the White House and the most famous names in Silicon Valley put kill orders out on American taxpayers.

Can you spell F-E-L-O-N-Y ?

So you have interns ratting out Denton, The EU investigating, boy sex slaves, Hulk Hogan and more, but guess who is going to put the nails in Denton’s coffin? Denton himself!

Meet a hacker known as “Guccifer”. This bored Romanian blue collar guy found out that almost every network and email system in the world could be hacked with a very simple trick.

If you think Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are the king of the leakers, you are wrong. They have nothing on old Guccifer. Deriving his name from a combo of fancy fashion designer Gucci and the devil himself: Lucifer; he has truly opened the gates of hell on the rich and famous.

Guccifer got into everything. He created the Hillary Clinton email scandal. He got into the Bohemian Club. He E-raped the elite of Silicon Valley and he ravaged Washington DC’s top staffers and the press offices of the great and mighty. Not only did he go in and get all of this stuff, he left the doors opened and other hackers followed him through those golden doors, including Russia and China. So everybody that hates Denton, and his handlers, now has all of their own inside emails proving the crimes. Guccifer proved that an “Illuminati-like” conspiracy of rich buddies actually exists. He found his targets because they were all communicating with each other. Sid Blumenthal would be talking to Hillary and so he went over and look at Hillary’s stuff. Hillary was talking to John Doerr so he went over and looked at John Doerr’s stuff, and on and on. They all were in an incest-ridden little corruption club.

They all, stupidly, cross-coordinated their little plots via email, or their associates did. The web was tight and the members were only a few hundred strong. With Outlook and Thunderbird email systems, tracking message adjacencies with only a few hundred folks is a very simple task.

Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr has been hacked by Guccifer and had his Kleiner Perkin’s office broken into by a “state sponsored agency”. 60 Minutes did an episode called The Cleantech Crash. This news broadcast began to reveal that a handful of Silicon Valley men had put their friends in charge of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Energy Department plants by John Doerr, and his buddies, handed Doerr, and his buddies, hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars exclusively. Anybody who tried to compete with them, or rat them out, got a hit-job put on them by Gawker Media. That hit job was ordered by the White House press office, paid for by the Silicon Valley Cartel and delivered by Nick Denton’s Gawker Media empire, each and every time.

A historical web analysis shows lock-step synchronization between the Gawker hit-jobs, White House enemies lists and perceived slights by White House “enemies”. CBS News Cheryl Attkisson has deeply documented these hit jobs and many other network news teams have deeply documented evidence they are able to share which confirms the ordered character assassinations.

While this may sound like a complicated story. It is actually quite simple.

Let’s review:

Nick Denton works for the White House and their Silicon Valley billionaires. Nick Denton wants his twisted anal sex but, more than that, he wants to damage others. He gets paid to damage others, via Silicon Valley campaign finance billionaires. All the bads guys in Denton’s club got ratted out by their own employees and emails. Now Denton is the one about to get pounded in the ass.